

单词 nephews
释义 nephews ˈnefju:z COCA²³⁰⁵⁸BNC²⁵³²³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.侄子;外甥nephew的名词复数原型nephew的复数 And he had forty sons and thirty nephews, that rode on threescore and ten ass colts: and he judged Israel eight years.
他有四十个儿子,三十个孙子,骑着七十匹驴驹。 押顿作以色列的士师八年。 ebigear

He told us about his hometown in Henan province, near Zhengzhou, and the dietary habits of his nephews.
交谈中我们了解到他的家乡在河南省的郑州附近。 qq

It has also emerged that Flynt is suing two of his nephews for using the family name to sell their own range of adult movies.
另有消息披露,弗林特正在起诉他的两个侄子使用家族姓氏来销售他们自己的成人电影。 yeeyan

Ted Kennedy's children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews spoke at the funeral service.
在葬礼仪式上,特德·肯尼迪的子女,孙子孙女,侄子和侄女们都致了辞。 remword

The security service believed responsible for much of the violence is run by his son and nephews. But their support was not enough to save him.
一般咸认负责处理大部分暴力冲突的国安单位是由他的儿子和侄子掌控,但他们的支持不足以救他。 ecocn

And I want my children and my nieces and my nephews and my students to be American and to be proud of it.

And Clarissa comes from a much bigger family, with three siblings, multiple aunts, uncles and cousins, and an ever- expanding population of nieces and nephews.
而克莱瑞萨的家族则更加庞大,她有三个兄弟姐妹,很多个叔叔、婶婶和表兄弟姐妹,还有一大群不断壮大的侄女和侄子。 ebigear

As for the three nephews those brave free men had remembered urgent business elsewhere at the first sound of the pale mare's hooves.
至于那三个侄子,这些勇敢的自由人一听到苍白母马的蹄声就忽然想起别处还有紧要工作去做。 xmluyu

At over100 feet high he has managed this remarkable accomplishment with some assistance from nephews and with incomes from his farmland as well as private donations.
他在侄子们的帮助下,用自己经营农场的收入以及私人捐款,完成了这一超过100英尺高的非凡杰作。 dooland

Before we started selling things, we invited our children, nieces, and nephews to take what they wanted.
在开始卖东西前,我们先请我们的孩子、侄甥女和侄子外甥把他们想要的拿去。 yeeyan

But could police and social workers really know if they were visiting their nephews or accessing child pornography on the sly?
但如果他们去拜访侄子或偷偷的接触儿童色情,警察和社会工作者真的能发现吗? yeeyan

For instance, current economic troubles may affect your nieces' and nephews' plans to attend college and raise families.
比如说,现在糟糕的经济可能会影响你侄女和侄子上大学和供养家庭的计划。 dltcedu

Half a dozen nephews shall erase her title, please Heaven!
有半打侄子将要取消她的权利哩。谢谢老天! putclub

He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London.
他毒死了自己的妻子,篡夺原属于两个年轻侄儿的王位,还下令在伦敦塔中让他们窒息而死。 baisi

I have killed mothers, fathers, nephews, lovers, men and women, kings and whores.
我杀了母亲啊,父亲啊,侄子啊,情人啊,男人们和女人们啊,国王啊妓女什么的。 cndkc

In recent years, as her nephews and nieces have grown up, spending has been more restrained.
这几年,随着她的侄子和侄女都陆续长大了,圣诞支出也得到了控制。 kekenet

Now the couple have money to travel and to contribute to the education funds of nieces and nephews.
现在,他们夫妻有钱旅行了,也可以为外甥侄子的学费做点儿贡献。 yeeyan

Saleh on Saturday, several sons and nephews who control the powerful military and intelligence services remained behind.
但是周六,萨利赫的儿子和亲侄所控制的主力军和情报机构依然驻守在也门首都。 blog.sina.com.cn

The family resemblance is strong, and my brothers and nephews are big guys, so the overall effect is a bit spooky.
我们的家庭成员彼此很相像,我的两个弟弟和外甥们都是大个子,所以穿上工作服之后样子有些吓人。 yeeyan

This year our group included our two delightful young nephews, Roger’s son, Tyler, and Tony’s son, Zach.
这年我们两个可爱的侄子也加入了我们一起庆祝,罗杰的儿子泰勒和托尼的儿子扎克。 yeeyan




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