

单词 artificially
释义 ar·ti·fi·cial·ly AHD..shəlē,-li,-shl- 高牛COCA¹⁷⁵⁷³BNC¹³⁵³⁸iWeb¹²⁸³⁸Economist⁷⁹⁵⁰

not according to nature; not by natural means;

artificially induced conditions

artificial人造的artificially graded aggregate人工级配骨料…artificially low price人为低价artificially acquired immunity人工获得性免疫…artificially induced nuclear reaction人工诱导核反应…artificially soiled cloth人工污布
artificial-ly像⇒adv.人工地²⁵;人为地³⁸;不自然地³⁷近义词 falsely虚伪地hollowly凹陷地preciously珍贵地insincerely不诚实地affectedly装模作样地theatrically戏剧化地unnaturally不合乎自然规律地…反义词 naturally自然地

用作副词The individual perpetrating the shameartificiallyinflates themselves with the power and chi of another.犯下羞辱的个体们人工地用他人的力量和气来膨胀自己。
Weartificiallybuild this building like an old one.我们人为地把这座建筑盖得象旧的。
Some local governments areartificiallydistort the market.而一些地方政府却在人为地扭曲市场。
They all laughedartificially, and Carol obediently talked libraries.她们都很不自然地笑了起来,卡萝尔很听话果然谈起图书馆来了。as in.unnaturally
同义词 synthetically
反义词 naturally
unnaturallyadverb by artificial means
synthetically Its consumers and importers are hurt because the government has kept the cost of foreign goods artificially high for them.
由于政府人为得将国外商品的价格推高,中国的消费者和进口商利益将受到损害。 yeeyan

The complexity and perfection of the eye has meant that, to date, it’s been all but impossible to reproduce its function artificially.
眼睛的完美和复杂性意味着,迄今为止,依然不可能利用人工的方法实现其完整的功能。 yeeyan

The patient is artificially ventilated, a procedure that can cause inflammation, lung damage and infection.
患者需要人工通气,这个过程可以导致发炎,肺部创伤和感染。 ecocn

The United States, for example, has pressured China to stop keeping its currency, the renminbi, artificially weak against the dollar.
例如美国,已经向中国施压以停止中国人为地保持人民币相对美元的弱势地位。 yeeyan

To push them up artificially would merely raise unemployment, which would depress consumption and imports still further.
人为地推高工资只不过是提高了失业率,这将进一步降低消费和进口。 ecocn

To set the time frame artificially is not only unreasonable but also impractical.
人为地规定谈判时限,不仅缺乏合理性,而且也不现实。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Argentina’s budget surplus has vanished, and its trade surplus has been artificially boosted by curbs on imports of drugs, processed food and cars.
阿根廷的财政预算盈余没有了,而贸易顺差则是由于药物、加工食物及汽车的进口限制而人工增长的。 ecocn

He figured if he could identify the critic cells and modify them, he could artificially nag the actor cell cluster into changing its behavior.
他认为如果他能找出评论家细胞并修改它们,就可以人为地改变“行为”细胞团从而改变对象的行为。 yeeyan

High- quality output paths like audio and video are reserved for protected peripheral devices. This means output quality can be artificially degraded.
像声音和视频等高质量的输出路径为受保护周边设备而保留,这意味着输出质量被人工降低了。 yeeyan

Or they may artificially limit their use of the infrastructure.
否则他们可能人为地限制他们对基础结构的使用。 ibm

Overlooked in the arguments about the morality of artificially reproducing life is the fact that, at present, cloning is a very inefficient procedure.
对人工复制生命的道德问题的辩论忽略了一个事实:当前,克隆本身是一个效率极低的过程。 ebigear

The truth is more sinister: the world was a creation of the artificially intelligent computers that have taken over the Earth and have subjugated mankind in the process.
事实要更加险恶:这个世界是由具有人工智能的电脑创造出来的产物,它们已经统治了地球,并且还征服了人类。 yeeyan

These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.
紧随这些混乱的是由于人为降低利率而带来虚假繁荣时期,它还是最终信贷危机的根源之所在。 yeeyan

These latest plans for an artificially cooled beach may be causing ripples around the world, but why isn't there more vocal opposition by environmentalists within Dubai?
这项最新的人工制冷海滩计划可能会在世界范围内引起骚动,但迪拜城内怎么就没有环保人士发出更多的反对声音呢? yeeyan

This figure is artificially exaggerated, as is to be expected in a country with no democratic tradition, almost no free media and no independent power centres.
这个数据有些人为的夸大,正如大家所认为的,这个国家没有民主的传统,几乎没有自由的媒体,也没有独立的权力中心。 ecocn

US farmers have been giving sex hormones and growth hormones to cattle to artificially increase the amount of meat and milk the cattle produce without requiring extra feed.
美国农民人为地增加肉类和牛奶的生产,是通过给予奶牛性激素和生长激素,而不是通过额外的喂养。 yeeyan




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