

单词 artifact
释义 ar·te·fact 英ˈɑːtəˌfækt美ˈɑrtəˌfæktAHDärʹtə-făkt' ●○○○○高四GIST宝八COCA⁵⁹³⁰BNC⁴⁶⁷⁴⁰iWeb⁵⁶⁴⁵
n.人工制品⁷⁷;典型产物²³;【医】非源自脑中的电波,伪差,假象,人为现象 复数artifacts形容词artifactual

a man-made object taken as a whole发音释义:'ɑ:təˌfækt n. 人工制品;手工艺品
结构分析:artifact = arti人工+fact制品→人工制品
衍生词:artifactual人造的,artifacts史前古器物、人工产品biologic artifact机 生物性人工产…artifact pollution人为污染artefact人工制品
art手艺,艺术+i连接字母+fac制造+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词,表示动作完成后的产物→利用手艺制造出来的东西⇒人工制品,手工艺品。GRE红宝书art艺术, ifact = in fact事实上. 艺术事实上是人工制品
art 艺术 + fact factory 制作
arti技巧+fact制作 →制作出的东西→人造物
词根记忆arti技巧+ fact制作→ 用技巧制作出的东西 ⇒人工制品词根记忆arti技巧+fact做→有技巧地做出来→手工艺品词根记忆arti+fact做出的东西,事实=人造物=工艺品近义词 piece件item项目thing东西object物体article文章product产品relic神圣的遗物artefact人工制品work of art艺术品objet d'art小工艺品manufactured article机器制成品反义词 natural object自然物体

用作名词In the wrong hands this powerfulartifacthas the ability to unravel the soul.在错误手这强有力的人工制品有能力解开灵魂。
A user interface is anartifact, not directly associated with the goals of a user.用户界面是人造的,并非直接和用户的目标相关。
Working code is the single most importantartifact.工作代码是一个最重要的工件。as in.antique
同义词 antiquity,heirloom,relicbygone,monument,rarity,ruin,vestigeobjet d'artas in.fabrication
同义词 deceit,falsehood,fiction,forgery,myth,untruthconcoction,fable,fake,fib,figment,hogwash,invention,jazz,jive,line,opus,smoke,work,yarnfairy story,song and danceas in.handicraft
同义词 art,craftachievement,calling,creation,design,handiwork,invention,product,production,profession,result,trade,vocationartisanship,craftship,métieras in.product
同义词 amount,brand,commodity,crop,device,fruit,merchandise,output,produce,production,profit,stock,workaftermath,blend,brew,by-product,compound,concoction,confection,consequence,contrivance,creation,decoction,effect,emolument,fabrication,gain,handiwork,invention,issue,legacy,line,manufacture,offshoot,outcome,outgrowth,preparation,realization,result,returns,synthetic,upshot,yieldspinoffas in.relic
同义词 antique,antiquity,curio,evidence,fragment,keepsake,memento,monument,remains,remnant,souvenirarchaism,curiosity,heirloom,memorial,remembrance,reminder,residue,ruins,scrap,survival,testimonial,token,trace,trophy,vestigeremembrancer
antiquenoun old object, often of great value
antiquity,bygone,heirloom,monument,objet d'art,rarity,relic,ruin,vestige
antiquesnoun old object, often of great value
antiquities,artifacts,bygones,heirlooms,monuments,objet d'arts,rarities,relics,ruins,vestiges
fabricationnoun lie
artifact,concoction,deceit,fable,fairy story,fake,falsehood,fib,fiction,figment,forgery,hogwash,invention,jazz,jive,line,myth,opus,smoke,song and dance,untruth,work,yarn
handicraftnoun artwork, skill
productnoun result or goods created
relicnoun something saved from the past
antique,antiquity,archaism,artifact,curio,curiosity,evidence,fragment,heirloom,keepsake,memento,memorial,monument,remains,remembrance,remembrancer,reminder,remnant,residue,ruins,scrap,souvenir,survival,testimonial,token,trace,trophy,vestige A model is any artifact that drives generation or behavior.
模型是任何驱动产生过程或行为的构件。 ibm

A tag defined in one project cannot be applied to an artifact in another project.
在一个项目中定义的标签,不能应用到另一个项目中的工件。 ibm

It is interesting to note that few, if any, other engineering media can provide such a tight coupling between a model and its corresponding engineering artifact.
有趣的是,几乎没有任何其他的工程媒介能够为一个模型和它相应的工程工具提供如此紧密的连接。 ibm

