

单词 night life
释义 night life短语⁴³³³²

the entertainment available to people seeking nighttime diversionthe activity of people seeking nighttime diversion as at the theater, a nightclub, etc.;

a futile search for intelligent nightlife

in the summer the nightlife shifts to the dance clubs

近义词 nightlife夜生活
用作名词Night in Pairs begins at midnight,as you may know.如你所知,巴黎的夜生活是从午夜开始的。
People in the city are able to find morenight lifethan those who live in the country.城市里的人比乡下的人能找到更多的夜生活。 And so for me, for a holiday, I will definitely come to London, enjoy the culture, enjoy the sights, enjoy the night life and the good restaurants.
想要度假的话,伦敦一定是我的首选,在这里体味文化,欣赏美景,享受夜生活,品尝美食。 hjenglish

It was open all night, had great coffee and fruit pie, and was full of characters from New Haven’s night life.
那个餐馆是通宵营业的,拥有上好的咖啡和水果馅饼,而且里面全是纽黑文夜生活的各色人物。 yeeyan

The beautiful architecture and vibrant night life are one face of the city, but cities also have problems of inequality, crowding and poverty.
雄伟的建筑和充满活力的夜生活固然是城市的一面,但城市中也同样存在不平等、拥挤和贫困的问题。 hjenglish

There is far more night life in the city than in the country.

With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit.
旧金山白天骄阳当空,夜生活热闹繁华,是个适宜于居住和旅游的好地方。 kekenet

With the city’s music-charged night life, slaughterhouse- chic restaurants and post- industrial revival, it helps to have a guide.
这个城市歌舞升平的夜生活,屠宰场时尚餐厅还有后工业化的复兴,如果有一位导游,你会更好感受个中风情。 yeeyan

I want to go to a lively resort where the night life is good.
我想去一个夜生活丰富,富有活力的地方度假。 blog.sina.com.cn

Let me ask you one last question.95 Magazine is all about Taipei night life.

Most don't draw throngs of tourists or boast enviable night life.
其中大多数并未吸引来成群的游客,也不拥有令人羡慕的夜生活。 yeeyan

Our friendly and local staff are only to happy to show you where the hip and exciting Sydney night life is!
我们的友好、本地的职员仅仅到对高兴给你看新潮、令人激动的悉尼夜生活在哪儿! mt.xmu.edu.cn

Terence came in late again. He must overdo the night life.
泰伦斯又迟到了。一定是夜生活过度。 iciba

The first goal is to be able to function and be comfortable in a night life environment.
第一个目标就是要让自己在夜晚的环境里也能感到轻松自在。 yeeyan

The night life in Xian has a unique glamour.
西安的夜生活具有独特的魅力。 ebigear

The night life is very thrilling and exciting and Caribbean offers a vast variety of cuisines from French to Spanish.
这里的夜生活令人激动、兴奋,因为加这一地区提供了法国和西班牙的各式各样的美食。 kekenet

Where is the most exciting night life in town?
市区最精彩的夜生活在哪里? iavetaiwan

You can then enjoy the best of New Orleans's night life with as many as one million other party revelers!




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