

单词 necessitates
释义 ne·ces·si·tate·s 英nə'sesɪteɪt美nə'sesɪteɪt COCA³²⁹⁴⁵BNC²²⁶³⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
v. 使⁸⁴…成为必需¹⁶; 迫使原型necessitate的三单形容词necessitative名词necessitation过去分词necessitated现在分词necessitating三单necessitates
vt. 使成为必要

make necessary

require as useful, just, or proper;

It takes nerve to do what she did

success usually requires hard work

This job asks a lot of patience and skill

This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice

This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert

This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent

cause to be a concomitant
用作动词 v.
~+名词necessitate a great food需要大量的食物necessitate a great supply需要大量的供应necessitate an operation需要手术necessitate punishment需要给以惩罚
近义词 take拿ask询问need需要force武力oblige迫使demand要求impose强加compel强迫require要求dictate听写involve包含call for需要postulate假定反义词 obviate排除
S+~+ n./pron.His crime necessitated punishment.他的罪行必须给以惩治。
Your broken leg necessitated an operation.你的断腿需要手术。
Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.由于缺乏资金,就有必要改变计划。
The increase of production necessitates a greater supply of raw materials.随着生产的增加,原料的供应必须增多。
The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply.人口的增加需要更多的食物供应。S+~+ v -ingYour proposal necessitates borrowing money.你的提议使借款成为必要。
Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges.搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
This change would necessitate starting all over again.有了这一变动,就得从头干起。其他We were necessitated to make that choice.我们被迫作出了那种选择。




用作动词It would be best if these disputes could be resolved without recourse to the courts, but the broad reach of electronic networking will probablynecessitatechanges in common law.如果诸如此类的争议可以不上法庭就获得解决,是最好不过了,但电子网路的无远弗届或许会迫使普通法改变。verb.call for, make necessary
同义词 constrain,entail,requireask,behoove,cause,coerce,command,compel,crave,demand,drive,force,impel,make,oblige,postulate,take
反义词 calculate,check,delay,disallow,discourage,dissuade,fail,give,halt,lose,offer,refuse,reply,repress,stop The high residual cancer rate after local mass resection of thyroid carcinoma necessitates the reoperation.
甲状腺癌行局部切除手术后残癌率高,再次手术是必要的。 cnki

The storage of records in electronic form necessitates the use of additional storage plans and strategies to prevent their loss.
电子形式的档案储存必须使用额外的储存规划与策略以防止损失。 www.infodoc.com.tw

The trend toward conformal techniques in radiation therapy necessitates an accurate and practical method for verification of irregular three-dimensional dose distributions.
适形放射治疗技术的发展使得我们需要一种实际的、精确的方法去验证三维不规则形状的剂量分布。 cnki

All Pull Pack necessitates is one additional module for existing flow wrapping machines.
所有拉包就必须是现有的流动额外的模块包装机械。 blog.sina.com.cn

Detailed structural analysis of protein necessitates investigation at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, respectively.
蛋白质的详细的结构分析分别需要在一级、二级和三级水平进行研究。 chinapubmed

Historically, what necessitates an HR Department are the functions and responsibilities which no one else either wants or is capable of doing.
以往,其他人都不想或没有能力承担的职能和责任使得公司需要成立一个人力资源部门。 yeeyan

However, moving to the channel framework necessitates that the host and port settings for the Web container be changed to conform to channel definitions.
然而,迁移为通道框架要求用于 Web容器的主机和端口设置必须符合通道定义。 ibm

It also necessitates regular blood tests and may require that patients restrict certain physical activities.
此外,应用华法林期间还应监测血液指标并限制患者活动。 icirculation

The utilization of a data warehouse often necessitates a collection of decision support technologies.
利用数据仓库常常需要一些决策支持技术。 blog.sina.com.cn

The complexity is caused by the restrictive nature of the process, which necessitates working around a slit cut in the garment.
它的复杂性是由工序的限制性特点引起的,就是必须绕着衣服开衩处操作。 ebigear

The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply.
人口的增加需要更多的食物供应。 jukuu

This necessitates looking through the priority queue item by item, to see if there's such a duplicate edge.
这使得在优先级队列中逐项查找成为必要的一步操作。 blog.sina.com.cn

This involves multiple steps, and the whole suite of tests necessitates a lot of reuse.
这里面涉及到了几个步骤,并且整个测试套件需要大量的重用部分。 yeeyan

This requirement necessitates the right automated tools to manage the desktop with minimal user interaction and associated costs.
要满足这一需求,必须使用合适的自动化工具来管理桌面,将用户交互和相关成本降到最低。 ibm

This necessitates orchestrating the evolution of the OCOG from individual functional areas to integrated venue teams.
这需要奥组委由初始阶段的单个职能部门演变为后期的综合场馆工作组。 our-sky

Whatever its pros and cons as an energy source, one thing that's non- negotiable about nuclear power is the construction it necessitates.
无论赞成或是反对,核能作为一种能源,有一点是不可议付的,那就是它对人类世界的建设不可或缺。 yeeyan




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