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nberCOCA²¹¹³⁹³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 National Bureau of Engineering Registration 国家工程注册局 In fact, NBER says any future downturn would be a new recession. 但统计局又补充道,任何未来的经济下滑都将造成一场新的衰退。 yeeyan THE headquarters of the National Bureau of Economic Research NBER, on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge, Massachusetts, looks out on a row of shops. 美国国家经济研究局 NBER的总部坐落于剑桥县麻省的麻省大道上,其正对面就是一排昔日繁华的店铺。 ecocn The NBER is also the authority on the ups and downs of the business cycle; its analysts to this day determine the official beginning and ending dates of recessions. 国家经济研究所还是商业周期起伏的权威,如今,由它的研究人员裁定经济衰退开始和结束的正式日期。 yeeyan A recent NBER paper* sheds light on why this might be the case. 最近一个 NBER论文解释了为什么可能是这样。 ecocn According to the National Bureau of Economic Research NBER, the most authoritative source of information regarding business cycles, there have been11 recessions since1945. 根据美国国家经济研究局——商界最权威的信息来源所提供的数据,自1945年来美国共发生过11次经济衰落。 yeeyan Buffett's bullish call on the U.S. economy doesn't rule out the NBER hedging of bets, indicating that there could be another downturn in the economy, but it would be a new recession. 巴菲特有关美国经济重新看好的说法与统计局有关经济新一轮下滑的说法并不矛盾,但如果成真,我们就将面临一个新的衰退期。 yeeyan But here comes NBER with some fresh conclusions about the secret impact of the minimum wage. 但是国家经济研究局提出一些关于最低工资的潜在影响的有趣的结论。 yeeyan But collapsing property prices, foreclosed homes and soaring unemployment, all effects of the recession which the NBER announced on December1st2008, have taken their toll. 但是房价暴跌、家产被回收和失业率飞涨— NBER于2008年12月1日宣布的经济衰退,所有反应均已呈现。 ecocn But even the NBER’s more sophisticated approach is too simplistic in that it defines a recession as an absolute decline in economic activity. 但即使是 NBER用更加精密的方法把衰退定义为经济活动的减少,还是显得过于简单了。 yeeyan By the NBER's calculation the current recession is already longer than those of2001 and1990-91. 按照 NBER的算法,当期的经济衰退要比2001年度和1990-91年度的衰退期要长。 ecocn.org During the past half- century, whenever America’s unemployment rate has risen by half a percentage point or more the NBER has later often much later declared it a recession. 在过去半个世纪中,只要美国的失业率增长0.5%或更多, NBER随后经常要很久之后都宣布进入衰退。 yeeyan However, the NBER is not likely to call the end of the recession until at least late2009 or early 2010. 然而,直到2009年末或2010年初之前, NBER将几乎不可能称衰退已经结束。 yeeyan Indeed, all the variables used by the National Bureau of Economic Research NBER to date recessionary periods will continue to contract or display subpar growth. 实际上,国家经济研究局 NBER的所有变量显示,衰退时代仍将持续,或是表现为低于标准的增长。 yeeyan One among the handful of economists on the NBER committee is Martin Feldstein of Harvard University. 统计局委员会众多经济学家之一、来自哈佛大学的马丁·费德施泰因正是这种观点的支持者。 yeeyan One problem to note is that the NBER dating obscures what I call“ super cycles, ” which should not be confused with Kondratiev or Elliot Wave cycles. 问题之一是,国家经济研究局测定的时间模糊了我所说的超级周期,它不能同康德拉季耶夫周期或艾略特波浪周期相混淆。 yeeyan The NBER’s pronouncement did not dampen the ebullient mood of investors. 美国全国经济研究局的声明并没有挫伤投资者的热情。 ecocn The NBER's business cycle dating committee actually takes a wide variety of economic data into account. 国经所的经济周期委员会将各类经济数据实际的纳入到研究范围内。 yeeyan Though the NBER's wonks will not pronounce for many months, their criteria look increasingly likely to be met. 尽管 NBER的书呆子专家数月内都不会宣布经济衰退,然而,达到他们所定标准的可能性却越来越大了。 ecocn NBER does this, rather than the federal government, to eliminate the possibility of political bias affecting the determination. 与联盟政府相比,国经所确实对此有所作为,他们排除了政策上的倾斜对衰退期的影响。 yeeyan NBER looks at many factors in its dating of peaks, troughs, and recessions, but it largely boils down to GDP. 国家经济研究局为高峰、低谷和衰退测时需要考察许多因素,但它严重依赖于 GDP。 yeeyan |