

单词 Neoproterozoic
释义 Neoproterozoic
The Yanshan region is one of the regions where theNeoproterozoicQingbaikou system is well developed.摘要燕山地区是中国新元古界青白口系出露最好、层序较为完整的地区。
Recognition ofNeoproterozoicophiolite on the northern margin of the Qaidam basin: evidence of the breakup of Rodinia?柴达木盆地北缘新元古代蛇绿岩的厘定--罗迪尼亚大陆裂解的证据?
TheNeoproterozoicJiuliqiao Formation in the Huainan region consists of sandy, silty, stromatolitic and dolomitic limestones.摘要安徽淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质、泥质灰岩,叠层石灰岩和白云质灰岩组成。
In this case theNeoproterozoictraces were produced by animals that predated the last ancestor common to protostomes and deuterostomes.文德纪的遗迹化石可能是原口动物与后口动物共同祖先或共同祖先之前的后生动物活动的遗迹。
Gold deposit occurs in contacting belt of adamellite inNeoproterozoicSinian period and Paleoproterozoic Jingshan group.金矿床产于新元古代震旦期鹊山二长花岗岩体与古元古代荆山群接触带内。
LU Song-nian.A review of advance in the research on theNeoproterozoicRodinia supercontinent ;.Geological Review, 1998,44 :489 - 495.;陆松年.;新元古时期Rodinia超大陆研究进展述评;




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