

单词 necessitate
释义 ne·ces·si·tate 英nəˈsesɪˌteɪt美nəˈsɛsɪˌtetAHDnə-sĕsʹĭ-tāt' ★☆☆☆☆高六研IM6八TCOCA¹⁴⁸⁶⁷BNC²²⁴⁵⁶iWeb¹¹⁴⁹²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
v. 使⁸⁴…成为必需¹⁶; 迫使形容词necessitative名词necessitation过去分词necessitated现在分词necessitating三单necessitates

vt. 使成为必要

make necessary

require as useful, just, or proper;

It takes nerve to do what she did

success usually requires hard work

This job asks a lot of patience and skill

This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice

This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert

This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent

cause to be a concomitant词根词缀: ne-否定 + -cess-行走,退让→离开 + -it- + -ate动词词尾 → 离不开
用作动词 v.
~+名词necessitate a great food需要大量的食物necessitate a great supply需要大量的供应necessitate an operation需要手术necessitate punishment需要给以惩罚
necessity需要-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→使成为必需⇒需要,迫使。非常记忆necessity必需品+ate吃⇒需要买必需品吃吗来自necessaryadj. 必要的近义词 take拿ask询问need需要force武力oblige迫使demand要求impose强加compel强迫require要求dictate听写involve包含call for需要postulate假定反义词 obviate排除
S+~+ n./pron.His crime necessitated punishment.他的罪行必须给以惩治。
Your broken leg necessitated an operation.你的断腿需要手术。
Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.由于缺乏资金,就有必要改变计划。
The increase of production necessitates a greater supply of raw materials.随着生产的增加,原料的供应必须增多。
The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply.人口的增加需要更多的食物供应。S+~+ v -ingYour proposal necessitates borrowing money.你的提议使借款成为必要。
Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges.搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
This change would necessitate starting all over again.有了这一变动,就得从头干起。其他We were necessitated to make that choice.我们被迫作出了那种选择。




用作动词It would be best if these disputes could be resolved without recourse to the courts, but the broad reach of electronic networking will probablynecessitatechanges in common law.如果诸如此类的争议可以不上法庭就获得解决,是最好不过了,但电子网路的无远弗届或许会迫使普通法改变。verb.call for, make necessary
同义词 constrain,entail,requireask,behoove,cause,coerce,command,compel,crave,demand,drive,force,impel,make,oblige,postulate,take
反义词 calculate,check,delay,disallow,discourage,dissuade,fail,give,halt,lose,offer,refuse,reply,repress,stop
bindverb obligate;restrict
compel,confine,constrain,detain,engage,enslave,force,hamper,hinder,hogtie,indenture,lock up,oblige,prescribe,put half nelson on,put lock on,require,restrain,restrict,yoke
call forverb demand;entail
ask for,inquire,involve,lack,necessitate,need,occasion,request,require,suggest,want
called forverb demand;entail
asked for,inquired,involved,lacked,necessitated,needed,occasioned,requested,required,suggested,wanted
calls forverb demand;entail
asks for,inquires,involves,lacks,necessitates,needs,occasions,requests,requires,suggests,wants
compelverb force to act
bulldoze,coerce,concuss,constrain,crack down,dragoon,drive,enforce,exact,hustle,impel,make,make necessary,necessitate,oblige,put the arm on,put the chill on,restrain,shotgun,squeeze,throw weight around,turn on the heat,urge
compelsverb force to act
bulldozes,coerces,concusses,constrains,cracks down,dragoons,drives,enforces,exacts,hustles,impels,makes,makes necessary,necessitates,obliges,puts the arm on,puts the chill on,restrains,shotguns,squeezes,throws weight around,turns on the heat,urges The move to the IPv6 protocol will also necessitate some changes to domestic set-ups, said Pickles, but it should be a relatively straightforward process.
皮克莱斯还指出,为升级到IPv6,家庭用户的网络也需要一些变化,但会是一个相对简单的过程。 yeeyan

The two most important practices in life necessitate the proper management of time and the continual development of personal relationships.
人生两种重要的实践是合理的安排时间和培养不断增加的人际关系。 yeeyan

Accomplishing this may necessitate alliances with new partners external to one's own industry, to create richer, more robust, insight-generating customer data.
完成这一目标可能需要与其它自身产业外部的搭档联盟,以创造更加充实、更加稳定和蕴涵洞悉的客户数据。 yeeyan

At various points in the evolution of the enterprise models, changes to the exemplar, enterprise, or project models will necessitate a propagation or harvest operation.
在企业模型发展的不同时期,对范例、企业或者项目模型所做的变更,都需要进行传播或者获取操作。 ibm

Cloud computing calls for new interaction metaphors, and these metaphors necessitate new input- output technologies.
云计算需要以新的交互方式为依托,而新的输入输出技术则是其得以实现的前提。 blog.sina.com.cn

Does it necessitate a more convoluted build process?
是否需要更加复杂的构建过程? ibm

In general, accepting the defaults on import and installation will usually suffice, but a particular business need might necessitate changes to the defaults.
一般而言,接受导入和安装的默认设置就已经足够了,但是一个特殊的业务必须要对默认设置进行修改。 ibm

Make sure the system has no failing components, particularly those like the motherboard that might necessitate retiring the entire machine.
确保系统没有出现错误的组件,特别是主板这样导致整个机器被淘汰的重要组件。 ibm

One underlying concept behind decoupling is that changes to the service provider should not necessitate corresponding changes in the service consumer.
分离背后的一个基础概念就是,对服务提供者的修改不应要求在服务使用者中进行相应的修改。 ibm

Our findings further necessitate the efforts to identify reasons for the adverse trends in reproductive health to make preventive measures possible.
正因为有了我们的发现,大家更需要进一步去找到这种不利于生殖健康的真正原因,这样才能采取必要的防范措施。 yeeyan

That, in turn, will necessitate a worldwide stock exchange, he says, and international accounting standards will become the norm.
反过来,那将使一个世界范围的股票交易成为必要,他说,同时国际会计标准将成为准则。 yeeyan

The front office requirements necessitate the need for specialized software that can handle high volumes of data at extremely high speeds.
前端办公室需求非常需要能够以极快的速度处理大量数据的专门软件。 ibm

There are many aspects of the truth we hide from ourselves, because they would make us uncomfortable or necessitate change.
我们会对自己隐瞒真相的许多方面,因为它们让我们不舒服、或者让改变成为必要。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

These architectures necessitate changes in command chains as well as software development practices that many organizations are still trying to sort out and evaluate.
这些架构使得指挥链和软件开发实践中的变更成为必要,而这些正是许多组织试图挑选与评价的。 ibm

This development, along with the rapid acceptance of cloud computing across the globe, will necessitate a radical increase of developers with an understanding of this area.
这一趋势以及云计算在全球的快速流行势必导致了解这一领域的开发人员急速增加。 ibm

While some individual businesses might determine certain goods necessitate mass production, other forms of the cultural industry are more highly selective.
而一些商业行为决定了特定产品需要批量生产,另一些文化产业的形态具有更高的个性化。 yeeyan

With even a medium- sized project, this can necessitate tedious and error- prone updates.
对于一个中等规模的项目而言,这会造成冗长的、容易出错的更新。 ibm

Years of rising fiscal and trade deficits will also necessitate hard choices in the years ahead.
上涨了几年的财政收入和贸易逆差在未来的几年仍不可避免。 yeeyan




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