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Neoarchean 基本例句 n.地新太古代 Isotopic data proved that the forming age of the Sertengshan group isNeoarchean.顶部与中新元古界白云鄂博群、渣尔泰山群不整合接触。 In the southwest part,Neoarcheangranitoid-greenstone belts forming is the most …本区是铜、金成矿条件十分有利地区,有较好的找矿前景。 Xindigou gold deposit occurring in the greenschist series of theNeoarcheanSertengshan Group, belongs to greenstone-type gold deposit in Daqing Mts.新地沟金矿床产于新太古界色尔腾山群绿片岩系中,属层控绿岩型金矿床。 The minerogenetic epoch lasted from Paleoarchean to Sinian, withNeoarchean, Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic-Qingbaikouan being the culmination periods.成矿时代从古太古代到震旦纪,但以新太古代、古元古代、中元古代-青白口纪3个地质时期为成矿高峰期。 Abstract: High-pressure mafic granulite enclaves or slices are identified in the formerNeoarchean“Dantanzi group”.They occur in the country rocks of granitic gneiss.文摘:在冀北地区原太古代“单塔子群”内多处发现了高压基性麻粒岩构造岩片或透镜体,围岩为花岗片麻岩类,在区域上呈构造带出现。 High-pressure mafic granulite enclaves or slices are identified in the formerNeoarchean“Dantanzi group”.They occur in the country rocks of granitic gneiss.在冀北地区原太古代“单塔子群”内多处发现了高压基性麻粒岩构造岩片或透镜体,围岩为花岗片麻岩类,在区域上呈构造带出现。 |