

单词 nicknamed
释义 nick·name·d 英'nɪkneɪm美'nɪkneɪm 高COCA²⁰⁹³⁸BNC²³³⁵⁹Economist¹³⁷²²
n. 绰号¹; 昵称⁶⁰v. 给…取绰号原型nickname的过去式和过去分词名词nicknamer过去分词nicknamed现在分词nicknaming三单nicknames
C绰号,诨名; 昵称

familiar or humorous name given to a person instead of his real name

a familiar name for a person often a shortened version of a person's given name;

Joe's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph

Henry's nickname was Slim

a descriptive name for a place or thing;

the nickname for the U.S. Constitution is `Old Ironsides'

give a nickname to15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古英语的eaca,意为增加近义词 pet name
用作名词n.She called me by my nickname.她叫我的外号。
Rob is a nickname of Robert.Rob是 Robert的昵称。
用作名词We often call him by hisnickname.我们经常叫他的绰号。
Everyone on the team was tagged with anickname.队里的每个成员都给起了一个绰号。
Jess is just mynickname- my real name is Jessica.杰西只是我的昵称,我的真名是杰西卡。
Yournicknamelets a person worry for you.你的昵称让人替你担心。as in.name
同义词 call,designate,dub,identify,nicknamebaptize,characterize,christen,classify,define,denominate,entitle,label,nomenclature,style,tag,term,ticket,titlecognominate,give a handle,put tag on
反义词 ignoreas in.tag
同义词 identifyadd,adjoin,affix,annex,append,call,check,christen,designate,docket,dub,earmark,fasten,hold,mark,name,nickname,style,tack,tally,tap,term,ticket,title,touch
反义词 cancel,detach,ignore,let go,loosen,release,stop,subtract,unfastenrun awayas in.designate
同义词 label,nominatebaptize,call,christen,denominate,dub,nickname,style,term,titlecognominateas in.dub
同义词 designate,nicknamebaptize,bestow,call,christen,confer,denominate,entitle,knight,style,tag,term,titleas in.entitle
同义词 designatebaptize,call,characterize,christen,denominate,dub,nickname,style,subtitle,term,title Affectionately nicknamed“ Mr. Blobby, ” this fathead sculpin fish was discovered in 2003 in New Zealand during a Census of Marine Life expedition, according to the Australian Museum in Sydney.
位于悉尼的澳大利亚博物馆称,这种胖头杜父鱼是2003年在新西兰的一次海洋生物普查中发现的,他们亲切地给它起了个绰号“松胖先生”。 yeeyan

Ever since his boyhood the Indian chief had been renowned for a methodical manner. His intimates nicknamed him“ Slow”.
这位印第安酋长从儿时起,就以有条不紊的性格而声名鹊起,好友们给他起了个绰号“慢”。 ecocn

Hatoyama has been nicknamed'the alien' by his party in a gentle stab at his physical appearance.
由于外表看上去有些冷漠,他所领导的政党给他起了个绰号叫“外星人”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Mr Schröder was nicknamed the Genosse der Bosse bosses’ buddy for seeing through unpopular labour and tax reforms.
施罗德识破了不受欢迎的劳工和税制改革,因此有了 “老板们的兄弟” 的绰号。 ecocn

The children nicknamed her“ Glasses Aunt” because she wore her glasses all the time.
孩子们给她起绰号为“眼镜阿姨”因为她整天戴着眼镜。 ebigear

“ Robocop”, as he is nicknamed, has since been re-elected twice.
“机器警察”是他的绰号,自那时起已经连任两次。 ecocn

Aerogel is nicknamed“ frozen smoke” and is made by extracting water from a silica gel, then replacing it with gas such as carbon dioxide.
气凝胶的一个绰号是“固态烟”,通过从硅胶中抽去水分代之以气体比如用二氧化碳制成。 yeeyan

Among the major Olympic venues, only the National Aquatics Center, nicknamed the Water Cube, has had a productive afterlife.
在奥运会主要场馆中,只有绰号水立方的国家游泳馆具有较强的生存能力。 yeeyan

And even more incredible is the bar at the top of the mountain run by a long haired wild- eyed Barba, nicknamed after the Hollywood muscleman, John Claude Van Dam.
更让你难于置信的是,山顶酒吧的经营者的竟是一位长头发宽眼睛的巴尔拜人,他的绰号是以好莱坞的打手约翰•克劳德•范•达姆命名的。 kekenet

Citigroup had a former CIA boss to grill executives, while Lehman had an ex- rear admiral to confront its combative boss and an economist nicknamed“ Dr Doom” to temper its rabid spirits.
花旗集团有前中央情报局人员来审问经理人,雷曼有前海军少将来对付好事的经理,还有一个绰号“劫数博士”的经济学家来缓和这种狂躁情绪。 ecocn

He studied English literature at Princeton University, where he was apparently nicknamed“ Stinky” because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends. Charming!
他在普林斯顿大学主修英国文学,由于他言辞犀利讥讽,当时在朋友们中间获得了“臭臭”的绰号。 eol

In the palace, the First Lady was nicknamed“the bulldozer,” for the way that she flattened aides and even the President.
在国宫内,第一夫人绰号“推土机”,这缘于他摆布助手乃至总统的方式。 yeeyan

Indeed, they are sometimes nicknamed“ solid smoke”.
实际上,人们有时候称其绰号“固体烟”。 ecocn

Munley, a diminutive cop nicknamed Mighty Mouse who was serving on the base's Special Reaction Team, moved quickly to take him down and was shot in the leg and arm in the ensuing exchange of gunfire.
蒙莉是一名身材娇小的警察,绰号大鼠,曾服役于胡德堡基地的特殊反应部队,她快速移动将哈桑放倒,自己也在交火中被击中腿部和胳膊。 yeeyan

No wonder it's nicknamed“ the king of chemicals”.
它的绰号“化学品之王”不容置疑。 yeeyan

ROME— Park Ji-sung, Manchester United’s tireless midfielder from South Korea, is nicknamed Three Lungs for his remarkable endurance.
罗马——朴智星,曼联队来自韩国不倦的中场球员,三肺的绰号得名于他异常的忍耐力。 yeeyan

The Coast Starlight used to be nicknamed“The Coast Starlate”, but a recent deal gave Amtrak right of way on the tracks ahead of freight trains and that's keeping passengers on time.
海岸星光线曾经有“海岸星晚”的绰号,但是最近美国铁路公司取得了旅客列车的先行权,火车可以准点了。 yeeyan

The cub, nicknamed“ Jarhead” got its head stuck in the container while foraging in the bins around the town of Weirsdale.
这只昵称“罐子头”的小熊在韦尔斯代尔镇附近的垃圾箱中觅食时,不慎将头部套进罐子中。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The German aeronautical pioneer, nicknamed“the flying man, ” died after a glider crash in August 1896.
这位德国的航空先驱,绰号“飞人”,于1896年在一架飞行器坠毁事故中死去。 yeeyan

There is no stopping the man once nicknamed the “ comeback kid”.
这个曾经被冠以“起死回生小子”绰号的人一刻也没有停息。 ecocn

Two Austrian nurses nicknamed“ death angels” after killing at least20 elderly patients are to be released early from prison next month.
两个绰号为“死亡天使”的澳大利亚护士,杀了至少20名老年病人,将在下个月从监狱提早释放。 yeeyan

Nicknamed“ Little Sweetie” after a comic- book character with a similarly beguiling smile and sense of style, her picture was a constant presence in the local papers.
她的绰号“小甜心”来自于一本漫画书,书中人物带有类似的迷人笑容和时尚感。她的照片不断见诸报端。 ecocn




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