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词汇 Neonates
释义 Neonates
Alcohol consumption by an expectant mother may cause fetal alcohol syndrome and pre-term birth complications, which are detrimental to the health and development of neonates.
准母亲使用酒精可能会造成胎儿酒精综合征以及早产并发症,这对新生儿的健康和发育不利。 who

Care for illnesses in infants and neonates is also very important, as young children can die very quickly if an illness is not recognized.
如果没有及时发现某种疾病,很快就会致幼儿死亡,因此对婴儿和新生儿的疾病保健也非常重要。 who

Child deaths from preventable causes will not drop until emergency care reaches neonates and children with acute respiratory infections.
只有当新生儿和患有急性呼吸道感染的儿童能够获得急救服务时,死于可预防原因的儿童人数才会减少。 who

Clinical studies of squalene- containing vaccines have been performed in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns.
含角鲨烯疫苗已在婴儿和新生儿中开展了临床研究,并未发现安全性问题。 who

Clinical studies on squalene-containing vaccines have been done in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns.
在婴儿和新生儿中针对含角鲨烯疫苗开展过临床研究,未发现危及安全的证据。 who

Conclusion:The procedure of CPCR in transport of critical neonates possesses clinical practice value.
结论:危重新生儿转运中的 CPCR程序具有临床实用价值。 cnki

Conclusion Abnormal changes of weight index before and during pregnancy is an important contributory factor to complications in pregnancy and abnormal weight for neonates.
结论异常的孕前及孕期体重指数变化是孕期并发症和新生儿体重异常的重要影响因素。 cnki

In regions where at least22% of pregnant women have vitamin A deficiency, giving neonates vitamin A supplements will have a protective effect against infant death.
在至少有22%的孕妇存在维生素 A缺乏症的地区,让婴儿服用维生素 A补品将可以起到预防婴儿死亡的作用。 who

Methods The hearing screen was conducted in the high-risk neonates of NICU using the distortion products otoacoustic emissions DPOAE. Cases without passing the screen was given the screen again.
方法采用畸变产物耳声发射 DPOAE对 NICU中高危新生儿进行听力筛查,未通过者进行复筛; cnki

Methods Kirby- Bauer method were used to measure the antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of bacteria on blood culture for neonates.
方法用改良 K- B法对感染性疾病新生儿血培养出的细菌进行药敏试验。 iciba

Objective To explore the influence of swimming and touching on neonates.
目的探讨新生儿游泳与抚触对新生儿体重的影响。 cnki

Objective To explore the optimal dose and concentration of adrenaline during cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR in neonates.
目的探讨新生儿心肺复苏 CPR时肾上腺素的最佳用药浓度及剂量。 iciba

Objective To study clinical value of CR system in diagnosis of pneumothorax in neonates.
目的探讨 CR在新生儿气胸诊断中的价值。 cnki

Objective:To observe the influence of asphyxia on the auditognosis and brainstem function in neonates.
目的:探讨窒息对新生儿的听觉和脑干功能的影响。 cnki

Other32 neonates tetanus who were only given partial parenteral nutrition besides comprehensive treatment as control group.
另有32例新生儿破伤风给予综合治疗和部分静脉营养对照组。 cnki

Researchers found that neonates with levels of vitamin D in the three groups with the lowest Vitamin D levels had a significantly increased risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.
研究者发现血样中维生素 D水平最低的3组新生儿在后来患精神分裂症的危险率显著增高。 yeeyan

Syphilis screening is available in very few of the basic medical facilities offering prenatal care where most neonates in southern China are delivered.
在中国南方,提供产前护理且为大多数婴儿出生地的基本医疗机构中,仅有很少的几家机构能够进行梅毒筛查。 who

The age at death for early child mortality was determined by the mean interval between successive births and the mean age of neonates at registration.
幼儿死亡率的死亡年龄由母亲相继生育的平均时间间隔和婴儿出生登记时的平均年龄决定。 who

The women and neonates were seen again within48 hours postpartum and at day28 after the birth.
产后48小时和出生后28天再次对妇女和新生儿进行访视。 who

These transitory accessory connections may act as substrate for AV reentrant tachycardias in fetuses or neonates.
这些短暂的旁路可作为胎儿或新生儿房室折返性心动过速的发病基础。 doctorsky

Topical therapy with SSO or Aquaphor was highly cost- effective in reducing deaths from infection among the preterm neonates studied.
使用葵花籽油或凡士林油进行局部治疗,对于减少被研究早产儿因感染而死亡的数量都是极具成本效益的。 who

Untreated sexually transmitted infections are associated with congenital and perinatal infections in neonates, particularly in the areas where rates of infection remain high.
未经治疗的性传播感染与新生儿先天性和围产期感染有关联,在感染率依然很高的地区尤其如此。 who

We reported here a consecutive observation of platelet count and size in135 normal term neonates.
本文报告135例正常足月新生儿血小板数量及大小动态观察结果。 cnki

Neonates can maintain cerebral hemodynamic stability by auto- regulation, chemical regulation and neuroregulation.
新生儿可通过自动调节、化学调节及神经调节维持脑血流的稳定。 cnki




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