

单词 niceness
释义 niceness 英naɪsnəs美naɪsnəs 高COCA⁶⁰⁰³⁸BNC⁴⁶⁴³⁸iWeb³⁹¹¹⁸

a courteous manner that respects accepted social usagethe quality of nicethe quality of being difficult to detect or analyze;

you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew

近义词 kindness仁慈subtlety微妙precision精确politeness礼貌反义词 nastiness污秽

Niceness always leaves endless aftertaste in people.美好的事物总使人回味无穷。
In some professions,nicenessdoes not get you very far.在某些行业,谨慎从事成不了大事。
Niceness always leaves endless aftertaste in people.美好的事物总使人回味无穷。noun.accuracy
同义词 exactitude,precision,suretynoun.kindness
同义词 care,discernment,politeness,prudence,refinement,tact,taste
affabilitynoun amiability
congenialitynoun amiability
congenialnessnoun amiability
ordernoun lawfulness
calm,control,decorousness,decorum,discipline,goodness,integrity,law,law and order,niceness,orderliness,peace,peacefulness,probity,properness,propriety,quiet,rectitude,rightness,seemliness,suitability,tranquility,uprightness And as soon as things turn up again, all agree, the extra niceness will vanish.
大家都同意,一旦事情有所起色,这些额外的友善将消失殆尽。 ecocn

And because your niceness is why I get to take vacations, I thought I'd share them with you.
考虑到是因为你们的善意,让我得以有这个美好的假期,我想我应该和你们分享一下这些照片。 renren

Arguably, the European model has more niceness built into it than the American version, thanks to social safety nets of various sorts.
欧洲模式比美国模式要有更多的好处,这要归功于其形式各样的社会保障网络。 ecocn

The outbreak of niceness has eroded their fear and they are no longer alert to danger.
其乐融融的气氛蚕食了他们的畏惧心理,他们对危险也不再警觉。 yeeyan

The price of niceness they pay is the inability to deal with anger in an appropriate way.
为此,他们付出得代价时无法用一种恰当得方式发泄愤怒。 yeeyan

The work shows a goddess with a flower ring in hand. It shows the praise of niceness and love of life by romantic skill.
作品表现的是一个拿着花环的女神形象,以浪漫主义手法表达了对美好事物的赞美、对生活的热爱。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn

A glance at the thousands of foolish‘reader reviews' on Amazon, with their complaints about ‘dislikeable characters', confirms a contagion of moralising niceness.
扫一眼亚马逊网站上数以千计的愚蠢的‘读者评论’,以及他们对于书中‘可憎的人物’的抱怨,就可以证明说教性的高大全形象在到处蔓延。 ecocn

But overall, we have moved into a vicious cycle of niceness.
但总而言之,我们已经进入美好事物的叠加循环中。 yeeyan

He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.
他称颂鳄鱼的漂亮,当鳄鱼们在暖和的烂泥中懒洋洋地晒太阳,或在舒适的长草坡上,一只鳄鱼的前足趴在另一只鳄鱼的背上时,他拍摄它们。 ecocn

In these political and economic circumstances, modesty and niceness are a sensible strategy.
这种政治经济环境下,谦逊友好不失为明智之策。 ecocn

Most likely to be damned by faint praise: Women, who the researchers found are far more likely than men to be lauded for their all-around niceness.
最有可能被咒骂的赞美:研究者发现女人比男人更容易因她们的全面的美好而被赞美。 yeeyan

Most of the time, niceness are always breakable easily like the glass.

Mr Cameron had to show competence ahead of niceness.
卡梅伦应该在展现出能力的前提下显示亲民。 ecocn

Next to Mr Pearce's aggression, Mr Lewis embodies niceness and politeness.
在皮尔斯的强烈攻势之下,刘易斯却是典型的谦谦君子,彬彬有礼。 ecocn

Problems get buried when“ niceness” is more important than realism and honesty.
当“做好人”比真相和诚实更重要时,问题就会被覆盖,淹没。 yeeyan

Thanks to you all and your wonderful niceness, I've gotten to see most of the places on my list on tour.
谢谢你们还有你们的美好的善意,我得以在这次巡演过程中,去了很多在清单上的那些地方。 login.sina.com.cn

There are all sorts of quibbles to be raised against this renewed emphasis on niceness.
有各式的借口可提出来反对再次强调亲民姿态。 topsage

Walter’s most salient quality, besides his love of Patty, was his niceness.
沃尔特有两点最为显著的性格特质:爱老婆,是个大好人。 yeeyan




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