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词汇 NDP
释义 NDP ˌendiːˈpiː COCA⁸⁰⁰¹⁵BNC³⁰⁰¹⁰
abbr. 三磷酸核苷 =nucleoside diphospateabbr. 新民主党 =New Democratic Party
Since the2005 fiasco the NDP has changed the rules to eliminate close judicial supervision of polls.
2005年大败后,国家民主党对制度作了修改,取消了对选举严格的司法监督。 ecocn

The NDP did especially well in French-speaking Quebec, at the expense of the separatist Bloc Québécois.
在法语魁北克斩获颇丰,得到分裂魁北克集团的费用赞助。 ecocn

Adding to the fears is the growing prominence of longtime NDP rival, the Muslim Brotherhood.
恐惧之外,还有国家民主党长期以来的对手穆斯林兄弟会的得势。 yeeyan

Adrian Dix, the NDP leader in the province, says his party should have supported it.
该省的新民主党领袖艾德里安•迪克斯表示新民主党早就应该支持此税收。 ecocn

After more than three decades in power, President Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party NDP conducts the political game to his liking.
执政三十年后,以埃及总统穆巴拉克为领导的民族民主党把这场政治游戏拐带向总统希望的方向上。 ecocn

As in the past, one reason for staying in the game is that the NDP’s tactics, in effect, strengthen the Brotherhood’s voting clout.
和过去一样,继续坚守的一个原因是国家民主党的策略,事实上,增强了兄弟会的选举影响力。 ecocn

Egyptian state television said the Higher Administrative Court had now ruled to officially dissolve the NDP and have its considerable assets handed over to the state.
埃及国家电视台表示,高级行政法庭现已判决正式解散民族民主党,并将其巨额财产上交国家。 hxen

In 2005 the Brotherhood surprised the NDP by winning more than half of the150 seats it contested, emerging as by far the strongest opposition force in the assembly.
2005年兄弟会赢得了150个议席中的大半席位,震惊了民族民主党,显露出当前局势中最强的竞争势力。 ecocn

In contrast, the New Democrats NDP, who came second in the vote, are a leftist party closely tied to labour.
相反,在大选中排名第二的新民主党 NDP则是与工人联系紧密的左派政党。 ecocn

In a letter released hours after his death, he urged Quebeckers to stick with the NDP and suggested a leadership convention in early2012.
在其辞世后公布的一封遗书中,他力劝魁北克人与新民主党站在一起,并建议在2012年初召开领袖大会。 ecocn

It let the NDP show loyalty to its base and flex its muscles as the new official opposition, while allowing the Conservatives to land a blow on a favourite punching bag.
一方面,它使新民主党表现出对其支持者的忠诚,作为新的反对派施展拳脚;一方面,也让保守党可以把反对派当个出气筒给予一击。 ecocn

Opposition supporters of the elections note that the last time they tried a boycott, in1990, the NDP simply shut them out, denying them a voice for five years.
大选中反对党的支持者也注意到了,上次抵制在1990年,当时政府未费努力就把抵制取缔了,使这些人五年来丧失了发言权。 ecocn

The leftish New Democratic Party NDP worried it would hurt the poor.
左派的新民主党 NDP顾虑这会损害穷人的利益。 ecocn

The ruling National Democratic Party NDP has never, since its creation in 1978, failed to win less than a two-thirds majority of seats in Egypt’s parliament.
执政党民族民主党 NDP自从1978年成立来,从来没有在埃及议会赢得少于三分之二的席位。 ecocn

The NDP was born in1961 from an uneasy marriage between agrarian socialists from Canada's prairie provinces and a largely urban labour movement.
新民主党创立于1961年,是城市劳工运动与加拿大草原三省代表农业的社会主义者勉强结合的产物。 ecocn

The NDP filibustered it for58 hours, delaying the start of Parliament’s summer recess.
新民主党对此展开了58小时的演讲,以延迟众议院的夏季休会。 ecocn

The NDP is likely to capture as many as400 of the508 seats being contested.
民族民主党很可能占据议会508个待争席位中的400个。 ecocn

The NDP will vote in March.
新民主党会将于三月份投票。 ecocn

NDP officials have denied orchestrating any campaign and say the party will select its presidential candidate by next June; the election is scheduled for September.
国家民主党对组织游行活动一事提出否认,并表示政党将在明年六月选举出总统候选人,参加预计九月举行的总统大选。 ecocn

NDP people have the deepest pockets, so the party can hand out favours at election time.
民族民主党的腰包最鼓,于是他们可以在选举时打点盟友。 ecocn

NDP MPs will need to start saving their breath if they hope to stave off privatisation with a filibuster.
新民主党议员如果希望通过演讲来暂时阻止私有化,那么他们需要开始休养生息了。 ecocn




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