释义 |
Arthur Waley 基本例句 林纾 Arthur Waley's translations of Chinese Tang poetry have become classics of twentieth-century English verse.亚瑟?丰利翻译的中国唐诗已成为20世纪英语诗歌中的精品。 From the perspective of translation strategy,Arthur Waleyadopts domestication translation, while W.Arthur Waley的版本以归化翻译为主;W.Arthur Waley, Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China ,p.33. 王国维文集>第三卷;姚淦铭等编;中国文史出版社;1997年版;第45-46页.Abstract:Arthur Waleyis known to most people as one of the most prominent translators and sinologists in the 20th century,however,many critics regarded him as a poet and writer.摘要:在一般人眼里,亚瑟?魏理是二十世纪最杰出的翻译家和汉学家之一,其实,很多文学评论家更将其推为一个重要的英语作家和诗人。 As early as 1913,Arthur Waley, British translator and sinologist of the 20th century, made acquaintance with Ezra Pound and became a member of the Bluesberg cultural circles.阿瑟·魏理是20世纪英国伟大的翻译家和汉学家,早在1913年左右,他就与庞德相识并共同成为布鲁姆斯伯里文化圈子的一员。 Arthur Waleyand Bloomsbury Group: On Their Relation and Friendship魏理与布卢姆斯伯里文化圈交游考 |