

单词 newsfeed
释义 newsfeed 英njuːz'fiːd美njuːz'fiːd COCA¹⁸⁰⁰⁴⁰iWeb²⁶⁶⁸¹
NewsFeed hopes none of our readers are anchovy pizza or Caesar salad addicts, as fresh little fish may become hard to find.
新闻推送栏目希望我们没有哪位是凤尾鱼披萨或者凯撒沙拉的狂热粉丝,因为现在可能很难再找到新鲜的小凤尾鱼了。 yeeyan

So, in honor of V-Day, NewsFeed invites you to take the afternoon off.
因此,为了纪念情人节,,新闻商邀请您放下午的工作安排。 yeeyan

While the company went unnamed during ABC7's report, NewsFeed did some digging and found that Social Media Group is the mastermind behind the movement.
某广播公司7台没有明确表示是哪家公司,但是某网站做了一些深入调查,发现社会化媒体集团是这次活动的幕后策划者。 cri

NewsFeed is always reluctant to be morbid, but this has really been a banner year for catastrophe.
新闻订阅总是避免让人觉得病态,但今年真的是多灾多难的一年。 yeeyan




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