

单词 negative ions
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Positive and negative ions in a solution can move and conduct a current .

Positive and negative ions fixed in a solid do not conduct a current .

The aim of the study was to improve a measuring apparatus, which could be used to examine the concentration of negative ions for textiles, so that it is logical to use the apparatus.
为了使现有的纺织品负离子测试装置更能满足精确测试负离子浓度的要求,对其进行了改进。 chemyq

The concentration of air negative ions is one of indicators in representative of air quality.
空气中负离子浓度是空气质量好坏的标志之一。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn

The negative ions can also affect levels of serotonin, the feelgood hormone, making us less prone to anxiety and improving our quality of sleep.
负离子还影响血清素愉悦荷尔蒙浓度,使我们不容易焦虑,并改善我们的睡眠质量。 yeeyan

Negative ions and positive ions of inorganic compound also have been sorted.
对无机化合物的本质、配质进行独特的系统分类; www.xuebao.snnu.edu.cn

And they're immersed in an electrolyte made of positive and negative ions dissolved in a solvent.
他们被浸没在正负离子溶于溶剂的电解液中。 yeeyan

And endowed it with a permanent release negative ions launch far-infrared, preservation, antibacterial, health versatility.
而且赋予了它具有永久性释放负离子发射远红外、保鲜、抗菌、等多种保健功能。 www.zb13153399952.4006287387.com

Deeply massage by using Nano negative ions, promote blood circulation and metabolism, activate ligament and wrist joint, reduce pain.
纳米远红外线磁波能量深层按摩,促进血液循环及新陈代谢,活化手腕韧带,增加弹性,减轻劳动酸痛。 com

However, he plans to build channels that attract negative ions by adding positive charges to the tube.
不过,他计划组建一种带正电荷的通道来吸引负离子。 yeeyan

However, it was less stable to negative ions, reluctant, vitamin C, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, etc.
但在含氧酸根阴离子、还原剂、维生素 C、苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾等添加剂中稳定性较差。 cnki

In addition, the water in the high speed flow, water molecules cleavage to generate a large number of negative ions, purify air, and good for health.
此外,水在高速流动时,水分子裂解能够产生大量负离子,既有利于净化空气,还有益于健康。 com

In solution, this detergent creates negative ions, which cut grease.
在溶液中,这种清洁剂会释放出能够分割脂肪的负离子。 yeeyan

One thing is the balance or ratio between positive and negative ions.
一种情况是正负离子平衡问题,或比率问题。 putclub

The appliance uses negative ions, compressed air and deodorants to clean clothes.
该设备使用负离子,压缩的空气和除臭剂,以干净衣服。 ganxi-ganxiji

The principles and the decontamination results of purifying air by material with negative ions is studied.
将对负离子材料净化空气的原理及净化效果进行探讨和研究。 chemyq

When the total number of negative ions decreases, or when the4 to5 ratio changes, people’s behavior may also change.
当负离子的总数下降时,或当四比五的比率发生变化时,人们的行为可能也会随之发生变化。 putclub




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