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neck·s 英nek美nek COCA¹⁴⁵⁶⁸BNC¹¹⁵²⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 n.颈⁴¹;脖子⁵⁷v.搂着脖子亲吻²;使变窄原型neck的三单形容词neckless过去分词necked现在分词necking三单necks n.名词 C颈,脖子the part of the body by which the head is joined to the shoulders C领圈,领口the part of a garment that goes round the human neck Noun: the part of an organism human or animal that connects the head to the rest of the body;he admired her long graceful neck the horse won by a neck a narrow elongated projecting strip of landa cut of meat from the neck of an animala narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form;the banjo had a long neck the bottle had a wide neck an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer; a part of the garment near the wearer's neck Verb: kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion;The couple were necking in the back seat of the car 直接源自古英语的hnecca,意为后颈。 用作名词 n. 动词+~bend one's neck低头break neck折断颈骨fall neck倒栽save neck幸免一死stick neck out给自己招来危险stretch neck伸脖子形容词+~beautiful neck漂亮的脖子broken neck断了的脖子deformed neck变了形的脖子fat neck粗脖子long neck长脖子slender neck细长的脖子stiff neck硬脖子,固执thick-set neck粗壮的脖子wounded neck受伤的脖子介词+~by a neck以微妙之差win by a neck赛马时以一颈之差获胜,险胜on the neck of紧跟在…后面up to neck埋头于,做太多忙不过来~+介词the neck of a bottle瓶颈neck of lamb羊颈肉 用作名词n.break one's neck拼命做某事 work especially hard at sth breathe down one's neck紧跟着或紧盯着某人 follow or watch sb closely neck and neck并驾齐驱 (of two horses, people, etc., in a race or competition equal so far) risk sb's neck冒生命危险 expose oneself to danger up to one's neck深深卷入某事物中 very deeply involved in sth 近义词 arm臂out出stem柄cape岬nape颈kiss吻make做love爱shaft柄pet宠物pat轻拍fondle爱shank长柄canal运河creek小湾cervix颈部scruff颈背strait海峡caress爱抚cuddle怀抱stroke中风smooch接吻throat嗓子isthmus地峡channel频道osculate接吻make out起草peninsula半岛make love做爱Narrows达达尼尔海峡纳罗水道… 用作名词n.Nathan Hale looked around as a British soldier put the rope around his neck.当一个英国士兵把绳子套在他的脖子上的时候,内森·黑尔向四周看了看。 I bent back too far and hurt my neck.我向后仰得过度了,扭伤了脖子。 He sensed that the eyes of the men were drilling into the back of his neck.他感到人们的目光狠狠地盯着他的脖子后面。 The child folded his hands around his mother's neck.小孩抱住他妈妈的脖子。 He hooked his arm round her neck and pulled her head down.他一只胳膊弯成钩形,搂在她的脖子上,把她的头拉低。 The key was hanging from a string round his neck.那把钥匙用线拴着挂在他的脖子上。 Jim had a lump on his neck.吉姆颈上有个肿块。 The door flew open and in dashed a gentleman with a serviette round his neck.门猛地开了,闯进一个脖颈上围着毛巾的男人。 The boy banded the dog's neck with a yellow string.男孩把一条黄绳绑在狗脖子上。 Ropes were fastened to its neck and forelegs.人们用绳索拴住它的颈和前腿。 My shirt is rather tight in the neck.我的衬衫领口很紧。 The child's dress is neatly gathered at the neck.孩子的衣服在领口处打着整齐的皱褶。 She pinned the gown at the neck with a pin.她在领子那儿用一枚别针把睡衣别住。 He held the bottle by the neck,他抓住了瓶颈。 There is a neck of land between the two rocks.那两大岩石之间有一个隘口。 n.名词
neck的基本意思是“颈,脖子”,指头和躯干相连接的部分,引申可作“颈状物”解,是可数名词。 neck还可作“领圈,领口”解,一般是指衣服的领口,是可数名词。 名词92%,动词8% 用作名词The giraffe is characterized by its very longneck.长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵. Theneckof my guitar is broken.我吉他的琴颈坏了。 The doctor operated the patient on theneck.医生给病人的颈部动手术。 She wears a gold chain around herneck.她脖子上戴着一条金项链。 She only hurt herneckin the accident.她在事故中只是伤到了脖子。用作动词The two of them wereneckingon a park bench.他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。 Lovers come here at night toneck.在夜晚,情人们来到这儿拥抱接吻。 