

单词 negotiation
释义 ne·go·ti·a·tion 英nɪˌgəʊʃiːˈeɪʃən美nɪˌgoʃiˈeʃənAHDnĭ-gō'shē-āʹshən ★★★★☆高六IT八COCA²⁷⁶⁸BNC⁵⁶⁴²iWeb⁴¹¹¹Economist⁷⁴⁴⁸

a discussion intended to produce an agreement;

the buyout negotiation lasted several days

they disagreed but kept an open dialogue

talks between Israelis and Palestinians

the activity or business of negotiating an agreement; coming to terms来自拉丁语negotium,繁忙,占据,忙于事务,来自neg-,不,没有,otium,轻松,轻闲,词源同otiose.后引申词义贸易,商务,谈判,协商。negotiation bank议付银行negotiation commission议付手续费contract negotiation合同谈判negotiation price议价overdrawing negotiation超额押汇double negotiation重复押汇individual negotiation个人转让negotiation date议付日期negotiation charges让渡手续费,押汇手续…restricted negotiation限制议付negotiation charge经 谈判费, 协…negotiation element协商单元trade negotiation贸易谈判cable negotiation电复可否议付…business negotiation交易磋商negotiation trade议价买卖negotiation credit议付信用证option negotiation选项磋商unrestricted negotiation公开议付,自由议付…tariff negotiation关税谈判
negotiate+ion名词后缀⇒negotiation n.协商,谈判,磋商近义词 talks会谈dialogue对话mediation调停diplomacy外交discussion讨论settlement解决arbitration仲裁cooperation合作intercession求情intervention介入

用作名词We are satisfied with the smoothness of thenegotiation.我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。
Theirnegotiationwas fruitless.他们的谈判没有结果。
Price is a matter ofnegotiation.价格是可以协商的。
The issue is still undernegotiation.这个问题还在商讨之中。noun.bargaining
同义词 agreement,arbitration,compromise,conference,consultation,debate,diplomacy,discussion,intervention,mediation,meeting,transactioncolloquy
反义词 disagreement
agreementnoun document of concurrence, contract
acknowledgment,adjudication,affidavit,approval,arrangement,assent,avowal,bargain,bond,cartel,charter,codicil,compact,compromise,confirmation,covenant,deal,indenture,lease,note,oath,okay,pact,piece of paper,protocol,recognition,settlement,stipulation,the nod,transaction,treaty,understanding,writ
agreementsnoun document of concurrence, contract
bargainnoun agreement
diplomacynoun tact
hearingnoun opportunity to present views, knowledge, or skill
mediationnoun attempt to bring to agreement
arbitration,conciliation,intercession,interposition,intervention,negotiation,reconciliation The negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game.

“The negotiation power you have is in part because you have the physical books,” he said.
因为图书馆拥有实体书本,所以你在这部分图书谈判中是有权利的。 yeeyan

All parties concerned, including the US, wish to solve the issue through diplomatic negotiation.
包括美国在内的各方也希望通过外交谈判解决这个问题。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation.
所有与本合同有关的争执将通过友好协商解决。 hjenglish

But nearly all of our relationships involve some form of negotiation.
但是,几乎所有的关系都包括某种形式的谈判。 yeeyan

Consider whether the negotiation might be affected by timing or other circumstances over which you might have some control.
考虑谈判是否会受时间或其他情况影响是你可能达到某种程度的控制。 yeeyan

During the course of a negotiation one party might introduce obstacles attributed to limited funds, time, personnel, policy restraints, or a combination of reasons.
在谈判过程中的一方可能引入的障碍归因于有限的资金,时间,人员,政策的限制,或综合作用的原因。 yeeyan

During negotiation, elements try to come up with the best possible format that they both support.
在协商过程中,这些元素会尝试发现它们之间共同支持的最佳格式。 ibm

He fared quite well in the negotiation.
他在谈判中表现得很好。 examw

However, if either party in the negotiation requests cleartext, then cleartext will be used.
然而,如果在协商中有任意一方请求使用明文,则将使用明文方式。 ibm

However, such cooperation must base on trust, negotiation, equality and mutual benefits. It must proceed from actual facts, rather than deductions.
然而,这种合作必须建立在信任、协商、平等和互利的基础上,必须从事实出发,而不是依凭推论。 putclub

If not, it can become part of the negotiation on how this new vendor will compensate for its deficiencies to get your business.
或者,在数据库供应商为争取您的业务,协商将如何补偿其缺点时,这可能成为其中的一个缺点。 ibm

In this era of globalization, the fate of the Doha negotiation extends beyond trade and traditional economics.
在这个全球化的时代,多哈谈判的命运超出了贸易和传统经济学的范畴。 worldbank

In1998 the Nisga’a, after more than a century of negotiation and litigation, were the first to sign a modern treaty.
尼斯加人经过超过一个世纪的谈判和诉讼,终于在1998年成为第一个签署了现代条约的民族。 ecocn

The government tended to have a tentative negotiation with those terrorists.
政府趋向于同那些恐怖分子进行试探性的谈判。 ebigear

The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

The negotiation leads nowhere.

You might not achieve all of your objectives in a single negotiation, but over time opportunities for adjustment and renegotiation might arise.
在一个单一的谈判中您可能没有实现所有的目标,但随着时间的推移,调整和重新谈判是可能出现的。 yeeyan

Negotiation and Agreement.
谈判和协议。 infoq




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