

单词 nice
释义 nice 英naɪs美naɪsAHDnīs


pleasant; agreeable


kind; friendly


needing precision and care; fine; subtle

a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera
pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance;

what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty

nice manners

a nice dress

a nice face

a nice day

had a nice time at the party

the corn and tomatoes are nice today

socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous;

from a decent family

a nice girl

done with delicacy and skill;

a nice bit of craft

a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer

a nice shot

excessively fastidious and easily disgusted;

too nice about his food to take to camp cooking

so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow

exhibiting courtesy and politeness;

a nice gesture


❌ This is a nicely day for picnic.

✔️ This is a nice day for a picnic.



❌ He was not very nice with me at the dinner party.

✔️ He was not very nice to me at the dinner party.

表示“对…友好”,应该说be nice to…,其中介词to不能用with替代。


❌ It was nice for him to send me a birthday card.

✔️ It was nice of him to send me a birthday card.

在It is/was nice of…的句型中, of用来引出不定式的逻辑主语, of不能用for来替代。


❌ Most people like to go home to a nice and tidy house.

✔️ Most people like to go home to a house nice and tidy.

带有nice一词的形容词短语如nice and tidy, nice and clean, nice and smart等常放在它们所修饰的名词后面。

nice, beautiful, fine, pretty, wonderful


beautiful形容人时,常指人的外貌、外表美。nice与wonderful意思相近,形容人时多指人的行为、性格美;如形容人的外表一般要用look nice或look wonderful,nice在口语中使用普遍。fine描述人时,指人的品质“优秀”,举止“文明”,具有内在的美; 描述物时,指制作“精细”“雅致”,具有艺术欣赏价值; 描述言辞、衣物时,指“漂亮的”“华丽的”; 描述天气时,指“晴朗”。pretty用于形容女性或小孩时,侧重指小巧玲珑之美。例如:

She is very beautiful.她漂亮极了。
He is a nice〔wonderful〕 man.他是一个好人。

She looks nice〔wonderful〕.她看上去很美。

He's very fine musician.他是一个优秀的音乐家。
It rained all morning, but turned fine later.一早上都下雨,但后来转晴了。
You are always a very pretty girl.你一向是位漂亮的姑娘。nice, decent, decorous, proper, seemly


nice, fine, good, well

这组词都有“好”的意思。其区别在于:good意为“好”,常用词,含义很广,一般用作定语和表语; fine主要指质量、特点、能力方面的“好”,语气比good强,也可指健康状况,相当于well; nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官,使人感到喜悦,感到舒适; well主要指人的健康状况好,只用作表语,有时也可指情况状态正常,良好。例如:

He is a man of good family.他是一个家世很好的人。
He is living in a fine house.他住在一幢华丽的房子里。
We had a very nice trip to the Jiangnan Park yesterday.昨天我们去江南公园畅游了一番。下列三句意思相同:

She is nice to work with.

It is nice to work with her.

It is nice working with her.与她一道工作真来劲。pleasant,agreeable,nice





来自法语nice,笨的,傻的。来自拉丁语nescius,无知的,ne-,无,没有,-sci,知识,知道,词源同science。后来词义反转的赋予了诸多褒义色彩。比较silly。 nice来自法语nice,笨的,傻的。来自拉丁语nescius,无知的,ne-,无,没有,-sci,知识,知道,词源同science。后来词义反转的赋予了诸多褒义色彩。比较silly。 science来自古法语science,知识,学习,习得。来自拉丁语scientia,知识,学识,专长。来自scire,知道,了解,字面意思即区分,鉴别。来自原始印欧语*skei,砍,切,劈,分开,词源同shed, shin, scythe。词义演变比较intelligence,智能,智商,原义为选择和区分的能力。后词义专门化为科学。 silly来自古英语saelig,高兴的,愉悦的,无忧无虑的。来自原始日耳曼语*seligaz,高兴的。来自原始印欧语*sel,高兴的,词源同solace, console。后词义由高兴的,无忧无虑的引申为傻里傻气的,愚蠢的。词义演变比较nice,好的,原义为无知的。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词nice day美好的一天nice distinction细微的区别nice little girl可爱的姑娘nice mess弄得一团糟nice person令人愉快的人nice point of law法律上难以决定之处nice remark令人愉快的言语nice smile令人愉快的微笑nice taste宜人的味道nice time玩得开心nice weather好天气副词+~awfully nice确实好看especially nice特别好particularly nice非常好的specially nice特别和蔼~+介词nice about form拘泥于形式的nice in sb's dress穿着讲究的nice to对…很友好的nice to the taste味美的nice with对…很友好的
用作形容词adj.nice and

