

单词 nibble
释义 nib·ble 英ˈnɪbəl美ˈnɪbəlAHDnĭbʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁶⁶⁹³BNC⁴⁴⁰⁶¹iWeb¹⁸⁸¹²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a small bytegentle biting
bite off very small pieces;

She nibbled on her cracker

bite gently;

The woman tenderly nibbled at her baby's ear

eat intermittently; take small bites of;

He pieced at the sandwich all morning

She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles

来自nib,鸟嘴,喙,引申词义小口咬。nibble at啃nibble away一点一点地咬吃…nibble mode半字节方式, 四位方…nibble off咬掉
GRE红宝书nibn 钢笔尖作为词根是quot;小quot;的意思, ble一小咬ni你, bb宝宝, le乐: 你的宝宝乐了, 是因为小口的咬奶嘴.
nib 鸟喙鸟吃东西是一下一下叼着吃;音:你剥,你剥瓜子我来一点点吃,这是和女友在一起时的情景
nib小+ble→小咬→ 一点点啃; 注意不要和nipple乳头相混
GRE难词记忆nibble→nibb=nib 鸟嘴+le→像鸟嘴啄食一样→一点一点地咬词根记忆nib小+ ble → 小口咬 ⇒一点点啃GRE难词记忆nib→bin n.垃圾桶→近义词 nip夹eat吃peck啄bite咬gnaw咬pick拾piece件chew咀嚼speck斑点snack小吃morsel少量titbit珍品tidbit趣闻crumbC碎屑particle颗粒fragment碎片munch大声咀嚼nybble四位元组

用作动词He didn't answer, but just continued tonibbleat his food.他没有回答,只是继续一点一点地吃东西。
The mice havenibbleda hole in the cheese.老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。
Food and rentnibbledaway at the money they had saved.花在食物和房租上的钱把他们的积蓄一点一点耗掉了。
Shenibbledhis ears playfully.她轻轻咬他的耳朵玩。
The criticnibbledat the young writer's new novel.那位批评家对这位青年作家的新小说作了吹毛求疵的抨击。
Henibbledat my idea, but would not make a definite decision.他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划。用作名词I feel anibbleon the end of my line.我觉得有鱼轻轻地咬钩。
Eachnibblewas eaten with the air of an epicure.每小块食物都吃得津津有味的样子。noun.morsel, bite
同义词 crumb,peck,snack,taste,tidbitsoupçon
反义词 lotmouthfulverb.bite, pick at
同义词 eat,gnaw,nipcrop,munch,peck,snackeat like a bird,nosh on
反义词 devour,gorge,gulp
ateverb erode, wear away;use up
bit,condensed,corroded,crumbled,decayed,decomposed,disappeared,disintegrated,dissipated,dissolved,drained,exhausted,gnawed,liquefied,melted,nibbled,ran through,rotted,rusted,spilled,squandered,vanished,wasted away
bitenoun light meal
brunch,light meal,nosh,refreshment,snack
biteverb take a chance
be victim,get hooked,nibble,risk,volunteer
browseverb look around;look through
check over,dip into,examine cursorily,feed,flip through,get the cream,give the once-over,glance at,graze,hit the high spots,inspect loosely,leaf through,nibble,once over lightly,pass an eye over,peruse,read,read here and there,riff through,riffle through,run through,scan,skim,skip through,survey,thumb through wander
chewverb grind with teeth
bite,champ,chaw,chomp,crunch,dispatch,feast upon,gnaw,gulp,gum,manducate,masticate,munch,nibble,rend,ruminate,scrunch
consumeverb eat, drink
Hoover,absorb,bolt,chow down,devour,down,eat up,feed,gobble,gorge,gulp,guzzle,ingest,ingurgitate,inhale,meal,mow,nibble,partake,polish off,punish,put away,put down,scarf,snack,stuff one's face,swallow,swill,take,toss down,wolf A positive nod of forgiveness toward your partner early in the marriage usually helps when the kids and the mortgage and the careers nibble away at marital bliss.
在婚姻中,当孩子,贷款以及事业在不断蚕食你婚姻的美满时,尽早的拿出积极的态度原谅你的另一半通常带来帮助。 yeeyan

