

单词 neither
释义 nei·ther 英ˈniːðə, ˈnaɪ-美ˈniðɚ, ˈnaɪ-AHDnē“Yər, nīʹ- ★★★★☆初中高牛4研COCA²²²³BNC¹⁶²³iWeb³⁰²⁴Economist¹⁴⁶⁴


not one nor the other of two


both not


not either



not either; not one or the other
neither, both, either

这三个词都表示“两者…”。neither表示“两者都不…”,常与单数谓语动词搭配; both表示“两者都…”,常与复数谓语动词搭配; either表示“两者之一”,常与单数谓语动词搭配。

neither, none

neither用于否定两个人或物; none用于否定三个或三个以上的人或物。

来自古英语nahwaether,两者都不,来自na,不,没有,词源同no,hwaether,两个中的一个,即whether,后受either影响拼写俗化。neither more nor less than完全同于neither here nor there不对题, 不相干…neither rhyme nor reason既无音韵又无情节…neither … nor …既不 … 也不 …neither fish nor fowl非驴非马have neither part nor lot in不参与neither fish nor flesh非驴非马neither hide nor hair无影无踪,什么也没有…neither…nor… 既不…也不…neither to hold nor to bind激动得无法控制…neither with your leave nor by your leave不管你喜欢不喜欢, …be neither sugar nor saltbe not mad…have neither bite nor sup未饮未食neither man nor mouse一个人也没有…make neither head nor tail of something对某事一点摸不着头脑…say neither ba nor bum一声不吭,不开腔…neither off nor on没有决断三心两意…neither of两个中没有一个…have neither part nor lot in something不参与某事,与某事不…neither … nor既不…又不…,两者都…
非常记忆n门〖编码〗+either两者中的任一个〖熟词〗⇒门上两张贴画中的任何一张他都不喜欢钱博士ne=no,不+either两个中的任一个⇒两个都不ne=no,不+either两个中的任一个⇒两个都不。近义词 no不not不nor也不more更多的no more不再either任一的反义词 either任一的
~+ n.I went to see Jack and Bill yesterday, but neither one was at home.昨天我去看杰克和比尔,可是两个人都不在家。
Neither man spoke.两个人都不说话。
Neither hand is clean.两只手都不干净。
On neither side of the street are there any trees.街道两旁都没有什么树木。
In neither case can we agree.无论哪一种情况,我们都不能同意。用作代词pron.I have two hats but neither fits me properly.我有两顶帽子,但对我都不适合我。
Neither of my parents is a teacher.我父母都不是教师。
Neither of you believes one word that you are saying.你们连自己说的一句话也不相信。
They were both dull.这两部电影你喜欢哪一部?——都不喜欢!两部电影都枯燥无味。用作副词adv.You didn't see him, and neither did I.你没有看见他,我也没有。
If you do not go, neither shall I.你不去我也不去。
Just as I haven't good eyes, neither have my children.就好像我视力不好,我的孩子们视力都不好。
The first one was not good, neither was the second one.第一个不好,第二个也不好。用作连词conj.Neither Jack nor I have seen this film.杰克和我都没有看过这部电影。
Neither volleyball nor basketball is a hundred years old.排球和篮球都不到一百年的历史。
Neither you nor he is right.你和他都不对。
Neither the teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem.老师和他的学生们都解不出那道题。
I left my watch on the table, but when I returned I could find neither hide nor hair.我把手表忘在桌上了; 可当我回来找时,什么都没有了。
This essay hardly makes any sense, it's neither rhyme nor reason.这篇文章写得不伦不类,简直不知所云。




neither作主语时,谓语动词在大多数情况下用第三人称单数形式,但在neither of…后可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。



neither可用在句子的开头或用在简略答语中,表示“也不”, neither前可有and或but,后接倒装语序。




He tasted both cakes and said thatneitherwas delicious.他两块蛋糕都尝了尝,觉得都不好吃。用作形容词用作副词He hasn't got a ticket andneitherhave I.他没有票,我也没有。用作连词A good watchneithergains nor loses.好表不快也不慢。
The hotel isneitherspacious nor comfortable.这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服。
He canneitherread nor write.他既不会读也不会写。adj.nor yet
同义词 no more,not,not at all,not eitherconj.nor yet
同义词 no more,not,not at all,not eitherpron.not one or the other
同义词 none,nothingneither one,none of the two,no one of two,nor this nor that,not any one,not either,not either one,not the one,not this one
norconjunction and not
nor yet,not any,not either,not one But he denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest.
彼得却不承认,说,我不知道,也不明白你说的是什么。 ebigear

But if a valid certificate can be obtained, neither the user nor the browser have any idea that they have been hijacked.
但是,如果可以获得一份有效的证书,无论是用户还是浏览器都不会有被劫持的想法。 ecocn

But what if you had no expectations— then their actions would be neither good nor bad, just actions.
但是如果你没有对他们有所期望——然后他们的做法就会变得既不好也不坏,做法就只是做法。 yeeyan

But neither will anything else in isolation.
但也不会孤立其他任何东西。 ecocn

But neither of them are Napoleon.

His family owned neither land nor house.

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
我是耶和华,这是我的名。我必不将我的荣耀归给假神,也不将我的称赞归给雕刻的偶像。 ebigear

I found this man in the Duke, but the Duke is old and old age neither shields nor consoles.
我过去找到过这个人,就是公爵,但公爵年事已高,既不能保护我又不能安慰我。 ebigear

I neither know him or want to know him.
我既不认识他也不想认识他。 ebigear

I neither lend nor owe.

Of course, neither theory excludes the other and bits of both may be true.
当然,也不排除其他解释,或者这两个解释可能都是正确的。 yeeyan

One option would be to cut dividends, but neither private nor public shareholders would like that.
一种选择是削减股息,但无论是私人股东还是公众股东都不会喜欢这样。 ecocn

She lives in retirement, neither making nor receiving visits.
她过着隐退的生活,既不访客, 也不见客。《新英汉大辞典》

She mocks neither love nor beauty.
她既不嘲笑爱,也不嘲笑美。 ebigear

The opposition voted against the package in both houses, but agreed neither to amend nor obstruct it.
反对派在两院投票反对这项一揽子法案,但同意既不会改动它也不会阻挠它。 ecocn

The procedure goes on until you hit a schema that neither imports nor includes any other schemas.
一直重复这个过程,直到遇到既不导入又不包含任何其他模式的模式。 ibm

Then we have those who are neither clever, wanting to convey to us how much they know, nor wise.
然后还有一种人,他们既不聪明,也缺乏智慧,总想向我们传达他们知道有多少。 ebigear

We have no evidence at all neither from the letter itself, nor from the ancient world.

You would not go to a carpenter to pull a tooth; neither should you discuss your marriage problems with relatives or friends.
你不会去找一个木匠来帮你拔牙,你也不应该去找亲戚或朋友来讨论你的婚姻问题。 yeeyan

Neither of them knows the secret.
他们俩谁都不知道这个秘密。 ebigear

Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
也不因为是亚伯拉罕的后裔,就都作他的儿女。 惟独从以撒生的,才要称为你的后裔。 ebigear

Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions.




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