

单词 Nestorius
释义 Nes·to·ri·us 英neˈstɔːriːəs, -ˈstəʊr-美nɛˈstɔriəs, -ˈstor-AHDnĕ-stôrʹē-əs, -stōrʹ- COCA¹⁴⁰⁰²⁷BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰

Syrian who was a Christian bishop and Patriarch of Constantinople in the early fifth century; one of the major heresies concerning the doctrine of the hypostasis of Christ was named after him died in 451 Its theme is the fifth- century debate between Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, and Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, over various arcane ecclesiastical and theological issues.
内容主要涉及5世纪君士坦丁堡长老 Nestorius和亚历山大长老 Cyril就各种神秘的基督教及神学问题的辩论。 ecocn

In 449, after the death of Saint Cyril, a synod at Ephesus tried to carry the triumph further, and thereby fell into the heresy opposite to that of Nestorius;
公元449年圣赛瑞利死后,以弗所宗教会议试图取得进一步的胜利,因而遂陷入与奈斯脱流斯方向相反的另一异端; blog.sina.com.cn

Nestorius, though was a man of the old school. He preferred to see women as the daughters of Eve that unfortunate lady who dabbled in snakes and sex and sin.
然而聂斯托利属于旧派系,他喜欢视妇女为夏娃的女儿,那个与蛇、性爱、罪恶厮混的不幸女子。 shnosbbs

Nestorius, Theodore's pupil, took up his teacher's position after his death.
聂斯脱里,西奥多的学生,拿起位置在他死后他的老师的。 nakedprisoner




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