释义 |
Nazha 基本例句 纳扎¹⁰⁰ ThisNazha's circle,it was the small clever child used.这就是哪吒圈啊,是小神童用的刀刀。。。。。。。。 Executive also human beings, not gods, not a man of bionic strength ofNazhanot Avalokitesvara.长官也是人,不是神,不是三头六臂的哪咤,不是千手观音。 At that time, there are two changes to the programme, is aNazha, is a Baiqi Tun.当时的修改方案有两个,一个是哪吒,一个是白鳍豚。 Among them, with strong ethnic characteristics of “Yesterday Once Ching Cheung,” “Erlongxizhu”, “Nazhamake the sea” Sitan patterns, as the gardens of flowers Sitan Qihuayicao.其中,具有浓厚民族特色的“龙凤呈祥”、“二龙戏珠”、“哪咤闹海”等丝毯图案,成为丝毯百花园里的奇花异草。 HowNazhathrice tricked the Six-eared Monkey哪吒三戏六耳猴 Nazhaconquers the seven devils at Mount Mei哪咤梅山收七怪 |