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词汇 articulate
释义 articulate ɑ:'tɪkjʊleɪt 

expressing or able to express thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively


of speech having clear separate sounds or words

vt. 清楚地表达

express clearly

vt. & vi. 口齿清晰地说话

speak or pronounce, especially clearly and carefully

expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language;

articulate speech

an articulate orator

articulate beings

consisting of segments held together by joints
provide with a joint;

the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood

put into words or an expression;

He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees

speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way;

She pronounces French words in a funny way

I cannot say `zip wire'

Can the child sound out this complicated word?

unite by forming a joint or joints;

the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones

express or state clearly
articulate, concatenate, integrate


integrate强调紧密地连接或完全地融合,暗示被结合或融合的部分都已失去了原先的特性; articulate强调的是把动物的关节连接起来,引申指把各部分紧密地连起来,但各部分又未失去自己的特性或功能; concatenate则是指把较小的东西连成链锁状。

发音释义:ɑ:'tɪkjʊleɪt v. 清晰地发音;明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的
结构分析:articulate = articul分成节+ate动词后缀→分成节来说→各个音节区分清晰→清晰发音
用作动词 v.
~+名词articulate one's distress清楚地表达自己的痛苦~+副词articulate carefully仔细说清楚articulate clearly吐字清晰articulate unmistakably准确无误地表达
GRE红宝书1)articul文章, ate吃的过去式-吃透文章-所以发音清晰2)articu文章, late后期. 文章的后期制作. 学过讬福作文的同学一定深有体会, 检查的时候应注重两方面, 一、思想、内容表达清晰. 二、句与句之间, 段与段之间的接合是否连贯. 3)articulate particular特别的清楚!
article 文章 + ate 动词,写文章是每句话或每一段都接合起来,表达清楚,能说会道的
articu接合+ate→ 连接得好→说话清楚
ar结合+t动词过去分词后缀,=ed,表行为完成后的产物+i连接字母+cul指小名词后缀-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→形成关节小的结合物,用关节连接;分节的,有关节的⇒清晰地吐字发音每个音节都清晰发音,发音清晰的。非常记忆ar矮人〖拼音〗+ti提〖拼音〗+cu醋〖拼音〗+late迟到〖熟词〗⇒矮人提着醋迟到了但是口才好找到了理由联想记忆arti看作art,技巧+cul培养+ate…的→从小培养孩子清晰的发音技巧→清晰地发音GRE难词记忆articulate→articul=article 文章+ate→明确地表达词根记忆articul接合+ ate ⇒接合近义词 say说speak讲word单词convey表达vocalise说phrase短语express快车clear清楚的enounce宣言joint联合的fluent流利的vocalize发声pronounce发音sound out试探coherent连贯的eloquent雄辩的lucid明白易懂的expressive表达的articulated铰接的enunciate清晰地发音verbalize用语言表达formulate用公式表示speak about说到谈论communicative爱说话的反义词 inarticulate不善言辞的unarticulated表达不清的
~+ n.Articulate speech is very important for a teacher.清楚的表达能力对于一个教师来说是非常重要的。
His gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech.他口齿伶俐,演讲得妙趣横生、娓娓动听。
S+be+~That man is not very articulate.那人口齿不清。
At the age of 89, he was still sharp-witted and articulate.虽是89岁高龄,他依然思维敏捷、口齿清楚。用作动词v.
S+~+AI'm a little deaf—please articulate carefully.我有些耳背——请仔细说清楚。
S+~+ n./pron.He finds it very difficult to articulate his distress.他感到很难表达清楚自己的痛苦。
Do you think that women are more able than men to articulate their feelings?你认为女人比男人更善于表达自己的情感吗?
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.许多人对新的法令是不赞成的,但却没有机会表达他们的反对意见。Pbiarticulate两关节的Puniarticulate单关节的Pdisarticulatevt.使关节脱落Pinarticulatea.口齿不清的说不出的难于言喻的


articulate用作形容词的基本意思是“表达能力强的”,可指一个人具有较好的口头表达能力,能将所要表达之事有条有理地表述清楚; 还可指某人说话时语音比较纯正,即“口齿清楚的,发音清晰的”,通常含有称赞的意味。

用作形容词Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。
I'm a little deaf, pleasearticulateyour words carefully.我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
She's unusuallyarticulatefor a ten-year-old.作为一个十岁的孩子来说,她的表达力是非常强的。
Young people arearticulateabout the skills they need for everyday life.年轻人善于表达他们应付日常生活所需的技能。
Insects arearticulateanimals.昆虫是有节的动物。用作动词She was too frightened toarticulate.她吓得连话也说不清。
I can notarticulatethe dissatisfaction I feel.我的不满难以表达。
She carefullyarticulatedevery syllable.她认真发出每个音节。
The injured bone didn'tarticulatewell.受伤的骨头没有连接好。adj.clearly, coherently spoken
同义词 coherent,eloquent,expressive,fluent,well-spokenclearcomprehensible,definite,distinct,intelligible,lucid,meaningful,understandable
反义词 inarticulatemisrepresented,unclear,unintelligibleverb.say clearly, coherently
同义词 enunciate,express,uttermouth,pronounce,say,speak,state,talk,verbalize,vocalize,voicesound off
反义词 ask,be quiet,listen,questionbumble,disconnect,misrepresent,misspeakverb.connect
同义词 concatenate,couple,hinge,integrate,join,linkfit together
反义词 disconnect,disjoin,divide,separatebumble,misrepresent,misspeak
breatheverb tell information
coherentadjective understandable
divideverb distribute
allocate,allot,apportion,articulate,cut,cut in,cut one in,cut up,deal,deal out,disburse,dish out,dispense,disperse,divvy up,dole out,factor,fork out,go fifty-fifty,hand out,hand over,lot out,measure out,parcel,partition,piece up,portion,prorate,quota,ration,share,shell out,shift,slice,slice up,split up
eloquentadjective having a skillful way with words
emphasizeverb stress, give priority to
accent,accentuate,affirm,articulate,assert,bear down,charge,dramatize,dwell on,enlarge,enunciate,headline,highlight,hit,impress,indicate,insist on,italicize,labor the point,limelight,maintain,make a point,make clear,make emphatic,make much of,mark,pinpoint,play up,point out,point up,press,pronounce,punctuate,put accent on,reiterate,repeat,rub in,spotlight,underline,underscore,weight
emphasizedverb stress, give priority to
accented,accentuated,affirmed,articulated,asserted,bore down,charged,dramatized,dwelt on,enlarged,enunciated,headlined,highlighted,hit,impressed,indicated,insisted on,italicized,labored the point,limelighted,made a point,made clear,made emphatic,made much of,maintained,marked,pinpointed,played up,pointed out,pointed up,pressed,pronounced,punctuated,put accent on,reiterated,repeated,rubbed in,spotlighted,underlined,underscored,weighted After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.