很,挺 agreeably

故事记忆别再玩 Dice骰子先吃块 Ice冰块给你些 Advice建议我不说 Twice两次:做人要 Nice好浪费了 Rice大米很高的 Price价格那是个 Vice罪恶要小心 Police警察故事记忆猫吃 Mice老鼠 Mouse的复数味道 Nice好想吃 Twice第二次非常记忆n门〖编码〗+ice冰〖熟词〗⇒门上结冰了,真好看故事记忆吃着 Rice米加点 Ice冰口喊 Nice好近义词 goodtidypoliteamiablecarefulaccurateagreeable反义词 nastycarelessunpleasantdisagreeable
~+ n.We're thinking of moving and we looked over a couple of nice houses at the weekend.我们想换个地方住,周末我们去看了几栋漂亮的房子。
You're looking as pretty as a picture,Granny, in your nice new blouse, and you've done your hair too.奶奶,你穿着那件漂亮的新的罩衫,又梳了头发,看起来很漂亮。
We choose her a nice birthday present.我们给她挑选了一件精致的生日礼物。
He has a nice ear for music.他对音乐听觉很敏锐。
We ended our meal with a nice dessert.我们那顿饭最后吃的是美味的甜食。
That's nice strawberry jam.那草莓酱非常好吃。
Why didn't you select a nice subject?你为什么没选一个好题目?
It's a nice day.今天天气真好。
The wind is a nice air in autumn.秋天风是凉爽的。
She was the nicest person I know.她是我所认识的最和善的人。
She used to be such a nice girl until she went wrong, now there's little hope for her.她失足以前一直是一个挺正派的姑娘,现在几乎是无可救药了。
He goes about with a nice group of boys.他跟一些不错的小伙子结交。
Tom got himself in a nice fix.汤姆使自己处于困境。
It was the third nice and long lecture that he delivered this week.这是他本周作的第三次冗长的演讲了。
That's a nice way to welcome your aunt, staring at the television!你光知道盯着电视,你姨妈来了就这样对待她真不像话!
There is a nice distinction between the two words.这两个词有细微的区别。
This is a nice experiment.这是一项须谨慎进行的试验。
S+be+~I really don't know which to choose, because they are both very nice.我真不知道该选哪一个,因为两个都很漂亮。
The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in.如果把这些管子嵌入墙内,浴室就会好看多了。
They've gone to a lot of trouble and the room looks very nice.他们费了很大工夫,房间看起来很不错了。
The dish tastes nice.这道菜味道很好。
These kind of trees are nice if you like them.要是你喜欢,这几种树就很好。
You are much too nice.你实在太好了。
Tom is nice, but his brother is evennicer.汤姆不错,但是他的兄弟更好。
The weather is nice.今天天气很好。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is very nice in his food.他吃东西挑肥拣瘦。
He is very nice in his eating.他吃东西很讲究。
He is nice in his appearance.他很讲究仪表。
She is nice in her dress.她对衣服很挑剔。
She's not too nice in her business methods.她的经营方法不敢恭维。
This dish is nice to the taste.这道菜味道鲜美。
The woolen sweater is nice to the feel.这件毛衣摸起来柔软细致。
She is nice to her neighbour.她对邻居很友好。
I know you don't like him but try to be nice to him.我知道你不喜欢他,不过还应尽量对他友好些。
She is nice to her husband's father and mother.她对待公公婆婆很贤惠。
You weren't very nice to me last Saturday, were you?上星期六你对我不太好,是不是?It is/was+~+to- vIt's nice to sit down after being on my feet all day.站立一整天之后坐下来真舒服。
It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
It's nice to have seen you.和你相识很高兴。
Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。It is/was+~+ v -ingIt is nice meeting you.见到你很高兴。
It was nice seeing you.这次见面很高兴。It is/was+~+of sb+to- vIt's nice of you to help him.你帮他的忙,真太好了。
It was nice of you to invite me to tea tomorrow, but I'm afraid I can't get away.感谢您请我明天去喝茶,可是我怕脱不了身。Pnice-lookinga.好看的Pnicelyad.漂亮地谨慎地恰好地Pnicetyn.美好准确精密拘泥细节纤细Povernicea.过分讲究的过于吹毛求疵的过于审慎的


nice的基本意思是“美好的,美妙的,令人愉快的”。用于物时指能引起快感或赞赏之情; 用于人时,指人心地善良,态度友好,行为正派。有时用作反语,表示“糟透的,困难的,讨厌的”。nice还可表示“精细的”“细微的”,指良好的辨别力,特别是把非常好的和一般的区分开的能力,尤其侧重于智力方面,也指须要细微处理才能解决的问题。

nice可用于会见某人时的客套语,刚见面时接动词不定式to see you,告别时其后接动名词或动词不定式的完成式meeting〔to have seen〕。

在“nice and+ adj. ”结构中,nice and是加强其后形容词的语气的,表示“很,非常”,通常用于口语中,置于所修饰词之后; 还可用作反语,意思等于quite, very。

