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AC adapter短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本例句 交流电转接器,交流整流器 You need an AC adapter and a charged battery pack to update the BIOS. 在升级 BIOS时,需要接上交流电,并装好充好电的电池。51ibm If the voltage specified on the label or the plug design of the AC adapter does not match the rating or standard you use, please contact your dealer. 如果给定的电源电压数值或者变压器的插头结构不符合用户应用的标准,则请您与供货商协调。 tdict Plug in the AC adapter batteries still removed; computer should boot automatically, if not use the power button. 插电源,这是电池没插,机器会自动开机,假如没有就手动按开机键开机; www.tctl.com.cn The red torch with a tree representation of the fire, with the growing number of horns, said AC adapter, an AC/span> adapter Diagrams vividly the garden. 用红色的火炬树表示火,用象形的牛角表示火牛,一幅火牛阵图跃然园中。 qite8 |