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New Covenant短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³ 基本例句 🌏新约;新圣约;新的盟约 Such permission is granted in the new covenant because the Lord's Day is semi- theocratic outside of the worship of the assembly. 在新约中这是被允许的,因为主日在敬拜聚会之外是半神治的国度。51zanmei The new covenant Sabbath is to be observed not only by attending public worship, but by keeping a spiritually restful frame of mind throughout the day. 守新约的安息日,不是只有参与公众的敬拜,而是一整天要保持属灵安息的思想状态。51zanmei Those who want detailed legislation for new covenant Sabbath observance are in danger of putting themselves back in bondage to the Mosaic Law. 想要详细规定如何守新约安息日的人,是让自己回到摩西律法的束缚当中。51zanmei Where we differ is whether this stamping function continues in the new covenant. 我们的不同之处在于这个戳印功能在新约中是否持续。51zanmei According to his own words at the last Supper, the significance of his death was summed up in one term, “ New Covenant” Matthew 26:28. 根据最后晚餐祂所说的话,祂的死的意义,可以用一个词来总结:“新约”太26:28。51zanmei And thus you see that the new covenant Sabbath is both similar to and different from the old covenant Sabbath. 由此,我们就看到新约的安息日和旧约的安息,有相似之处,也有所不同。51zanmei For Kline, the new covenant Sabbath is exclusively cultic. 对克莱恩来说,新约的安息日是专门作为敬拜用的。51zanmei So, in the new covenant, the mind— the conscience—is to be cleansed. Cleansed from sin. 所以,像新约中讲的,内心将被净化,从邪恶中净化。 yeeyan That is what it means to have God’s Law written in your heart, and that is the New Covenant promise. 这就是把上帝的法令刻在心里的含义,这也是新约规定的。 yeeyan That is the promise of the new covenant as found in Hebrews9:14,15. 这就是新约希伯来书9:14,15中所讲的要求。 yeeyan The Old Covenant was temporary and typological of the New Covenant. 旧约对新约来说是暂时的,和预表性的。 douban This is in keeping with the progression of redemptive history from Israel's life in the land to the new covenant's enjoyment of rest in Christ. 这符合救赎历史的进展,从以色列在迦南地的生活,到新约在基督里所享受的安息。51zanmei This is the main distinction between the Old and New Covenant. 这是旧约与新约的主要区别。 yeeyan Throughout his life, Jeremiah stood alone, declaring God's messages of doom, announcing the new covenant, and weeping over the fate of his beloved country. 耶利米的整个人生都是孤独的,他独自宣告上帝所命定的信息,宣布新约,并且为自己的同胞的命运悲哀哭泣。 loves7.com Thus, in the new covenant, the goal is not to cease absolutely from any and all physical exertion, but in order to enjoy our spiritual rest better. 因此,在新约中,我们的目的不是绝对停止任何身体的劳动,而是为了能更好地享受属灵的安息。51zanmei When applied to the first day remembrance of the resurrection of Christ in the new covenant, there is nothing to stamp because the eschatological goal has already been achieved. 当我们在新约中,在七日的第一日纪念基督复活时,就没有戳印的必要了,因为末世的目标已经达成了。51zanmei And instead of me being controlled by selfishness, what has to be written in my mind instead in the new covenant? 为了避免我被自私的思想控制,什么应该被写入脑海而不是写进新约呢? yeeyan |