“nice of sb to- v ”结构,可表达对某人所做的善良的事抱感激之情。


用作形容词It's aniceday today.今天天气很好。
Howniceof you to do that!你那样做真是太好了!
I brought her a verynicepresent from Soochow.我从苏州给她带来一件美妙的礼物。
People there are veryniceto tourists and foreigners.那儿的人们对待旅行者和外国人都非常友好。
Did you have aniceholiday?你假期过得愉快吗?
There is anicedistinction between the two words.这两个词有细微的区别。adj.likable, agreeable
同义词 cordial,ducky,fair,friendly,good,kind,lovely,okay,superior,swell,welcome,winningadmirable,amiable,approved,attractive,becoming,charming,commendable,considerate,copacetic,courteous,decorous,delightful,favorable,fine and dandy,genial,gentle,gracious,helpful,ingratiating,inviting,kindly,nifty,obliging,peachy,pleasant,pleasurable,polite,prepossessing,seemly,simpatico,unpresumptuous,well-mannered,winsome
反义词 aloof,bad,cool,disagreeable,mean,ugly,unacceptable,unfriendly,unpleasant,unsociable,unsuitabledisordered,horrible,imprecise,nasty,repulsive,unlikable,unmannerly,unrefinedadj.precise, neat, refined
同义词 dainty,fine,hairsplitting,minute,particular,right,tidy,trimaccurate,becoming,befitting,careful,choosy,conforming,correct,critical,cultured,decent,delicate,discerning,discriminating,distinguishing,exact,exacting,fastidious,finespun,finical,finicking,finicky,fussy,genteel,meticulous,persnickety,picky,proper,respectable,rigorous,scrupulous,seemly,squeamish,strict,subtle,trivial,virtuous,well-bred
反义词 coarse,imprecise,inexact,rough,sloppy,undiscriminatingbad,disagreeable,disordered,horrible,nasty,repulsive,unlikable,unmannerly,unpleasant,unrefined
affableadjective friendly
agreeableadjective pleasing
acceptable,dandy,delicious,delightful,enjoyable,fair,fine,gratifying,hunky-dory,mild,nice,peach,peachy,pleasant,pleasurable,pleasureful,ready,satisfying,spiffy,swell,to one's liking,to one's taste,welcome
appealingadjective attractive
beautifuladjective physically attractive
becomingadjective suitable;appropriate
befitting,comme il faut,compatible,conforming,congruous,correct,decent,decorous,fit,fitting,in keeping,nice,proper,right,seemly,worthy
befittingadjective appropriate
according to Hoyle,apt,becomingbehoovingbeseeming,comme il faut,conforming,correct,decent,decorous,felicitous,fit,fitting,happy,just,kosher,nice,on the button,on the nose,proper,right,right on,seemly,suitable,what the doctor ordered And this is kind of nice because you see it is not an abrupt spherical surface.

“ It'll be a nice memory for him, ” she said.
她说:“对于他来说,这会是一个美好的回忆。” cri

“ Nice suit, ” he said to me, as I walked up.
“不错的套装,”当我走过去时,他跟我说。 yeeyan

But she is nice, this woman named Roma, and like me she is an immigrant so we have at least that in common.
她人还不错, 叫罗玛,像我一样,她也是移民,因此至少在这一点上我们存在着共同点。 ebigear

He has buttered up the Republican minority in Congress, and they have gushed about how nice it is to work with him.
他甜言蜜语讨好国会中少数派的共和党人;而他们则滔滔不绝地讲,能和奥巴马共事是多么美好。 yeeyan

He always winks at nice girls in his class.

How Not To attract a nice boyfriend.
如何不吸引一个好的男朋友。 yeeyan

How nice it would be if I could go with you!

I can smell some nice bread and biscuits.
我能闻出一些好的面包和饼干。 hjenglish

I might have nice things, but I don’t have time to enjoy them.
也许我有美好的东西可以享受,但我没有时间去享受它们。 yeeyan

In my experience, some people think about you, which is nice.
就我的经验而言,某些人为你考虑是好的。 yeeyan

It was the summer, so it was really nice.
那时正好是夏季,所以天气确实不错。 ebigear

It would be nice to have the equivalent capability for XML, but for now, just consider the size of XML files that you send the browser.
如果对于 XML有相同的功能就好了,但是目前没有,所以应该考虑控制发送给浏览器的 XML文件的大小。 ibm

It's nice, though, only in that it will give us an opportunity to fill in the blank.

Oh, what a nice little girl she is!

Or every nice girl likes that there is a sailor who she loves.

Probably not everyone would say this, but we think it’s nice to work with your spouse.
可能不是每个人都会这样说,但是我们认为和自己的另一半共事很不错。 yeeyan

Thank you for telling me that was nice and brave.
谢谢你告诉我那是好的和勇敢的。 yeeyan

This apple is very nice.

This is because we attribute wealth to how much nice stuff we can buy.
这是因为我们认为富有就是我们能买多少美好的东西。 yeeyan

We can go to a very nice restaurant or a nightclub. Whatever you like.
我们可以去一家很不错的餐馆或者夜总会。你说了算。 yeeyan

We can go to a very nice restaurant or a nightclub.
我们可以去一家很不错的餐馆或者夜总会。 yeeyan

We have some nice strawberries.
我们有一些很好的草莓。 ebigear

Yeah, I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car.
哦,是吗?我一直在挣扎着我是否应该送你这辆漂亮的小车。 hxen

You may never need it, and there are other ways to boot a problematic system, but it's nice to have around when you need it.
您可能从来都不会需要它,而且也还有其它方式引导出问题的系统,但万一需要时有这么一张软盘总是好的。 ibm

Nice suggestion.So the suggestion was this.




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