释义 |
nese 基本例句 内塞 Both John and I understand Chinese.我和约翰都听得懂汉语。 American: What kind of “nese” are you?美国人 : 钥匙?你是什么意思? This American girl speaks Chinese as though /if she were a Chi-nese.这个美国女孩说起汉语来就像中国人一样。 Rice, ChineseFor eign Min is ter Li Zhaoxing 15)ap pealed for calm.在发布会上,李肇星呼吁各方保持冷静。 Football is first place. The Chi-nesefootball fans idolize football. They hope that football is able to dash out of Asia and walk up to the world at an early date.足球放在首位,亿万中国的足球迷们醉心于足球,盼望足球早日冲出亚洲,走向世界。 But I also can speak a l i ttle French.and at present I 'm learn i ng Ch inese.但我也会讲一点法语,目前正在学习中文。 |