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NGC高 基本例句 n.喷管间隙的控制器号码组接线器 Brightly lit with new and blue massive stars, star formation appears so rampant in NGC1313 that it has been labeled a starburst galaxy. 伴随年轻、蓝色的大质量恒星发出的强光, NGC1313因其中的恒星形成区蔓生而被归为星暴星系。 yeeyan Near NGC4452's center is a slight bulge of stars, while hundreds of background galaxies are visible far in the distance. 在 NGC4452的中心有着许多恒星,产生了小小的突起,而在更远的地方可以看见其背后的上百个星系。 yeeyan The sharp Hubble data also reveal more distant background galaxies seen right through NGC2442's star clusters and nebulae. 敏锐的哈勃数据还暴露了更多遥远的背景星系,右边透过 NGC2442的星团和星云可见。 yeeyan “ Anemic” galaxy NGC4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency. “贫血”星系 NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。 yeeyan A classic planetary nebula, the Cat's Eye NGC6543 represents a final, brief yet glorious phase in the life of a sun- like star. 猫眼星云 NGC6543是个典型的行星星云,它代表了类似太阳的恒星的生命中的最后短暂但又光辉的一段时光。 yeeyan Above M87 is the famous interacting galaxy pair NGC4438, also known as The Eyes. 在 M87上面的是著名的互相作用的星系对 NGC4438,也被称为“眼睛”。 yeeyan Astronomers used Hubble telescope's powerful Wide Field Camera3 to observe NGC4150The Hubble images reveal turbulent activity deep inside the elliptical galaxy's core. 太空学者利用哈勃望远镜的广视野相机3去观察 NGC4150。哈勃的照片显示椭圆星系内部核心的混沌。 yeeyan At top center is NGC7319 and the compact galaxy group known as Stephan's Quintet. 在中间上部是 NGC7319和被称为斯蒂芬五重星系的致密星系群。 yeeyan By studying the structure and content of NGC300, astronomers can get a better idea of other characteristics of spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way. 通过研究 NGC300的结构和组成,天文学家们可以更好地去了解其他特殊的星系,比如我们的银河系。 yeeyan Continued numerical modeling of galaxies like NGC1313 might shed some light on its unusual nature. 继续对 NGC1313这样的星系进行数字模拟可能透露它的特殊性质。 yeeyan Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC2023, surrounding a hot, young star, is at the lower left. 与之相对照,蓝色反射星云 NGC2023,环绕着一颗年轻的热恒星,在照片左下。 yeeyan From our vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC6946 face-on. 从我们银河系望过去,正好正面看到 NGC6946的整个螺旋形状。 yeeyan Intriguingly, this composite also shows red hydrogen emission structures in the faint features extending even beyond NGC5195, toward the top of the frame. 有趣的是,照片还显示了甚至延伸到 NGC5195以外的暗弱区域中的红色氢发射结构,在画面顶端。 yeeyan Its broad arms are distorted by gravitational interaction with a fellow Virgo cluster member, giant elliptical galaxy NGC4697. 其宽广的旋臂被该星系团另一成员,巨型椭圆星系 NGC4697的引力作用所扭曲。 yeeyan On the left is an emission nebula cataloged as NGC7000, famous partly because it resembles our fair planet's continent of North America. 左侧是编号 NGC7000的发射星云,或多或少由于它形似我们的地球上的北美洲大陆而著名。 yeeyan That's apparently what happened in NGC3079, a galaxy with tall pillars of gas extending from its core. 正如 NGC3079星系中所发生的那样,从星系中心喷发出高大的气柱。 yeeyan This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a face-on view of spiral galaxy, called NGC3982, striking for its rich tapestry of star birth, along with its winding arms. 哈勃天文望远镜捕捉到一个叫做 NGC3982的螺旋星云的正面图,展示出沿着它那些弯曲的螺旋腕上新星诞生的绚丽织锦。 yeeyan Viewed from Earth, NGC6744 is about two-thirds the size of a full moon, but it's so faint you can't see it without a backyard telescope. 从地球上看, NGC6744的大小差不多等于三分之二个满月。 可惜的是,由于太过昏暗,我们惟有通过后院式望远镜才能观测到它。 yeeyan |