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词汇 Niall
释义 Niall ˈnaɪl 
A history of finance by Niall Ferguson, a Harvard professor, was also well timed.
哈佛大学教授 Niall Ferguson关于财务历史的书在时机上也恰到好处。 ecocn

He was, concludes Niall Ferguson, the first biographer to be given access to Warburg’s private papers, the “presiding genius” of the City for more than30 years after the second world war.
尼尔•弗格森,这个首位获权查阅华宝私人文件的传记作家,将华宝概括为二战后30年来这座城市的“天才指挥”。 ecocn

Here’s what I imagine Niall Ferguson was thinking: he was thinking of the interest rate as determined by the supply and demand for savings.
我认为尼亚尔·福格森是这么想的:他认为利率是由储蓄的供给和需求决定的。 yeeyan

The screenplay has been written by Niall Johnson, who wrote the2005 Rowan Atkinson comedy Keeping Mum, and it has been delivered to the film- makers in the past few days.
剧本由 Niall Johnson执笔,他此前曾担当2005年罗温•艾金森的喜剧电影《保持缄默 Keeping Mum》的编剧。 剧本已于几天前送交电影制作人。 yeeyan

THE two great issues of the age, Niall Ferguson believes, are how a handful of Western countries came to dominate the world, and whether their domination is now threatened by the rise of Asia.
费格斯认为,这个时代的两个重要问题分别是,一小部分西方国家是如何开始支配这个世界的,还有这种支配现在是否受到了来自亚洲崛起的威胁。 ecocn

“ A Greek crisis is coming to America”, blared the headline on a recent Financial Times article by Niall Ferguson, a financial historian.
一个希腊式的危机将来到美国”,一篇最近金融时报的报导如此的高声怒吼,作者是一位金融历史学家 Niall Ferguson。 ecocn

Niall Ferguson: “ I do think they're wrong.”

Niall Ferguson provided vivid comparisons between historical episodes of financial crises and current vulnerabilities.
尼尔·佛格森把当前的漏洞与历史上的金融危机事件作了生动鲜明的对比。 yeeyan

Niall Ferguson's latest book is an erudite and noble effort, with a complex double agenda.
尼尔·弗格森的最新著作是一部博大精深,有着复杂的双重主题的作品。 ssreader

According to Niall Ferguson, a historian, 80% of the early colonists died from starvation or disease.
根据一位历史学家尼亚尔•福格森描述,80%的早期殖民者都死于饥饿或者疾病。 ecocn

Another historian, Niall Ferguson, reckons that what went so spectacularly wrong for China then is more remarkable and worthy of investigation than why things should now be going right.
另一个历史学家尼尔•弗格森认为中国那时在哪里走错了路比为什么现在一帆风顺更值得注意和调查研究。 ecocn

Based partly on her own childhood, it follows three contemporary children: step-siblings Maria and Niall, and their half- sister Celia.
这本书一部分是基于她自己的童年,描写了三个同时代的孩子:同父异母的玛利亚和尼尔,以及他们共同的妹妹西莉亚。 yeeyan

FEW years ago, Niall Ferguson and Moritz Schularick, two economic historians, coined the term “ Chimerica” to describe the symbiosis between the world's two great powers.
几年前,两位经济历史学家 Niall Ferguson和 Moritz Schuarick创造了新词“ Chimerica”,描述了中美两个大国之间的共生互惠关系。 ecocn

Historian Niall Ferguson coined the term Chimerica to represent the great new geopolitical reality— that the21st century will be dominated by China and America.
历史学家 Niall Ferguson用“ Chimerica”这个词来预示一个伟大的新地缘政治现实的出现—中国和美国21世纪将一同主宰世界。 yeeyan

In Newsweek Niall Ferguson, a British historian, declared that the president had presided over“ a foreign-policy debacle”.
供职于《新闻周刊》的英国历史学家尼尔•弗格森称‘奥巴马制造了一场外交灾难’。 ecocn

Maria becomes an actress, Niall a songwriter, Celia a would- be illustrator.
玛利亚成了一个演员,尼尔成了歌词作家,而西莉亚想要成为插画家。 yeeyan

Microbiologist Niall Hamilton likes to work with whatever he finds around the sink plughole using a swab.
微生物学家尼奥•汉密尔顿喜欢用棉签在水槽的排水孔附近随便挑起一些细菌,把它们用到自己的作品中去。 yeeyan

Such changes have impoverished British education, argues Niall Ferguson, a Scottish historian who teaches at Harvard University.
在哈佛大学教书的苏格兰历史学家尼尔•弗格森认为,这样的变化对英国的教育不利。 ecocn

Today, Mr Ahern will visit the Niall Mellon Township Trust, which has built large numbers of homes for poor families on the outskirts of Cape Town with the help of hundreds of Irish craftsmen.
今天,埃亨先生将访问 Niall Mellon Township Trust,在上百名爱尔兰工匠的帮助下,该公司在开普敦郊区为贫困家庭建造了大量的房子。 haolawyer

Niall Ferguson, an author and history professor at Harvard University, said though that any drastic moves by the U.S. could end up harming an economic recovery in the country.
作家、哈佛大学历史学教授弗格森 Niall Ferguson说,尽管如此,美国单方面采取的任何激烈动作都有可能最终伤害国家的经济复苏。 voa365

Niall Ferguson, a Harvard historian who, only a couple of years ago, popularised the term“ Chimerica” for the symbiosis between the two, now says it is a marriage headed for the rocks.
哈佛历史学家尼尔·弗格森 Niall Ferguson几年前为中美经济共生状况创造了“ 中美共同体”一词,如今他却说,两国联姻即将触礁。

Niall Ferguson is a professor of history at Harvard University and a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School.
Niall Ferguson是哈佛大学历史学教授、哈佛商学院工商管理教授。 yeeyan




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