

单词 neuronal
释义 neu·ron·al 英'njʊrɑnl美'njʊrɑnl 高COCA⁴⁹⁵⁷⁸BNC²⁹²³⁰iWeb¹⁸⁵⁴⁵

of or relating to neurons;

neural network

neuronal ensemble神经元集合artificial neuronal network人造神经元网络…
neuron-al…的⇒adj.神经元的近义词 neural神经的neuronic神经元的

用作形容词The synchronization time ofneuronalmechanics is explored.摘要主要讨论了神经元的同步时间问题。
The hypothalamus integrates various hormonal andneuronalsignals to regulate appetite and metabolism and thereby serves a homeostatic purpose in the regulation of body weight.下丘脑综合各种不同的激素和神经元的信号,调节食欲和代谢,从而对体重进行自我平衡的调整。 Just as brain needs sleep to rebuild those important neuronal connections, your brain also needs energy in order to work.
大脑需要睡眠来更新神经元间的连接。它还需要能量来支持运转。 yeeyan

The animals that had not run before moving in with the mean mice showed much less neuronal activity in these portions of the brain.
那些在被和好斗老鼠关在一起之前没有跑步的老鼠的大脑视前内测核的神经元的活性要低得多。 runbible

The protein was found to help neuronal cells in the brain repair errors when they had connected to the wrong type of cell, reports an international team of researchers in the journal PLoS Biology.
普罗斯生物学杂志上一个国际研究组报道,当大脑中的神经元连接出错时,这种蛋白质能帮助神经元修正错误。 yeeyan

The team shows that iron is stored within dopamine vesicles inside the neuronal cells.
小组发现铁储存在神经细胞中的多巴胺小泡中。 blog.sina.com.cn

The University of Montreal researcher said that men in their twenties do not have such a correlation because their neuronal circuits are intact.
加拿大蒙特利尔大学的研究人员说,20来岁的年轻人就没有这种现象,因为他们神经细胞系统是完好无损的。 yeeyan

But understanding the mechanics of how neuronal networks collaborate to allow such tasks has remained more elusive.
但是,神经元网络如何协同产生这些任务,个中机理依然让人捉摸不透。 yeeyan

Chemical synapses also serve to amplify neuronal signals, so that even a small presynaptic nerve terminal can alter the response of a large postsynaptic cell.
化学突触也经常用来放大神经信号,即便是一个很小的突触后细胞也能改变一个很大的突触后细胞对信号的响应。 yeeyan

Even in users who quit several months ago, neuronal alterations may persist, leaving them vulnerable to sudden, strong urges to use.
即便在那些已经戒除了几个月的患者身上,也会发生这样的神经元变化,让他们突然产生强烈的复吸冲动。 yeeyan

Exercise, he says, through a complex interplay with Noggin and BMP, helps to ensure that neuronal stem cells stay lively and new brain cells are born.
体育锻炼通过一种与‘诺金’和 BMP的复杂相互作用,能帮助确保神经干细胞活性和脑细胞新生。 yeeyan

Furthermore, all the whirling electrons cannot explain why a certain neuronal configuration results in our seeing blue rather than red.
此外,所有这些涡动的电子并不能解释为什么某种神经构造造成了我们看到了蓝色而不是红色。 yeeyan

In addition, as a chemical model of neuronal damage was used, it also raises the possibility that exercise could offer protection against the potentially harmful effects of environmental toxins.
另外,在对应神经元损害所产生的化学物质,使锻炼对抵抗环境中毒素潜在的危害提供保护已成为可能。 yeeyan

In the brain, however, cholesterol plays a crucial role in the formation of neuronal connections— the vital links that underlie memory and learning.
在大脑中,不管怎样,胆固醇在神经联络的构成中起决定性作用——这是一种基于记忆和学习功能的重要链接。 yeeyan

In this context it is no surprise that a decade of brain imaging has shown the same neuronal circuits to be involved in many disorders.
在这种情况下,十年来的大脑成像显示出同样的神经回路跟许多功能失调有关就毫不奇怪了。 ecocn

Interfere with those stronger neuronal connections, and a brain can have trouble laying down new memories.
如果干扰这些增强的神经元连接,大脑就可能不容易储存新的记忆。 yeeyan

Most scientists have viewed electrical fields within the brain as the simple byproducts of neuronal activity.
大多数科学家认为大脑内的电场是神经细胞活动所产生的简单的副产品。 yeeyan

The authors suggest that reduced SLC6A15 expression might lead to perturbation of neuronal circuits related to susceptibility for major depression.
作者认为 SLC6A15表现力的减少扰乱了神经回路,从而导致了抑郁症。 yeeyan

They taught these rats to circle a track to find food, recording neuronal firing patterns from the rodents’ brains all the while.
他们训练这些老鼠环绕一个圆形轨迹寻找食物,然后一直记录这种锯齿类动物的大脑的神经元激活形态。 yeeyan

This physiological rig amplifies neuronal spikes from biological specimens.
这款生理学装置就可放大生物标本的神经元峰电位。 yeeyan

You can see how different neuronal circuits relate to each other in the same animal.
你可以看到在同种动物中不同神经元回路间如何相互连接。 dxy




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