Be careful to articulate your words so that everyone in the room can understand you.

Clinton should articulate U.S. concerns while exploring Japanese objectives in preparation for subsequent efforts coordinated with the Secretary of Defense.
克林顿应该清楚地说明美国的担忧同时试探日本的目的,为下一步由国防部长协调的努力做准备。 yeeyan

Current agile solutions do not clearly articulate solutions to these issues, and this needs to change.
当前的敏捷解决方案不能对这些问题清晰地阐述,所以这需要改变。 ibm

Each IT project is an instance of this process area, and each must be able to articulate its value.
每个 IT项目都是该过程领域的实例,并且每个都应当能够清楚其价值。 ibm

For agile development to become mainstream, we need to better articulate required HR changes and how to accomplish them.
为了使敏捷开发变成主流,我们需要更好地阐述必需的 HR变更以及如何实现它们。 ibm

Formatting, finding your personal style, learning how to articulate thoughts, finding other examples, and relating to different types of people are all needed skills.
抛掉过去的一切。找到你自己的风格,根据不同种类的人,通过找例子来清晰地表达你的观点,是需要技巧的。 yeeyan

I hope the upcoming articles in this column will help to articulate the software development problems you are trying solve.
我希望本专栏即将发表的文章会有助于清晰地阐明您正试图解决的软件开发问题。 ibm

In addition, you should think about how you will articulate the business value that your software delivery automation solution will provide for your organization.
此外,您应该考虑如何清楚地向您的企业说明软件交付自动化解决方案为企业所带来的价值。 ibm

Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist, who has devised a horrible plan for concluding his sermon.
并非被追逐的猎物,他显示出了自己是一个虽然变态却清醒的对手,他设计了一个恐怖的计划来完成他的布道。 yeeyan

Its detractors are right when they say that few articulate leaders have emerged, no formal structures exist and many of the demonstrations have taken place outside big cities.
反对派中少有口才杰出的领袖产生,也无正规组织存在,而且许多示威游行发生在大城市以外的地区,这几点被反对派的贬低者言中。 ecocn

It's often said that Russia is truly in trouble when it can't articulate what it stands for.
人们经常说当俄罗斯不能阐明它所代表的东西的时候,它就是真正陷入麻烦了。 yeeyan

Male writers did not define or articulate an ethics and code of behaviour which differentiated its directives and knowledge to an independent sex.
男性作者没用清晰地解释和提出一种伦理和行为规范来区分对另一独立性别的法规和知识。 yeeyan

The world community must articulate a comprehensive strategy to stop the piracy in Somalia without further violating the territorial integrity of Somalia.
国际社会必须清楚地表达整体性的策略,以求阻止索马里海盗,而非助长妨害索马里的领土完整。 yeeyan

The questions asked also articulate some of the most basic concerns of managers.
这些问题也同样清楚地表达了一些管理者们最关心的问题。 yeeyan

Their chief achievement was to articulate a language of control and design that worked for biology, social sciences, and computers.
他们最主要的成就是清晰描述了控制和设计语言,为生物学、社会科学和计算机学效力。 yeeyan

They might articulate a need or a desire, but what we have to do is understand all the technology ingredients and how they're evolving.

Together, these speeches allowed me to articulate the ideas and proposals I had developed over the previous decade as governor and with the Democratic Leadership Council.
通过这三场演说,我阐明了十年来作为州长以及和民主党领袖委员会一起形成的政治理念和提案。 yeeyan

We also need to articulate what organizational factors are impacted by an agile transformation, and what commitments are required.
我们还需要清晰地说明敏捷转变对公司的因素产生了什么样的影响,需要承担什么义务。 ibm

We still have postgraduates at interview who can’t articulate why they decided to do the course in the first place, nor what added-value they gained from it.
我们采访时仍然遇到过一些研究生,他们没有办法第一时间说清楚为什么会决定去学这门课程,或者他们从中得到了什么。 yeeyan

With the gathering of concerned parties comes an excellent opportunity to articulate the application architecture at a high level.
将有关各方聚集在一起提供了一个极好的机会从高层次来表述应用程序体系结构。 ibm

Articulate how the responsible person can resolve your concern, being as specific as possible.
尽可能清楚地表达相关负责人员可以如何解决你的问题。 yeeyan




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