

单词 nick name
释义 nick name nɪkneim 短语⁷³⁸⁰²
In section three, it analysis the Bairin Mongolian People's names from its different meanings, such as the wishes towards the bright future, commemorates something, natural phenomena and nick name.
第三章、从意义角度分析巴林蒙古族人名,分类为:期盼美好、纪念某一事情、以自然万物为命名以及昵称等四个部分。 fabiao

A different view of DF4D. I forgot to tell you that its nick name is tiger.
另一个角度看 DF4D,忘记说了,它的外号是老虎。 railway-club

Crisis has a nick name called“ critical decision”.
危机的别名叫临界决策; kekenet

For his distinct, flamboyant design style, McQueen earned a nick name“ Bad Boy of British Fashion.”
由于独特而艳丽浮夸的设计风格,麦克奎恩得到一个昵称“英国时尚界的坏男孩”。 transcn

If Rome has a nick name, it must be Romance.
如果罗马有一个小名的话,那么一定是浪漫。 blog.sina.com.cn

Linda always gets annoyed when someone calls her nick name.
当有人叫她的绰号时,琳达总是变得很生气。 pallasa

So I have got a nick name: happy bean.
所以我有一个小名叫“开心果”。 younger365

What is your nick name?
你的昵称是什么? tiantianyingyu




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