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词汇 nia
释义 nia
n.尼亚; 尼娅
It is important to spread the word about NIA to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, if you want America to survive hyperinflation.
让尽可能多的人,尽快了解 NIA的观点是很重要的。如果你想美国人在超级通货膨胀中幸存。 yeeyan

The truth is, there are many Austrian economists, including those who co- founded and are associated with NIA, who did see the panic of2008 coming.
真实的情况是,有许多澳大利亚的经济学家,包括那些 NIA的共同创立者和参与者,当时预见到了2008年经济恐慌的到来。 yeeyan

The NIA is able to detect three types of biosignals generated by your brain, facial muscles and eye muscles via a special headband.
NIA能够通过一种特殊的头带检测出由大脑、面部肌肉和眼部肌肉产生的三种生物信号。 yeeyan

Although NIA is not a supporter of Assange, we are a supporter of constitutional rights and there is no more important constitutional right than our freedom of speech.
虽然 NIA不是阿桑奇的支持者,但是我们是宪法权利的支持者,而没有比我们的言论自由更重要的宪法权利。 yeeyan

He believes there will be many more opportunities similar to this for NIA members to become wealthy in the years ahead as the rest of America goes broke.
他相信会有更多与此类似的机会, NIA的成员发家致富而其它的美国人走向破产。 yeeyan

If you ask any college graduate who has a job if their college degree helped them become employed, NIA believes the overwhelming majority of college graduates will tell you no.
如果你问那些有工作的大学毕业生他们的大学学历是否帮助他们找到工作, NIA相信绝大多数大学毕业生会给你否定的答案。 yeeyan

In NIA's top10 predictions for2010, NIA predicted there would be major food shortages around the world.
在 NIA的2010年的排名前十位的预测当中, NIA曾经预测在世界范围内,将有严重的食品短缺。 yeeyan

On 7 April, the office for nuclear development invited companies to attend a meeting at the NIA's headquarters in London.
四月七日,核能发展办公室邀请各大公司在伦敦的核工业联合会 NIA总部开会。 yeeyan

Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free!
请告诉每个你认识的人免费成为 NIA的会员。 yeeyan

So we've obtained a retail- ready NIA sample and have put it through its paces to see for ourselves if it's the real deal or just another gimmick product.
因此,我们已经拿到一个准备用于零售的 NIA样本,可以自己测试一下它的本领,看看它是真的货真价实,抑或只是又一个骗人的玩意。 yeeyan

The whole concept of the NIA sounds more than a little outlandish.
可以说, NIA的整个理念听起来有点古怪,难以接受。 yeeyan

Therefore, NIA predicts that nothing is going to change with the Republicans taking over the House.
因此, NIA预测共和党人接管了众议院也改变不了什么。 yeeyan

Today, NIA's prediction for the most part came true.
如今, NIA的大部分预言成为现实。 yeeyan

We were also slightly skeptical about the NIA's ability to improve our gaming experience, even if it were to work as advertised.
我们过去也有点怀疑 NIA能否提高我们的游戏体验,甚至是否能达到广告中宣传的效果。 yeeyan

With the current path our country is on, there is a chance that as the U. S. approaches the point of hyperinflation, organizations like NIA will be made illegal to exist in the U.
如果我们的国家继续沿这条道路走下去,当美国接近超级通货膨胀的临界点的时候,像 NIA这样的组织在美国的存在可能就会变为非法的。 yeeyan

NIA is hoping for a short-term pullback, but with so many investors waiting to buy on dips, there is a chance that a large short-term pullback will never occur.
NIA希望看到一个短期的回调,但是因为如此多的投资者等着在下跌的时候买入,所以大幅度的短期回调可能永远不会出现。 yeeyan

NIA proclaimed in'Meltup', “ If stocks were to see a nominal decline one last time, we will likely see Bernanke shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing.”
NIA在“美元大崩溃”中预言,“如果股市进一步下跌,我们可能会看到伯南克放出有史以来最大剂量的定量宽松。” yeeyan

NIA believes the largest financial crisis in history is ahead of us as a direct result of the U.S. government unwilling to accept a much needed recession.
NIA认为历史上最大的经济危机就摆在我们面前,美国不愿意接受一个必要的衰退是危机的直接原因。 yeeyan

NIA believes the Federal Reserve will be successful at putting a nominal floor under Real Estate prices.
NIA认为,美联储将使房地产价格成功实现软着陆。 yeeyan

NIA believes that China shouldn't be concerned about the short-term, but must focus on the long-term growth of the country.
NIA认为中国不应该关注短期而是必须集中精力在国家的长期发展上。 yeeyan

NIA believes it is more likely that in4 to5 years from now, U.S. unemployment will rise to Great Depression levels.
NIA相信更有可能从现在起4到5年里,美国的失业会上升到大萧条时期的水平。 yeeyan

NIA believes the time is appropriate to raise interest rates now.
NIA认为现在是合适的时机来提高利率。 yeeyan

NIA considers Rand Paul to be the true leader of the Tea Party movement because he fully understands the hyperinflation that awaits as a result of the Federal Reserve's actions.
NIA认为,保罗是茶党运动的真正领袖,因为他完全意识到美国联邦储备委员会执行的政策带来的恶性通货膨胀。 yeeyan

NIA continues to believe that interest rates have seen their lows and yields on the10-year bond will likely rise above4% in the first half of2011.
NIA一直相信利率已经到达低点,在2011年的上半年,10年期的国债收益率有可能达到4%以上。 yeeyan

NIA expects to see a new trend of Americans seeking to become educated cheaply over the Internet.
NIA希望看到美国人通过互联网寻找接受廉价教育的新趋势。 yeeyan

NIA expects to see many colleges default on their debts in 2011.
NIA预计在2011年将有许多高校发生债务违约。 yeeyan

NIA expects many retailers to report large declines in their profit margins for the 4Q of2010 and first half of2011.
NIA预计,许多零售商发布公告称2010年第四季度和2011年上半年的利润率大幅下降。 yeeyan

NIA is not a political organization and does not support Republicans or Democrats.
NIA不是政治组织,也不支持共和党或者民主党。 yeeyan

NIA is very pleased that for the first time in many years, silver prices appear to be trading based on free market forces and not the manipulation of JP Morgan.
NIA非常高兴,因为许多年来白银的价格第一次看上去由自由市场的交易决定,而不受 JP摩根的操纵。 yeeyan




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