

单词 near side
释义 near side短语⁷⁸⁰⁷²

名词 nearside:
the side of a vehicle nearest the kerb For example, a giant, high-speed impact could have blasted away much of the crust from the near side.
举个例子,一次威力巨大的高速撞击会把这一侧的月壳撞飞很大一块。 yeeyan

Go back to the near side and attach the lead rope snap to the chain.
返回内侧并把牵引索的扣索扣在链子上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Moreover, such a huge collision on the far side would have shifted much of the magma ocean that then underlay the moon’s surface to the near side, which led to the formation of the maria.
再者,月球远端如此强烈的撞击可能会迫使位于月球表面下的岩浆海流向近端,结果形成了平滑的正面。 yeeyan

She accepted these terms, and slid off on the near side, though not till he had stolen a cursory kiss. He sprang down on the other side.
她接受了这些条件,就从马上溜了下来,不过还是让他偷偷地吻了一下。他也从另一边跳下马。 hjenglish




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