

单词 Nesbitt
释义 Nesbitt ˈnezˌbɪt 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Charles Nesbitt Wilson, congressman, party animal and saviour of Afghanistan, died on February10th, aged76
国会议员,派对狂,及阿富汗的拯救者查理.奈斯比特.威尔森于2月10日辞世,享年76岁 ecocn

I found Nesbitt's attempts to draw links between the differences in thought processes and sociology, history and linguistics to be somewhat tenuous.
我发现尼斯贝特试图把思维过程中的差异与社会学、历史学和语言学的差异联系起来,这些联系有些脆弱。 yeeyan

Kathy Scott, a business analyst at BMO Nesbitt Burns in Toronto, travelled to the Anhui province of China to adopt her daughter, Robin, now three.
凯西·斯科特是多伦多 BMO Nesbitt Burns公司的商业分析师,之前在中国的安徽省领养了一个女孩,取名罗宾,现在3岁了。 ryedu

Later Wednesday, Obama played golf with friends Marty Nesbitt and Eric Whitaker, friends who are neighbors of Obama in Chicago.
当天晚些时候,奥巴马与两位朋友马蒂•奈斯比提和埃里克•惠特克一起打高尔夫,两人是奥巴马在芝加哥的邻居。 ebigear

One might in fact think that Nesbitt is getting perilously close to cultural stereotyping.
有人可能会认为事实上尼斯贝特有不断接近文化定势的危险。 yeeyan

So he invited a group of African Americans who might help to the house of a friend, Marty Nesbitt.
因此他邀请了一些非洲裔美国人,他们可以帮忙认识白宫的一个朋友,马迪内斯比特。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nesbitt is right in pointing out that most people do in fact assume that everyone else thinks just like they do.
尼斯贝特正确地指出,大多数人实际上都觉得每个人都知行如一。 yeeyan




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