

单词 neem
释义 neem 英niːm美nimAHDnēm 高COCA⁸¹⁴²¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb²⁶²³²

large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia近义词 margosa楝树arishth楝树
Combine the neem and almond oil together in a measuring jug.
用一个量杯混合印度楝树油和杏仁油。 blogbus

In silence, he shins up a neem tree near the hut, breaks a twig from it, and slithers down again.
他一声没哼,爬上棚屋旁的楝树,从树上折了一段嫩枝,并滑了下来。 ecocn

The fleshly quantitative analysis of azadirachtin content of neem seeds by HPLC and under the assistance of microwave irradiation in dealing with neem kernels was undertaken.
采用高压液相色谱法,微波辐射萃取种仁中的印楝素,对种仁中的印楝素含量进行快速定量测定。 cnki

The North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling NEEM project reached bedrock in July2010, at a depth of more than 2,500 metres.
北格林兰岛的冰川研究计划 NEEM是于2010年7月开凿的,大概会对2500深的基岩进行研究。 yeeyan

The process starts with sorting and drying the neem fruits, as explained in this version with a Nigerian narrator.
制作过程中,首先对印楝种子进行分类并干燥,就像这位尼日利亚解说员在视频中说的。 ebigear

The trend of the research work is briefly reviewed on botanical insecticide neem. Molecular structure response relationship of azadirachtin is one of the most active research area.
对植物性杀虫剂印楝的研究正在向两个方向发展,一是深入到分子毒理水平,进行结构与活性关系的研究; cnki

Authors studied the influence of neem to acoustic communication of Empoasca Vitis by using the feeble sound monitoring system.
采用自行设计的微音监控系统,研究了植物杀虫剂印楝对茶树害虫假眼小绿叶蝉鸣声通讯的影响。 cnki

He ran back, picked up the saw, and left the house, ducking low to avoid the neem- tree leaves. He tossed the saw into the cart: a loud crash.
他又跑回来,抓起锯子走出门外,猫着身子闪避楝树的树枝,然后回到车旁把锯子抛在了拖车上。 ecocn

Nearby, in the shade of a neem tree, protesters with banners and flags listen as a speaker inveighs against corruption.
在附近的一棵楝树树荫底下,抗议者们举着横幅和旗帜聆听着一位讲话者正在痛斥政府的腐败。 ecocn

Objective To know the anti- fertility effect of the compound of neem oil on male mice.
目的探讨印楝油复合物对雄性小鼠的抗生育作用。 cnki

SHARMILA SHARMA, a farmer in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, lounges with three sisters-in-law and six buffaloes in the broad shade of a neem tree.
SHARMILA SHARMA是印度北部北方邦的一个农民。 她跟三个妯娌和六头水牛懒洋洋的卧在楝树的树荫下。 ecocn

The machine can also shell coffee, jatropha, shea nuts and neem nuts.
这个机器也可以用于咖啡、麻风树、非洲酪脂树果以及苦楝果。 hjenglish

This article mainly introduce the study and usage of neem oil in crop protection.
本文对印楝油在作物病虫害防治上的研究及应用做了介绍。 cnki

Neem, Burdock, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Bearberry are among the many healing natural ingredients that are used in this pleasant moisturizing creme.
印楝,牛蒡木,维生素 A,维生素 E,熊果素这些具有治疗作用的天然成分使用在这款令人愉悦的面霜里。 shhbm

Neem contains a mild antiseptic and provides such toothbrushes for millions of poor Indians; even middle- class ones use toothpaste made from it.
楝树含有一种温和的防腐剂,让数百万的印度穷人把它当牙刷用,甚至中产阶级的人也使用它制成的牙刷。 ecocn

Neem trees are considered fair game in the village. And Shahabpuris greet each other sparingly.
尼姆树在村民眼中是随手可摘的,而且他们也很少相互打招呼。 yeeyan




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