The basic physical structure of the artifact does not change, whether or not the artifact is in document form or captured in a tool.
无论这个工件是采用文档形式,还是在一个工具中维护,它们的基本物理结构是不变的。 ibm

The IEEE refers to linking elements from one artifact to another and uses such definitions as the pure justification of this exercise.
IEEE引用从一个工件到另一个工件的连接元素,并用这种定义作为这个练习中单纯证明。 ibm

As an added benefit, moving the test data into the non- code artifact of an XML file means that non- programmers can also specify data.
这样做的一个额外的好处是:将测试数据移动到 XML文件的无代码工件就意味着非程序员也可以指定数据。 ibm

As the artifact of your short-term planning, it becomes the developing Polaroid of your next few hours, days, or weeks.
就像短期计划的人工制品一样,它就会成为你接下来几个小时、几天、几周的宝丽来。 yeeyan

As we described earlier, personas represent user groups; in an artifact, they can be supported with demographic and other data.
如我们早先描述的,角色代表用户组,在工件中,他们可以由人口统计和其他数据支持。 ibm

Each project artifact of a project area belongs to exactly one of its team areas.
项目区域的每个项目构件确切地仅属于其中一个团队区域。 ibm

For each artifact you add, you choose a type.
对于添加的每个工件,您应该选择一种类型。 ibm

I also added a description for each artifact.
我还为每个工件添加了一个描述。 ibm

If you cannot find a concrete answer to this question, chances are high that the artifact is superfluous.
如果您不能找到此问题的具体答案,那么有很大可能性此工件是多余的。 ibm

If you know part of the name of the artifact that you are looking for but not what the name begins with, you can use the asterisk as a wildcard.
如果您知道您想要搜索工件的名字的一部分,但是不知道名字以什么开始,那么您可以使用星号作为一个通配符。 ibm

Implementation of cataloging requires definition of the metadata for every artifact placed in the repository.
为了实现归类,需要获得存储库中放入的每个构件的元数据定义。 ibm

In addition to its sheer age, the artifact could provide insights about how ancient Greek kingdoms were organized and administered, he added.
除了它古老的年龄,这个手工制品可以提供关于古希腊国王如何组织管理的深刻洞察,他补充到。 yeeyan

In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process.
然而就这件事来说,用户看到的是一个人工数据收集过程制造的‘赝品’。 yeeyan

In each cell, indicate whether you have collected the artifact's content and validated it with the users.
在表中的每一个单元,指出你是否已经收集了工件的内容和已与用户进行了验证。 ibm

In this dialog, you can only open an artifact in the editor.
在这个对话框中,您只可以在编辑器中打开一个工件。 ibm

It's why a camera artifact might look like a base station on Mars, or ice floes look like crashed UFOs to some folks.
这就是为什么有些人会把相机等人工制品看作可能是火星上的基站,或把冰川看作坠毁的飞碟。 yeeyan

Now that you have an artifact to work with, change its contents to what you want for the new version of your template.
既然现在您有了加工的工件,那么现在就将它的内容更改为模板的新版本。 ibm

The artifact is sent only to the expected requester and is deleted after it is retrieved.
然后只将助诊文件发送给期望的请求者,在检索到助诊文件后则删除它。 ibm

This allows you to view and manage how an artifact is utilized throughout your entire SOA.
因此,您可以查看和管理某个工件在整个 SOA中是如何利用的。 ibm

This should be viewed as a form of inheritance at the artifact level.
应该将这种情况看做工件层次上继承性的一种形式。 ibm

When we have a question about an upstream artifact, these questions usually just slow things down.
当我们有关于上游工件的问题时,这些问题通常只会令事情变慢。 ibm

Where possible, collaborate in the context of the object or artifact under discussion.
在可能的情况下,在所讨论的目标或工件范围内协作。 ibm

You can easily click through each artifact in the list and mark them to use their contents as templates.
您可以点击列表中的每一个工件,然后标记它们以将它们的内容当做模板使用。 ibm

You can also view more information about an artifact, such as its description and what tags are associated with it.
您还可以查看关于工件更多的信息,例如它的描述,以及它与什么标签相关。 ibm

You should not allow deleting any artifact unless it is really necessary to do so.
您不应该允许删除任意的工件,除非真的有必要这样做。 ibm




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