We’re not going to sit here watching the Internet nibble away at our very existence, people.
同仁们,我们不能只是坐在这里,眼睁睁着看着互联网不断蚕食我们的利益。 yeeyan

And if health is your excuse for eating chocolate, remember the word“ moderate” as you nibble.
如果健康是你吃巧克力的借口,那么在你咬的时候请记住“适度”两个字。 yeeyan

Finally, you may find himself in reading, the mouth is often one can not help to a joint, to exercise restraint in this action, the best teams get a pencil, nibble on the mouth.

Foot- long fish began to nibble at the men, and the sun began scorching their faces.
一群长达一英尺的大鱼开始啃咬这些船员。阳光也开始炙烤他们的脸。 yeeyan

Gently suck or nibble on their lips here and there.

If M-LEC fails to take off, the bottom-fishers will soon have others to nibble at.
如果“超级管道”不能顺利起飞,抄底投资者很快会找到其他噬咬的对象。 ecocn

In prosecuting the so-called war on terror, many governments in Western countries where freedoms seemed secure have been tempted to nibble away at them.
在面对所谓的反恐战争的指控时,许多西方国家的政府试图用安全借口一点一点地吃掉公众的自由。 ecocn

Its medical school has found that women who routinely nibble nutritiously slash their risk of dying from the usual culprits, including heart disease and cancer.
它的医学院已经发现女性经常吃这些东西的大大降低了死于一般性疾病,包括心脏病和癌症。 kekenet

Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
吻你的伴侣,轻轻咬住这水果的一半,而对方咬住另一半,直到它断为两半。吻的时候让果汁流进你们的口中。 yeeyan

Lithuania is forecast to be the euro zone’s fastest- growing economy in 2012, but the €7m on offer would only nibble at Greece’s debts.
立陶宛预计会成为2012年欧元区增长最快的经济体,但是700万欧元的报价对希腊的债务只是杯水车薪。 ecocn

Palestinians are justifiably worried that these projects nibble away at the land available for their future state.
巴勒斯坦人有理由担心,这些工程会一点点侵蚀他们未来国家的土地。 yeeyan

Small crocodile-like animals nibble the edges of the boat. I vow never again to complain about being on a bus.
小小的鳄鱼在咬着船边,我发誓以后乘巴士再也不抱怨了。 yeeyan

Stress hormones and brain chemicals might entice you to nibble on sweets, but remember, the first two bites satisfy brain chemistry.
应激激素和脑化学物质可能会吸引你吃糖,但请记住,吃两口就足以满足大脑需要。 yeeyan

The Kirchners are unlikely to nibble humble pie unless Argentina is starving, which it is not— nor is it likely to for the foreseeable future.
总统夫妇亦不可能低声下气,除非阿根廷被逼上绝路,现在不可能──在可预见的将来也不可能。 ecocn

Then they would sit down to nibble on the cheese.
然后他们才会坐下来咀嚼奶酪。 ebigear

This is strange because the sorts of lab animals the researchers looked at tend to be given lots of food and left to nibble at leisure.
这很奇怪,因为研究人员观察的各种实验室动物往往被给予大量食物,且让它们在闲暇时一点一点蚕食。 ecocn

Under the broken birdhouse a mouse plays with a nibble of yesterday's bread.
破烂的鸟舍中一只老鼠啃着昨天的面包。 yeeyan

We nibble, we score, and we share the results with you to help you avoid the paralyzation that can come with Brand Choice Overload.
我们自己试吃,打分,然后将测试结果与你们分享,希望能帮助你避免由于产品品牌太多而产生无助情绪。 yeeyan

When offered anything unusual to eat, a pig will sniff at it and nibble gently.
当提供不同以往的食物时,猪会嗅,并轻轻地啃。 yeeyan




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