

单词 neonate
释义 ne·o·nate 英ˈniːəˌneɪt美ˈniəˌnetAHDnēʹə-nāt' 高四GS宝COCA⁶²¹⁷⁴BNC⁶⁵⁷³⁷iWeb²⁷⁰⁹⁹

a baby from birth to four weeks词根词缀: neo-新 + -nat-生 + -eneonate monitor新生儿监护器…neonate secretion suction apparatus新生儿分泌物吸引器…neonate bed新生儿床laryngoscope for neonate新生儿喉镜
ne新+o连接字母+nat出生+e→新出生的婴儿⇒新生儿。GRE难词记忆neonate→neo=new 新+nate出生→新生儿GRE红宝书neo新+nate出生
neo new 新 + nate 生
词根记忆neo新+ nat出生+ e ⇒初生儿词根记忆neo新+nate=新出生近义词 baby婴儿infant婴儿newborn新生的newborn infant新生婴儿
同义词 babe,bairn,bambino,bundle,buttercup,button,cherub,chick,child,crawler,deduction,dividend,dumpling,infant,kid,newborn,nipper,nursling,papoose,preemie,suckling,tad,toddler,tot,youngsterangelface,bundle of joy,little angel,little darling,little doll,little one
反义词 adult
bambinonoun baby
angelface,babe,bundle of joy,child,infant,little child,little one,newborn,nipper,tad,toddler,tot,tyke,young child
infantnoun baby
babe,bairn,bambino,bantling,bundle,child,kid,little one,neonate,newborn,small child,suckling,toddler,tot
newbornnoun infant
babe,baby,bairn,bambino,bantling,bundle,child,kid,little one,neonate,nursling,small child,suckling,tot
nurslingnoun baby
angelface,babe,bairn,bambino,bundle,bundle of joy,buttercup,button,cherub,chick,child,crawler,deduction,dividend,dumpling,infant,kid,little angel,little darling,little doll,little one,neonate,newborn,nipper,papoose,preemie,suckling,tad,toddler,tot,youngster
totnoun child
adolescent,anklebiter,babe,baby,bairn,bambino,brat,bud,cherub,chick,cub,descendant,dickens,imp,infant,innocent,issue,juvenile,kid,kiddie,lamb,little angel,little darling,little doll,little one,minor,mite,moppet,neonate,nestling,newborn,nipper,nursling,offspring,preteen,progeny,pubescent,shaver,small fry,sprout,squirt,stripling,suckling,tadpole,teen,teenager,teenybopper,toddler,tyke,urchin,whippersnapper,young one,youngster,youth A ventilator allows the neonate to breathe efficiently while a monitor checks the oxygen concentration in the bloodstream.
通风管帮助新生儿呼吸新鲜空气,检测器则检查血管中氧浓度。 yeeyan

Objective :To investigate diagnoses and the operative methods the factors affected the prognosis of intestine atresia in neonate.
目的总结分析新生儿肠闭锁及梗阻的早期诊断及治疗方法和对预后的影响。 cnki

Objective: To analyze the clinical effect of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation SIMV in neonate with failure of respiration.
目的探讨同步间歇指令通气 SIMV在新生儿呼吸衰竭中的临床效果。 cnki

This neonate had a congenital neuroblastoma of the right adrenal. This neoplasmmarked by the white arrow is displacing the liver to the left of the body.
新生儿患有先天性右肾上腺神经母细胞瘤。肿瘤白色箭头所示把肝脏推向左侧。 binglixue

TSH level of the newborn umbilical blood and the neonate heel blood was measured the TSH level using enzyme immunity analysisEIA and radiation immunity analysisRIA.
采集新生儿脐带血和足跟血,采用酶免疫分析和放射免疫分析方法测定 TSH水平。 iciba

“Full, unabashed, total irradiation of a neonate, ” Dr. Sclafani said, adding, “ This poor, defenseless baby.”
“对初生婴儿过量的毫不在乎的辐射,” Sclafani医生说,又接着说,“这些可怜的毫无防护能力的婴儿。” yeeyan

Conclusion Evaluating plasma SP- A and SF levels in neonate after mechanical ventilation may help monitor the development and guid the clinical diagnosis and treatment of VILI.
结论动态观察机械通气新生儿血浆 SP- A和 SF水平可能有助于监测 VILI的发生,指导临床诊治。 cnki

Conclusion Injection of air to tear- sac is a good method in the therapy of neonate dacryocystitis.
结论泪囊压力注气术是治疗新生儿泪囊炎较为理想的一种自然物理疗法。 cnki

Conclusion RSV is one of the important pathogen of neonate pneumonia.
结论呼吸道合胞病毒是新生儿肺炎的重要病原之一。 cnki

Conclusions Premature delivery is the main causes of neonate illness and death.
结论早产是新生儿发病和死亡的主要原因。 cnki

Especially in preterm neonates, frequently requiring mono- or multimodal treatment, this may have adverse effects on the neurological and cognitive development of the neonate.
尤其是早产儿,经常需要采用单模式或多模式治疗,这可能对新生儿神经和认知发育产生负面影响。 blog.sina.com.cn

Heart disease operation of young and light neonate was very difficult and had high risk, which set high demand for nurses of operation room.
低龄低体质量婴儿心脏病手术难度高,风险大,因此,对手术室护士要求较高。 chemyq

I have been interested in the art of smiling since my first graduate school paper The Biological and Maturational Development of the Smile in the Neonate.
自从写了我的第一次毕业论文---《婴儿微笑在生物上的成熟发展》后,我就一直对笑的艺术感兴趣。 yeeyan

Method82 neonate infants with failure of respiration were treated by NCPAP and observed the changes of vital signs.
方法应用 NCPAP治疗82例新生儿呼吸衰竭患儿,并观察生命体征的变化。 cnki

Objective To discuss the application and nursing of nasal continuous positive airway pressure NCPAP in neonate infants with failure of respiration.
目的探讨鼻塞式持续气道正压通气简称 NCPAP在新生儿呼吸衰竭中应用的护理。 cnki

Objective To investigate the relation between stress hyperglycemia and prognosis of imminent neonate.
目的探讨危重新生儿预后与应激性高血糖之间的关系。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the relation between neonate pneumonia and mycoplasma infection of maternity.
目的:探讨产妇支原体感染与新生儿肺炎的关系。 cnki

Objective As an important indication, to study the serum myocardial enzymes in neonate suffocation complicated with myocardial lesion.
目的:将血清心肌酶指数作为观察在新生儿窒息的一个重要观察指标。 cnki

Once identified, these mothers may require treatment during future pregnancies to minimize serious bleeding in the fetus and neonate.
一旦发现,这些母亲在以后怀孕的时候就可能需要治疗,从而使胎儿和新生儿严重出血的发生最小化。 iciba

Postnatal appearance of the neonate.
新生儿的产后表现。 med66

Results Neonate patients usually present complete upper gastrointestinal obstruction because most of them were complicated with duodenal atresia.
结果新生儿环状胰腺均表现为高位完全性肠梗阻症状,多合并十二指肠膜状闭锁; cnki

Several folk have pathetic life in the outside and finally spread the voice of crying of neonate at the behind of dissimilar time interjection that hear Lan Hui.
几人在外面度日如年,终于在又一次听到澜惠的叫声后传来婴儿的哭声。 xinmingedu.com

Striated muscle cells connected with the neonate chondrocytes firmly. Neonate capillaries and micro blood vessels of various diameters were abundant in striated muscle stratum.
其外层可见横纹肌细胞,其间有大量的新生的直径不等的微血管和毛细血管,软骨细胞与肌细胞之间连接紧密。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn




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