

单词 neighbourly
释义 neighbourly 美'nebɚli ☆☆☆☆☆高BNC⁵¹⁸¹¹

exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighborneighbour-ly像⇒adj.睦邻友好的adj.和睦的;亲切的;像邻居的指友好的和有帮助的友好的氛围邻近的;接壤的;友好的;乐于助人的;易亲近的;住在邻近的;友善的近义词 kind亲切的amiable和蔼的amicable友好的friendly友好的agreeable愉快的helpful有帮助的sociable好交际的neighborly睦邻的sympathetic同情的pleasant令人愉快的accommodating乐于助人的

用作形容词It was aneighbourlygesture of theirs.这是他们友好的表示。
Some of us tried at first to beneighbourlybut they seemed to want to keep their own company.起初,我们有些人想搞好邻里关系,但她们似乎不想与人来往。 And the project’s appeal is clear: Nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration.
那烂陀项目诱人前景也十分明晰:能让人看到过去的辉煌,同时为邻近国家间的区域合作提供了机会。 ecocn

For many decades most of Israel's enemies denied its right to exist, let alone to enjoy normal neighbourly relations.
许多年来,大多数以色列的敌国都拒绝承认以色列有生存权,更不用提邻国关系正常化了。 ecocn

Home ownership may indeed instil neighbourly stability though Germany with its high levels of stability and renting suggests the two need not go together.
自置居所实际上逐步灌输了邻里稳定虽然有着高度稳定和租赁制度的德国表示二者无需结合在一起。 ecocn

What made this neighbourly gesture remarkable was that the two countries that share the island of Hispaniola have long been divided by mutual suspicion.
这一睦邻的动作引起广泛注意,过去各据这座西班牙岛东西的两国一直因互相猜疑而分裂。 ecocn

A campaign launched in January— Luton in Harmony—is more than wishful thinking: 29, 000 residents have signed a neighbourly pledge.
一场声势浩大的活动在一月份展开——“和谐卢顿”——这可不只是一厢情愿:29,000个居民在睦邻友好的誓约上签名。 ecocn

As long as they avoid neighbourly confrontation and keep their congregations below a certain size usually about25, the Protestant ones are mostly tolerated, grudgingly.
只要能够避免邻里不和,并保持集会人数不超过一定规模通常是25人,新教家庭教会可以勉强被当局接受。 yeeyan

China has its own priorities and notions o neighbourly relations. It is not worried about the kind of govt China's neighbouring countries have.
中国对于周边关系有自己的重点和准则,它才不关心邻居有什么样的政府。 blog.sina.com.cn

Gilbert and colleagues call this the surprising power of neighbourly advice.
吉尔伯特和同事们把这种现象称之为友邻建议的惊人力量。 yeeyan

Strong bonds among extended families, neighbourly solidarity and the Muslim tradition of charity support many of the needy.
大家庭内部之间强健的联系,邻里之间团结和睦,穆斯林传统的施舍帮助了很多需要帮助的人。 ecocn

The EU demands good neighbourly relations from aspiring members.
欧盟要求各个志向远大的成员国能与邻国建立友好关系。 ecocn

We lay special stress on developing good- neighbourly relations with nearby countries.

Neighbourly relations are a prerequisite for progress towards the EU.
取得欧盟候选国资格的进程中有一项前提条件,即友善的邻国关系。 ecocn




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