

单词 neighboring country
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Zeus pretended to be a prince from a neighboring country and pretended to send the skirt to Clotho.
他以一位邻国王子的身份去提亲,并把神衣送给了欧罗巴。 putclub

China and Russia are the biggest neighboring country to each other. As the permanent members of the UN Security Council, both of them shoulder major responsibility for safeguarding world peace.
中俄互为最大邻国,又同是联合国安理会常任理事国,对维护世界和平负有重大责任。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Get to neighboring country Japan, see that mysterious Fuji mountain.
到邻国日本,去看那座神秘的富士山。 iask.sina.com.cn

He loved a princess of his neighboring country, but she was haughty and stubborn.
他爱上了邻国的公主,但是公主很傲慢很倔强。 chnxs

He said the visit is a routine one to be made by a leader of a country and that it has nothing to hide with military challenge with neighboring country.
他说,这次访问的路线是作为一个国家领导人所制定出来的,并不会对邻国产生任何潜在的军事挑战。 yeeyan

Mongolia is the neighboring country of China with the longest land borderline and one of the earliest countries establishing diplomatic ties with China.
蒙古国是中国陆地边界最长的邻国,是最早同新中国建交的国家之一。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Most people had heard of it, but they had no idea how important a day it is for their neighboring country.
大多数人听说过这个节日,但他们不清楚这一天对于他们的邻国而言有多么重要。 dict

One day the neighboring country sent a gift to the emperor.
一天邻国送给皇帝一份礼物。 chnxs

One day the prince of a neighboring country happened to ride by and saw the coffin and beautiful Snow White in it.
有一天,邻国的王子碰巧骑马路过这里,看到了玻璃棺和躺在里面的白雪公主。 blog.zjol.com.cn

One of these was put in place simply for attending a human rights conference in a neighboring country.
原因其一仅是我在邻国参加了一次人权会议。 yeeyan

Their country declared a war against their neighboring country because of tariff problem.
因为关税问题,他们的国家向邻国宣战。 ebigear

This time, Hun Sen said he will not make any statement concerning the neighboring country as long as no comment to be made prior to his visit there.
他还表示,这次他将不会发表任何有关邻国,除非是在先前的那次访问中被提及的。 yeeyan




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