

单词 artic
释义 artic 英'ɑːtɪk美'ɑːtɪk 高COCA¹⁰⁸⁵⁴⁹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
Explain that the researchers did find evidence to support vitamin C prophylactic use among long distance runners, skiers, or soldiers deployed to sub- artic regions.
但研究人员确实找到了支持长跑运动员、滑雪者或部署在亚北极地区士兵预防性服用维生素 C的证据。 dxy

The artic offers the mathematical model about submarine searching area and attacking area when there is information supporting and not.
给出了潜艇在有、无信息保障时可搜索海域和可攻击海域数学模型。 cnki

The core question in the artic is mainly about the fault judgment.
在本文所引案例核心问题就是过失的判断问题。 fabiao

The steamer Artic was wrecked at sea.
阿替克轮船在海上失事。 hjenglish

The writing structure of“ Crime and Punishment” is just the author's bold new idea in the artic form and Challenges to the traditional realism.
《罪与罚》的创作结构,恰恰正是作者在艺术形式上的大胆创新,是对传统现实主义的挑战。 cnki

This article shows the special cultural phenomenon of folk song and dance form by analysing anal y the artic feature and value of local flower drum opera in Hunan.
湖南地花鼓是湖南各个时期社会现实生活的形象再现,是湖南民间歌舞形式的一种特殊的文化现象。 cnki

This article has discussed the causes of aesthetic ideas of western garments from western ancient philosophy, artic culture trend of thoughts and scientific technology.
从西方古代哲学观、艺术文化思潮、科学技术三方面阐述了西方服饰审美思想的成因。 dictall

Your care to your children can be shown in every detail, the creative artic pursuit is the best present for the child.
对孩子的关爱体现在每一个细节,创造性的艺术追求是我们能给孩子的最好礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn

At this moment, we are congregated here and arrived from the far artic of earth.
可是此刻,我们再次集中在一路,我们来到了遥远的北极。 cctvg

But the world metrological organization says more than 40% of the ozone layer above the Artic was destroyed in the month of March.
但是世界气象组织表示,3月份之前,北极上空40%的臭氧层被破坏。 tingclass

Comparing with long story, short story has more flexible and exoteric artic form that adapts to the narrating attempt.
与长篇小说相比,短篇小说有着更加适合叙事实验的灵活、开放的艺术形式。 dictall

From on the history of Chinese amnesty, the artic has set forth the connotation, characteristic and effect of tax remission.
本文从悠久的中国赦免历史入手,阐述了税收赦免的内涵、特征及效应。 dictall

From creating of modern novel, we can see that the poem ending is more artic than sudden and direct ending.
从现代小说创作来看,比陡转逆折的结尾方法更为艺术的是小说的诗化结尾。 cnki

It takes a large amount of money to explore the Artic Ocean.
对北冰洋的探索需要巨大的费用。 iciba

Languages include scientific language and artic language. Languages are also the tool of thought.
语言有科学语言与艺术语言之分,语言又是思维的工具。 cnki

McCain has also indicated that he is reconsidering his opposition to drilling in the Artic region of Alaska.
麦肯恩曾经反对在阿拉斯加北极圈区域开采,现在他表示正在重新考虑自己的这一立场。 jjxr

Part Three is an artic probe into TieNing's female self- identification from the angle of esthetic style, narrative angle of view and image.
主要从审美风格、叙述视角、意象这三点切入,分析与揭示铁凝表达女性自我认同的方式。 cnki

So to every country, to whole people, to whole human being society, the Antarctic and the Artic are very important.
因此对每一个国家,对所有人,对整个人类社会,南极与北极是非常重要的。 zftrans

The artic sea- ice in key region in summer has significant, negative interdecadal relationship with winter AO in the same year.
在年代际时间尺度上,夏季关键区极冰与当年冬季 AO具有很强的负相关性。 cnki

The artic introducing the course of debugging to LPG50 centrifugal spray drier and analyzing the problems and the solutions to the problems during the course of the debugging.
介绍 LPG-50型高速离心喷雾干燥机的调试过程并分析在调试过程中出现的问题与解决的方法。 chemyq

This shall allow for an endless“ springtime” for most regions, except for perhaps the most southern or northern of continents, such as the South and North Pole along with the artic circles.
这将允许许多地区将拥有永远的“春天”,也许除了最南端和最北端的内陆以外,例如南北极与南北极圈内。 tisheng

Time is a great judge, even in the fields of morals. H. L Mencken, American arts artic.
时间是伟大的法官,即使在道德领域亦如此。美国文艺评论家门肯。 H L。 taisha




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