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New Yorker. 基本英英记法例句例句 纽约人
Noun: a native or resident of New York especially of New York CityYork +-erS.③名某地的人⇒纽约人He writes reviews for TheNew Yorker.他为《纽约人》撰写评论文章。 New Yorkerarticles are incredibly long.《纽约人》的文章长得令人难以置信。 Finally, TheNew Yorkergot into the act.最后,《纽约客》杂志也粉墨登场。 ANew Yorkerlived in the outer region of the city.一位纽约客居住在城市郊区。 Does this library have “New Yorker” magazine?这图书馆有《纽约客》这份杂志吗? O, how I miss for being aNew Yorker.实在怀念还有纽约客读的日子啊。 At eight-thirty that morning I was in my office at The New Yorker working on a story about AIDS in India. 那天早上八点半,我正在《纽约客》编辑部的办公室写一篇有关印度艾滋病情况的稿件。 yeeyan “ Our cover'The Politics of Fear' combines a number of fantastical images about the Obamas and shows them for the obvious distortions they are, ” said New Yorker editor David Remnick. 《纽约客》编辑大卫•瑞姆尼克说:“这幅封面漫画组合了一系列丑化奥巴马的荒谬形象,让人一眼就能看出这明显歪曲了事实。” ebigear According to a recent interview with The New Yorker magazine, Swift has so far written about10 songs for a2012 album. 斯威夫特在最近一次接受《纽约客》杂志采访时透露,她已经为2012年的新专辑创作了10首歌曲。 i21st And, in spite of the cosmopolitan views on which he prided himself, he thanked heaven that he was a New Yorker, and about to ally himself with one of his own kind. 而且,尽管他自夸了解那些大都市人的观点,却谢天谢地自己是个纽约人,而且就要与他的一位同类联姻。 kekenet But her New Yorker’s instinct seemed to tell her exactly where to wait for one. 但她那作为纽约人的直觉似乎总会准确地告诉她哪里可以捕捉到如此场景。 ecocn Countess Olenska is a New Yorker, and should have respected the feelings of New York. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人是个纽约人,她倒是应该尊重纽约人的感情的。 hxen He seldom left, except occasionally to vacation in Florida or to visit William Shawn, the almost equally reclusive former editor of The New Yorker. 除了偶尔去佛罗里达度假,或访问同样隐居的《纽约客》前编辑威廉·肖恩,他很少离开。 yeeyan His fondness for booze helped ruin his five marriages and even worried his colleagues on the New Yorker, which is saying something. 他酗酒成性,已经让他五段婚姻都以失败告终,甚至还殃及他在《纽约客》的同事——这可很说明问题。 iciba I'm not sure Thurber would stand out in today's New Yorker. 我不知道瑟伯的作品会不会出现在今天的《纽约客》中。 yeeyan So in March I decided to fill a sketchbook,90 pages, with New Yorker-style cartoons— one cartoon a day for three months. No excuses. 因此三月份我开始准备自己的画本,90页里填满了纽约客式的卡通画——三个月以来每天一幅,从不间断。 yeeyan The Chinese occasionally allowed them periodicals like the New Yorker and Sports Illustrated. 中国人有时允许他们阅读像《纽约客》和《体育画报》这类的期刊。 yeeyan There’s no equivalent to being the editor of The New Yorker in Canada, or being an American movie producer or anything like that. 这和在加拿大成为纽约时报杂志主编或者成为一个美国电影制作者之类的不可同日而语。 yeeyan To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize. 我向每一个纽约人和所有相信我所代表的价值观的人表示诚挚的道歉。 ebigear What are you complaining about? If you're a New Yorker, it's often about noise and trash and occasionally about politics or morals. 你会抱怨些什么?如果你是纽约人,噪音、垃圾会成为你经常抱怨的对象,政治或道德偶尔也会让你发发牢骚。 bbs.yule.iciba.com While working on her first novel, The Lying Days, Gordimer had started to write short stories, and in1951 had one accepted by the New Yorker. 在写她的第一篇小说《说谎的日子》时,戈迪墨开始在写一些短篇小说,在1951年其中有一篇在《纽约客》发表。 yeeyan With its trademark mix of politics, world events, and arts and letters, The New Yorker has come to be synonymous with the culturally elite. 连同其融合了政治、世界新闻、艺术和字母的商标,《纽约客》已经成为了文化精英的代名词。 yeeyan New Yorker visiting London is less likely to be murdered than he would be at home. But he is more likely to be beaten up. 这就是说,一个到伦敦的纽约人被谋杀的可能性比在美国要低,但他在伦敦更可能被痛打一顿。 ecocn |