释义 |
NERVIMDB²⁷⁸⁵⁵ 基本例句 abbr.核发动机回收飞行器=Nuclear Engine Recovery Vehicle;日本动漫《新世纪福音战士》中的特务机关名称¹⁰⁰ Players in “Aru Shito Karano Dasshutsu” Escape from an Angel will take the roles of members of the animes heroes, the NERV organization, who are trapped in a building by an invisible enemy Angel. “从使徒手中逃离”的玩家要饰演动漫中的英雄—— NERV成员,被看不见的仇敌困在修建里。 doulaikan That morning, NERV Headquarters received many emergency calls from a number of the operatives assigned to watch over the three Evangelion pilots. 那天的早晨, NERV本部收到了许多紧急呼叫,均来自被安排监视三位 Evangelion驾驶员的密探。 yeeyan This is the first battle for NERV. 这是 NERV的第一场战斗。 tokyo3cn |