

单词 art nouveau
释义 art nouveau 英ˌɑːnuːˈvəʊ美ˌɑrnuˈvo;英ˌɑːtnuː'vəʊ美ˌɑːrtnuː'voʊ 
About1900 however he felt the impact of Lautres and of the currently fashionable Art Nouveau sweeping Europe.
但是大约在1900年他受到了劳特累克和当时正流行的横扫欧洲的新艺术运动的影响。 arting365

Caption:4. Majolica House; Vienna, Austria: Whimsical, singular, and down-right amazing, Otto Wagner's masterpiece is one of the greatest products of the Art Nouveau movement.
描述:4。马略尔卡住宅;维也纳,奥地利:怪诞,奇异,惊人,奥托瓦格纳的作品是新艺术运动中最伟大的作品。 cnnas

Dynamic, undulating, and flowing, with curved' whiplash' lines of syncopated rhythm, characterized much of Art Nouveau. Another feature is the use of hyperbolas and parabolas.
动态,波动,流动以及切分韵律的弯曲的“鞭绳”轨迹代表了大部分新艺术主义的特征,另一个特征为双曲线和抛物线的运用。 yculblog

His dedication to something even bigger than the ego of an architect sets him apart from others who have built odd and surprising buildings. Art Nouveau got its inspiration from nature.
他专注于高于建筑师自我的某项事情,这种决心将他与一般的建造怪诞诡异建筑的人分别开来。 yeeyan

In chapter 2, I introduce some Art Nouveau jewelers and find their relationship.
第二章介绍了新艺术时期主要的几个首饰设计师,以及他们之间的关系。 fabiao

It combines a meticulously restored early2Oth century Art Nouveau building, and contemporary comfort.
它结合了20世纪早期严谨的新艺术主义和现代舒适风。 yeeyan

It had become a prized example of Art Nouveau, in his stained- glass windows and jewellery as well as his paintings.
它已经变成法国新艺术运动的珍贵典范,那就是他的彩色玻璃窗、首饰和画作。 ecocn

Japanese wood-block prints, with their curved lines, patterned surfaces, contrasting voids, and flatness of visual plane, also inspired Art Nouveau.
日式木版拓印,它们有着弯曲的线条,布满花纹的表面,对比性的留白以及栩栩如生的平面,这些都给予新艺术主义以灵感。 yculblog

Klimt's appeal to hippies, and a revival of interest in art nouveau, marked the beginning of increased awareness.
克利姆特对美国嬉皮士所引起的吸引力,以及对新艺术的兴趣复苏,标志着人们提高对艺术认识的开始。 ecocn

With the opening of Das Triest in 1995, Vienna finally had its own hip hotel centerpiece a sharp contrast to the city's charming, late19th- century Art Nouveau architecture.
1995年,达特里斯特酒店对外开放,维也纳最终拥有了自己的时尚酒店,而酒店的装饰风格与维也纳19世纪后期的新艺术建筑之风,形成了鲜明对比。 qiuyang

Art Nouveau in architecture and interior design eschewed the eclectic revival styles of the Victorian era.
新艺术主义在建筑和内部设计避免了维多利亚时代的折衷复兴形式。 yculblog

Art Nouveau is considered a' total' style, meaning that it encompasses a hierarchy of scales in design— architecture;
新艺术主义被认为是一种全方位的形式,也就是说它涵盖了建筑设计; yculblog

Art Nouveau jewelry has its unique character, it's character represented in curve, material and subject matter.
新艺术运动时期的首饰具有非常特别的个性特征,这些特征体现在曲线、材料、题材上。 fabiao




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