That they were able to develop naked necks may, though, be because the extra retinoic acid in the neck made the evolutionary transition much easier. 由于脖子附近过量的视黄酸能够让进化过渡得更容易,这也许就是它们进化出光脖子的原因吧。 ecocn The “ freedom” to buy a house would become a chain round their necks. 自主买房的自由变成了缠绕在他们脖子上的枷锁。 yeeyan Before you ask us to bend over and grab our ankles, could you at least kiss our necks or whisper sweet nothings into our ears? 在你要求我们弯下身抓住脚踝时,能不能至少亲吻一下我们的脖子或者轻声说两句甜言蜜语呢? yeeyan Fortunately, there are some people who have a more intimate knowledge of our heads and necks than even we do: barbers and hair stylists. 幸运的是,有一些人甚至比我们更了解我们的头和脖子:理发师和发型设计师。 yeeyan Heidi and I craned our necks to watch the year's first snow through an open window. 海蒂和我伸长了脖子,探出窗外去看那年的第一场雪。 yeeyan Hua was looking at the crowd, only to see a lot of shoulders and backs. The spectators were all stretching their necks like ducks being pinched upward. 老栓也向那边看,却只见一堆人的后背;颈项都伸得很长,仿佛许多鸭,被无形的手捏住了的,向上提着。 ebigear It's not like some debt around their necks. 并不是那些勒紧你脖子的负债。 yeeyan Long necks would also have helped big dinosaurs get to food without moving from a particular spot. 长长的脖子也是为了帮助大型恐龙在不移动身体的情况下,能够吃到食物。 yeeyan Natural body postures are not always flattering when preserved in a photograph. Be careful of big head tilts and“ broken necks”. 自然的身体姿态不会永远在照片上讨巧的。拍照的时候特别要注意不要大头照和“折断脖子”。 yeeyan So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks. 他们就近前来,把脚踏在这些王的颈项上。 ebigear Sometimes, as we waded amid razor- sharp vines and spiky palms, the water was up to our necks. 有时我们在犀利的藤蔓和有尖刺的棕榈叶中穿行,水深至我们的脖子。 yeeyan Stoats are small and fierce and quick and feral; they kill by biting the necks of their prey; they are said to mesmerise their larger victims with a snake- like dance. 白鼬体型娇小、行动敏捷和性情凶猛;它们通过咬破颈项的方式来捕杀猎物;据说它们会跳蛇舞来迷惑体型比自己庞大的受击对象。 yeeyan That they developed naked necks is surely the result of natural selection. 即光脖子物种的出现必然是自然选择的结果。 ecocn The most famous Lamarckian example: giraffes acquired their long necks because their recent ancestors had stretched to reach high, nutrient- rich leaves. 最有名的一个例子就是长颈鹿脖子如此长,是因为他们的先祖为了够着高处营养丰富的树叶。 yeeyan The president placed a medal of honor around each of the recipients' necks as a military aide noted their accomplishments. 奥巴马总统亲自将荣誉奖章戴在每一位获奖者的脖子上,一名军事助手在旁宣读了他们的成就。 www.voanews.com.cn The sun beat down on our necks and backs. 太阳直射在我们的脖子和背上。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The other students crane their necks to observe as he palpates my breasts, a privilege I would have paid a hundred dollars for in high school. 在他触摸我的乳房时,其它的学生们伸着脖子观看着,在中学时代做这样的检查我可是要支付一百美金的。 yeeyan They lower their long necks deep into the water, where their strong beaks dig through the river bottoms for food. 它们将长长的脖子深深地扎入水中,用坚硬的喙在河底寻觅食物。 ebigear They had short necks and huge, crocodile-like heads that contained immensely powerful jaws and a set of huge, razor- sharp teeth. 它们脖子短小,拥有形似鳄鱼的巨大头部,头部长有非常强有力的爪子和一套锋利的大型牙齿。 yeeyan This is extremely painful for the rabbits, who often scream when the substances are applied and sometimes break their necks or backs trying to escape the restraints. 这会让兔子感觉极其痛苦,当这些物质被注入时它们通常会发出尖叫,有时候不得不打断它们的脖子或后背以制止它们逃跑。 yeeyan This may explain why dinosaurs such as argentinosaurus, which weighed up to100 tons, had long necks and tiny heads. 这可能能够解释为什么重达100吨的恐龙,比如阿根廷龙,会长着长长的脖子与较小的头部。 yeeyan With little ones safely strapped around their necks, these new mothers are helping their babies get a step ahead of the rest with special dance classes. 年轻的妈妈们将她们的小宝宝通过自己的脖子很安全地捆着,在这里参加一些特别的舞蹈课程来帮助他们比其他的孩子领先一步。 yeeyan |