释义 |
Nemeth 基本例句 内梅特¹⁰⁰
名词100% Nemethhad another great chance in the second half but he was denied at point blank range by the Ajax stopper.克劳森漂亮的传球让阿贾克斯的后防出现漏洞,内梅特面对守门员一脚射门将球打飞。 A neat move involving San Jose and Bruna led to Weijl crossing low forNemethto stab home from six yards and win the cup for Liverpool.何塞与布鲁纳的中场配合传给边路的维吉尔,维吉尔一记低传到球门六码处,插上的内梅特捅射为利物浦捧起利物浦超级杯奠定胜利的基础。 |