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词汇 NCP
释义 NCPCOCA¹⁰²⁰¹⁹BNC⁴⁰¹⁸⁶
abbr.国家汽车停车场 National Car Parks
Having “ one foot in government and the other outside” is unimaginable, says Pekka Ravi of the National Coalition Party NCP.
国家联盟党 NCP的佩卡•拉维 Pekka Ravi说要一只脚在政府里一只脚在政府外是不可想象的。 ecocn

Patching together an NCP- SDP- True Finn coalition might therefore prove difficult.
将国家联合党、社会民主党和真芬党绑在一起太困难了。 ecocn

So the northerners of the NCP and the southerners of the SPLM will probably work solely to maintain Sudan’s corrupt status quo.
现在北方的全国大会党和南方的苏丹人民解放运动只能维持苏丹现在的腐朽现状了。 ecocn

Southern leaders still fear the NCP will not keep its promises, as so often in the past.
南方派的领导人仍然很担心全国大会党不会信守它的承诺,就像以往他们经常做的那样。 ecocn

The ruling NCP won nearly every seat in the north; many of the main opposition parties boycotted the poll.
执政党国家国会党几乎赢得了北方的所有席位;大多数的反对党对投票都表示质疑。 ecocn

The NCP agent in the polling station complained but the official stood firm.
一个全国大会党代表人在投票站抱怨,但调查员立场坚定。 ecocn

After establishing a link connection and completing authentication, PPP starts a Network Control Protocol NCP.
建立链接并完成身份验证以后, PPP将启动网络控制协议Network Control Protocol, NCP。 ibm

An official of Mr Bashir's National Congress Party NCP said he had published inflammatory articles and abetted the Justice and Equality Movement JEM, a Darfur rebel group.
据巴希尔总统的国家国会党的一位官员称,图拉比已经发布了煽动性的文件,鼓动一个达尔富尔叛军组织“公正与公平运动”进行暴乱行动。 ecocn

An intermediate circuit state that is displayed for a circuit state display when the NCP commands SHOW or LIST are issued.
一种中间电路状态,当发出 NCP命令 SHOW或 LIST时,作为电路状态显示而被显示。 iciba

Especially in constituencies near Khartoum, the capital, “flying regiments” of young NCP workers were bussed in to vote on dodgy registers.
特别是在靠近首都喀土穆附近的选区,年轻的全国大会党工人“飞虎团”乘坐公交车来到这里在不可靠的登记薄上进行投票表决。 ecocn

It may be an academic point, especially in the north, where victory for anyone but the NCP already seems unlikely.
这可能是一个学术观点,尤其是在北部,除了全国大会党之外其他任何人已经似乎没希望了。 yeeyan

It's presently offset from the NCP by0.7 degrees.
它目前和 NCP偏离了0.7度。 yeeyan

Kitchens run by the NCP provided food and drink to fortify waverers in temperatures reaching40 degrees centigrade.
由全国大会党经营的食堂会为这些在40摄氏度高温下摇摆不定的选民提供食物和饮料。 ecocn

Local NCP- run authorities, known as“ popular committees”, had the power to approve voters at the stations, many of whom had no form of ID.
当地有全国大会党领导的政府,被称为“人民委员会”,能够为投票站选民提供证明,因为他们中的很多人都没有身份证。 ecocn

Mr Bashir and his henchmen in the National Congress Party NCP are genuinely fearful of elections.
巴希尔先生和他全民大会党 NCP中的追随者是真的害怕选举。 ecocn

Now, however, the NCP and the south's ruling Sudan People's LiberationMovement SPLM have at last worked out most of the details.

Of the rest, the NCP got65% of the vote, the SPLM17% and other northern opposition parties still fewer.
剩余的选票中,全国大会党得到65%的选票,苏丹人民解放运动得到17%的选票,其他北部反对党则得到的更少。 ecocn

Officials at NCP tents erected opposite many polling centres in Khartoum received supporters bussed in to vote.
在喀土穆,很多在投票站对面安营扎寨的全国大会党官员迎接着一批批被巴士接过来的选民。 yeeyan

Some opposition parties“ boycotted” the vote in protest against the pre- election rigging of President Omar al- Bashir’s ruling National Congress Party NCP.
一些反对派“联合抵制”投票以此来抗议总统 Omar al- Bashi执政的全国大会党操控上一次选举。 yeeyan

Such incidents suggested that the national election commission and the NCP were in cahoots.
这些事件表明国家选举委员会和全国大会党是一伙的。 ecocn

The NCP, by contrast, has deployed the full resources of the state, including its near- monopoly on the state media, to help its campaign.
相比之下,全国大会党在全国部署了丰富的资金来帮助竞选,包括几乎垄断了国家媒体。 yeeyan

The NCP and its organs, says the younger Turabi, will revert to their old ways, using a security law to detain people arbitrarily.
小图拉比说道,国家国会党以及其党羽将会重新使用过去的政权方式——使用国家安全法律来独断专行,对人民实行拘留。 ecocn

The NCP believes that bail-outs are in Finland’s own interests.
社联党相信经济救援是为了芬兰自身的利益。 ecocn

This means that the NCP will likely seek to form a government with the opposition Social Democrats SDP, which came second, with42 seats.
这意味着国家联合党有可能寻求与在选举中名列第二、拥有42个席位的另一在野党社会民主党联手执政。 ecocn

With far more money than any other party, the NCP can afford to do this sort of thing.
相对于其他政党拥有丰厚的资金,全国大会党可以承担这类事情的费用。 yeeyan




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