

单词 neatly
释义 neatly 英'niːtlɪ美'nitli 高牛COCA⁷⁹⁵⁸BNC⁵²⁷⁹iWeb⁹⁰⁵⁰Economist⁷⁰⁷⁸

with neatness;

she put the slippers under the bed neatly

neatadj. 整洁的-ly像⇒adv.整洁地⁵⁰;熟练地⁵⁰adv.干净地;灵巧地;利索地;恰好地;极好地;巧妙地;灵活地;优雅地近义词 tidily整齐地in order整齐deftly灵巧地cleverly聪明地precisely精确地elegantly优美地gracefully优美地skillfully巧妙地ingeniously巧妙地effectively事实上conveniently方便地efficiently高效率地painstakingly费力地effortlessly毫不费力地carefully小心地,谨慎地…

用作副词Children must learn to writeneatly.孩子们必须学会整洁地写字。
He added up the list of figures and ruled it offneatly.他将那一栏数字加起来,之后很整洁地在下面划了一条直线。adv.tidily
同义词 accurately,adroitly,aptly,cleanly,efficiently,expertly,methodically,nicely,precisely,skillfullyadeptly,fastidiously,handily,orderly,sprucely
cleverlyadverb in a dexterous manner
gracefullyadverb lithely
adroitly,agilely,artistically,beautifully,charmingly,daintily,delicately,delightfully,dexterously,easily,elegantly,exquisitely,felicitously,fitly,graciously,handsomely,harmoniously,neatly,nimbly,pleasingly,rhythmically,skillfully,smoothly,sprucely,symmetrically,tastefully,trimly Is it a sign of confidence that his beard is dyed and neatly trimmed, and that he has forsaken his camouflage jacket and gun?
他那染黑的胡子修剪得很整齐,而且他没有穿迷彩服,没有带枪,但这些能说明他很自信么? ecocn

The mother bee neatly folds in the inner layer of petals, smears a paper- thin mud layer and then folds the outer petals.
母蜂先把最里面那层花瓣整齐地弯曲折叠起来,抹一层纸张厚的泥巴,再然后把外边那层花瓣也叠起来。 yeeyan

The real world is not neatly organized into tables, rows, and columns.
现实世界并非整齐划一地被组织成表、行和列。 ibm

After the de- fleshing process, the corpses had been neatly laid to rest on wide wooden shelves, the researchers speculate.
研究人员推测,在皮肉剥离的过程之后,这些尸体被整齐的安葬在宽的木头架子上。 yeeyan

All members fold and stack their clothes neatly after training.
队员在每次训练后都将这些衣服整齐叠好。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As you can see, the XML data is neatly presented with little effort.
正如您看到的,仅需少量工作即可整洁地显示 XML数据。 ibm

Do you know how to wind up a long rope neatly?

Don't fling your shoes in the cupboard, put them in neatly.

I didn't want to stare, but this was the oldest man I'd ever met, dressed neatly in shirt and tie, hair thick and tidy, eyes bright.
我没想瞪着他,但这是我至今见过的最老的人,这个人穿着整洁的衬衫和领带,头发浓密整齐,眼睛雪亮。 yeeyan

If all of your clothes are neatly put away, you should skip this post.
要是你的衣服现在正整整齐齐地躺在衣橱里,你完全可以忽略这些小贴士。 yeeyan

It was a neatly hand- labeled tape of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
而是贝多芬第九交响曲。磁带上手写的标记干净整齐。 yeeyan

It seems counterintuitive, but then everything about this farm stands in stark contrast to the surrounding acres of neatly rowed corn and soybean fields that typify modern agriculture.
这似乎有悖常理,然而,这个农场的一切都与周围那些具有现代农业典型特点、整齐划一的玉米和大豆地截然不同。 yeeyan

Its aesthetic effect is questionable, because properly and neatly laid curbstones look good as they are.
其美学艺术效果是值得质疑的,因为恰当、整洁铺设的路边石也看起来不错。 yeeyan

Listing9 is a simple CSS stylesheet that changes the font for the labels and aligns the form fields more neatly.
清单9是一个简单的 CSS样式表,它让标签字体变得更美观,并对齐表单字段使其更整齐。 ibm

Resume and letter are mailed flat in a business envelope first choice or neatly folded into thirds with the resume on top of the letter.
简历和求职信平放无折叠在一个商业信封里第一选择或整齐的折叠起三分之二放在信封里。 hjenglish

She was plainly but neatly dressed.

The carbon atoms then neatly arranged themselves into the crystalline structure of a diamond.
把碳原子排列得非常整齐,而形成晶体结构的钻石。 yeeyan

The custom designed strap achieves a perfect balance with the case, both featuring strong grooves, the tapered edges of the case meeting the strap neatly.
而用户定制设计的表带更是在这款手表上达到了完美的平衡:牢固的细槽和逐渐变窄的边缘使得表带整洁异常。 yeeyan

The neatly wrapped bills were found in a plastic shopping bag in a toilet for disabled people in the city hall of Sakado in the Tokyo suburbs.
这些包装整齐的款单被装在一个塑料购物袋内,放在东京郊外坂户市市政大厦的一个残疾人公厕。 huanqiu

They have a whole basement of neatly labeled boxes filled with CRAP.
他们有一整个地下室的垃圾整齐的装在有标签的盒子里。 yeeyan

Until recently, this small fold of tissue in the middle of the brain was depicted as neatly divided into four distinct areas.
直到最近,这个位于大脑中部的东西,被描绘为整齐划分成四个不同区域的小折叠组织。 yeeyan

With your files stored neatly end to end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.
随着您的档案端到端存放整齐,没有碎片,硬盘的读写速度加快。 yeeyan




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