释义 |
niger delta 基本例句 尼日尔三角洲 More than 200 foreigners have been seized in the Niger Delta since early 2006.自从2006年初以来,已经有200多名外国人在尼日尔三角洲遭到绑架。 The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.谁曾想到,尼日尔三角洲地区的动荡竟能引起蛋价上涨呢?! None of the many militant organizations in the Niger Delta has claimed responsibility for the latest abductions.尼日尔三角洲有许多激进组织,不过还没有任何组织宣布对星期五发生的绑架事件负责。 Nigeria: Rump Niger Delta including Port Harcourt; States of Kano, Kanduna, Lagos, Ondo and Plateau. The Niger border.尼日利亚:尼日尔三角洲尾部包括哈科特港,卡诺,拉各斯,卡杜纳,翁多和高原地区。尼日尔边界地区 Nigerian militant groups in the conflict-riven Niger Delta have been handing over weapons as part of a government amnesty which expires on Sunday.位于阿尔及利亚因冲突而分裂的尼日尔三角洲武装组织正上缴其武器,该行动是政府特赦的一部分,于本周日到期。 |