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释义 NCLBCOCA³³⁵⁶⁷
And though over the past week the president has repeatedly called on Congress to amend the law, his proposed reforms are largely cosmetic and would leave the worst aspects of NCLB intact.
过去一周时间内总统不断号召议会修订法律,承诺教育改革会很美妙并将完全消除 NCLB带来的不利因素。 yeeyan

Fed up with waiting, Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, said this week that he will start releasing states from the need to comply with NCLB.
教育部长阿恩•邓肯再也等不下去了,他在本周表示,他将解除各州对于该法案的执行。 ecocn

Ms Darling-Hammond is a vocal critic of No Child Left Behind NCLB, the federal law that promotes testing and accountability.
达玲-哈蒙曾直言不讳地批判“不让一个孩子掉队”法令,这一法令推广测试和说明性。 ecocn

But though she and Barack Obama deride NCLB publicly, each endorses the idea of accountability.
虽然她和奥巴马公开讽刺 NCLB,但两人都支持由学校承担责任的做法。 ecocn

But for the Democratic candidates in particular, a proper debate on NCLB is to be avoided like political quicksand.
但是特别对民主党的候选人来说,尽量不就 NCLB法案争论以免陷入政治泥潭。 ecocn

Critics have a point that NCLB is nowhere near its2014 goal of100 percent proficiency in math and reading.
有一个评论说 NCLB无处不在接近它的2014年的目标-数学和阅读100%精通。 yeeyan

His plan would fix NCLB’s most obvious failings, such as neglecting to track the progress of individual pupils.
他的计划将弥补 NCLB最明显的缺陷,比如忽视了对于单个学生的进步跟踪。 ecocn

John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, offers NCLB tepid support but fails to elaborate.
共和党总统提名人麦凯恩对 NCLB仅予不冷不热的支持,但并未详加阐述。 ecocn

Mike Petrilli of the Fordham Institute in Washington, DC, says there is no question that the states need relief from the original NCLB, but thinks that Mr. Duncan is being politically tone-deaf.
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区富翰研究所的迈克。佩特里说:毫无疑问,《有教无类法》原案对各州规定过严,必须放宽限制,但他认为邓肯此项做法非明智之举。 ecocn

Mr Duncan has already spoken to more than30 governors about issuing waivers from NCLB. Most want them.
邓肯先生已经与30多名州长谈了关于给他们该法案的豁免权的想法,大多数州都希望得到豁免权。 ecocn

Race to the Top went even beyond NCLB in its reliance on test scores as the ultimate measure of educational quality.
力争上游计划比起 NCLB更加依赖于最终的考试分数,因其做为教育质量的终极评价准则。 yeeyan

State standards diverge wildly. NCLB’s main goal, for all pupils to be proficient in reading and maths by 2014, is unrealistic.
鉴于各州的标准相差巨, NCLB的主要目标,即到2014年前让所有小学生熟练掌握阅读和算术技能,根本不切实际。 ecocn

States are now worried that they will lose vital federal funding because the NCLB connects aid with test results.
由于法案提供的补助与测试结果相挂钩,联邦州担心会因此得不到重要的联邦教育资金。 ecocn

Ten years ago Congress passed the No Child Left Behind Act NCLB, a bold effort to improve America’s schools.
十年前,国会通过了《不让一个孩子掉队法》 No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB——一项旨在改进美国学校系统的大胆举措。 kekenet

They feel keenly betrayed by President Obama. Most voted for him, hoping he would reverse the ruinous No Child Left Behind NCLB legislation of George W. Bush.
他们敏感的觉得被奥巴马背叛一样,大多数人将选票投给奥巴马的原因是希望他能扭转乔治 W.布什时代实施NCLB法案带来的不利局面。 yeeyan

This may change: Barack Obama and Arne Duncan, the education secretary, have long been critical of NCLB.
这或许会改变:巴拉克·奥巴马和教育部长阿恩诺·邓肯早就对“让一个孩子掉队”法律持否认态度。 yeeyan

NCLB turns out to be a timetable for the destruction of public education.
NCLB法案只是制定破坏公共教育的时间表。 yeeyan

NCLB has in fact long been criticised for its reliance on tests and not enough on progress.
事实上,《有教无类法》依赖考试,对进步重视不够,这一点长期以来饱受批评。 ecocn

NCLB exposed the dismal performance of schools. But it has also demonstrated how clumsy Washington's hand can be.
有教无类法案出台后,学校令人担忧的表现便公之于众,不仅如此,政府愚笨别扭的政策也同样暴露无遗。 ecocn

NCLB exposed the dismal performance of schools.
LCLB暴露了学校的糟糕表现。 ecocn

NCLB mandated that 100 percent of students be proficient in reading and math by 2014.
NCLB法案要求到2014年时100%的学生在阅读和数学方面必须达到优秀。 yeeyan

NCLB requires states to test pupils on maths and reading from third to eighth grade that is, from the ages of eight to13, and once in high school.
NCLB计划要求各州考核三到八年级的学生也就是8-13岁的学生数学和阅读的水平,这种考核曾经在高中实施过。 ecocn

NCLB was supposed to help bad schools improve, but most states pursued superficial reform.
《不让一个孩子掉队》也曾试图帮助差校进步,但大多数州却仅仅追求表面上的改革。 ecocn




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