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词汇 Nd
释义 Nd.
abbr.=neodymium【化】钕🌏新城疫Newcastle Disease;鸡新城疫;减光镜Neutral Density

a yellow trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; occurs in monazite and bastnasite in association with cerium and lanthanum and praseodymiuma state of north central United States bordering on Canada近义词 neodymium钕North Dakota北达科他州美国州名…
Nd… oh, it's too complicated to explain!他已经跟她结了婚,可她又爱上他姐夫,而且…哎,太乱了,说不清。 Off er to help your current employer fi nd your replacement.
申请帮助你的现任雇主找到接手人。 cri

The grad ND made it possible to capture this night scene in one exposure with some simple steps of post processing.
累进中密度滤镜的使用使得在一次曝光下只需简单的几个后期处理便能捕捉到这样的夜景。 tingvoa

The server configuration replication capability is available for both application server and ND profiles.
服务器配置复制功能对应用服务器和 ND概要文件同样有效。 ibm

Also, the list of actions supported at the cell level will vary, depending on whether it is a standalone or Network Deployment ND installation.
同样,单元层次上支持的操作列表会发生变化,这取决于它是独立的还是 Network Deployment ND安装。 ibm

Another limitation is that this capability only works with application server profiles, not for ND profiles.
另一个限制是,该性能只对应用服务器概要文件生效,而不能用于 ND概要文件。 ibm

By now you should be able to set up a single server and an ND environment and feel relatively comfortable with the idea of profiles.
至此,您已经可以设置单个服务器和 ND环境,并对概要文件有了更深入的了解。 ibm

For example, we may like to view the ND logical topology as figure6, it is the more ND- look-like view.
例如,我们也许希望看到图6中显示的 ND逻辑视图,这是一个更具 ND风格的视图。 ibm

However, this view is not convenient to figure out the logical topology of the ND environment.
但是,这个视图不便于展示 ND环境的拓扑。 ibm

If the services are invoked in a ND environment, message instances may run on either of the application members.
如果在 ND环境中调用服务,消息实例可以在任何应用程序成员上运行。 ibm

If you want to know more, WAS ND documentation provides ample information about WAS ND topologies.
如果您想了解更多, WAS ND文档提供足够多的有关 WAS ND拓扑的信息。 ibm

In 2007 he created the Empower ND commission, a group of businessmen representing old and new energy sources, to nurture co-operation and suggest policies.
2007年,他组办了 ND授权委员会该委员会由一群代表新旧能源资源的商人组成以培育合作及建议政策。 ecocn

In Version6, ND can create both a deployment manager and an application server, eliminating the need for more than one installation program.
在版本6中, ND可以创建部署管理器和应用程序服务器,无需其它的安装程序。 ibm

Money being the deciding factor, I came ashore in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, only to fi nd myself, six months later, skiing the slopes of Jackson Hole.
因为资金的限制,我在佛罗里达劳德代尔堡上了岸,却没想到六个月以后自己会在杰克逊坑的山坡上滑雪。 yeeyan

Now, it is a ND- look-like view according to figure6.
现在它成为一个 ND风格的视图,参见图6。 ibm

Oscar Hopkins, a young English clergyman, and Lucinda Leplastrier, an heiress, meet aboard a ship bound for Australia and fi nd they share a passion for gambling.
年轻的英国牧师奥斯卡霍普金斯和一位女继承人在驶往澳大利亚的船上相识,并发现彼此的赌瘾旗鼓相当。 yeeyan

The figures also show the use of a Mail client, a nd you can use your favorite Mail client to work with these examples.
这些图也显示了邮件客户端的使用,并且在这些示例中,你可以使用你喜爱的邮件客户端。 infoq

Therefore, this type of profile cannot be used standalone and should be federated into an ND cell after creation.
因此,该概要文件类型不能独立使用,应该在创建以后联接到 ND单元。 ibm

These are the components of WAS ND that actually do the work.
它们是真正完成工作的 WAS ND的组件。 ibm

This section describes how it can operate in a WAS ND cluster.
本节介绍它在 WAS ND集群中的运作方式。 ibm

This step sets up a basic ND environment, and is the task that makes the node a part of the ND environment.
该步骤将建立基本 ND环境,且使该节点作为 ND环境的组成部分。 ibm

WAS ND will actually distribute your requests to ALL the cluster members, depending on how much weight you've assigned to each cluster member.
WAS ND实际上会将您的请求分配到所有集群成员,这取决于您为每个集群成员分配的权重的大小。 ibm

We can customize the logical navigator to re- organize the managed systems shown in figure5 to make a ND- look-like view.
我们可以定制逻辑导航器以重新组织图5中显示的托管系统,从而创建一个 ND风格的视图。 ibm

Whenever a cluster member experiences a fault and stops operating, WAS ND automatically reroutes all subsequent requests to the remaining cluster members.
当一个集群成员出现错误且停止运行时, WAS ND自动将所有后续请求路由到其余集群成员。 ibm




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