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nest-PCR 基本例句 巢式PCR¹⁰⁰ Single cell 5-plex nest PCR for exons 17,19,44,45 and 48 of DMD gene was established.获取正常男性单个淋巴细胞和无DMD家族史的单个胚胎细胞,行DMD基因外显子17、19、44、45、48的五重巢式PCR,分析扩增成功率、假阳性率和假阴性率。 Methods The ORF2 gene of TTV was amplified from the serum of a blood donor in Lanzhou region by nest PCR and inserted into vector pGEM-T then,after identification by DNA sequencing,subcloned to expression vector pET22b.方法通过巢式PCR,从一份兰州地区无偿献血员血清中扩增TTV病毒的ORF2基因,并克隆到pGEM-T载体中,进行核苷酸序列分析。 X gene , enhancer II and basic core promoter of HBV in sera from HCC patients were amplified by nest PCR , and sequenced and then compared with the sequences in Genbank.对HCC患者血清的HBV的HBx、Enh2与Bcp基因的巢式PCR产物直接测序,与Genbank中已发表序列进行对比分析。 Objective To establish a technique of single cell 5-plex nest PCR for Ducheme muscular dystrophy detection and evaluate the possibility of using for preimplantation genetic diagnosis .摘要目的:探索建立单细胞多重巢式PCR检测杜氏肌营养不良症基因外显子17、19、44、45、48的技术,及应用于植入前遗传学诊断的前景。 |