

单词 arthropod
释义 ar·thro·pod 英ˈɑːθrəˌpɒd美ˈɑrθrəˌpɑdAHDärʹthrə-pŏd' 高TCOCA⁴¹³⁸¹BNC⁷⁰⁷⁹⁹iWeb²⁷⁸⁰⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin词根词缀: -arthr-关节 + -o- + -pod-足soil arthropod土壤节肢动物…arthropod-borne virus节肢动物媒介病毒,虫…arthropod transmission节肢动物传播…arthropod pest节足害虫arthropod repellant驱避药arthropod insect节足害虫
钱博士arthro节+pod足⇒节肢动物,节肢动物的arthro节+pod足⇒节肢动物,节肢动物的近义词 insect昆虫

用作名词A chela or similar pincerlike structure on the end of a limb of a crustacean or otherarthropod.钳,螯甲壳类动物或其他节肢动物肢端的螯或相似的钳状构造。
Thearthropodspecies and individuals at the jujube yard with weeds were considerably higher than those without weeds.有杂草的枣园,节肢动物各类群的物种数明显高于无杂草的冬园,并且优势种不明显。as in.insect
同义词 ant,aphid,bee,beetle,butterfly,cockroach,dragonfly,flea,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,ladybug,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,spider,termite,tickarachnid,bedbug,bumblebee,cootie,fly,hornet,lousedaddy longlegs,praying mantis,vermin,yellowjacket
insectnoun bug
ant,aphid,arachnid,bedbug,bee,beetle,bumblebee,butterfly,cockroach,cootie,daddy longlegs,dragonfly,flea,fly,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,hornet,ladybug,louse,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,praying mantis,spider,termite,tick,vermin,yellowjacket Looking like an Olympic diver, this new species of aquatic arthropod was found in the Milyang River in South Korea's Gyeongnam Province.
在韩国庆南市的密阳江中发现的新型甲壳类物种看上去就像是一位跳水运动员一般。 yeeyan

The species component and species richness, dominance, ecological concentration, diversity and evenness of arthropod community in summer maize fields were studied in detail.
系统研究了夏玉米田节肢动物群落的相对多度、丰富度、生态优势度、多样性指数和均匀度的变动。 cnki

The composition of Arthropod species in maize fields in Daqing was investigated in order to study the natural enemy and its use work, to develop the work of integrated pest manage to the cornfield.
为了更好地开展对玉米田天敌的研究和利用工作,以及对玉米害虫的综合治理工作,进行了玉米田节肢动物的种类构成成分调查。 dictall

The effects of species pool on community reestablishment were studied from a facet of predatory arthropod community.
从捕食性天敌的角度研究了稻田节肢动物种库对其群落重建的作用。 dictall

The Japanese Spider Crab is the biggest arthropod on Earth-- their legs are believed to grow up to12 feet long.
日本的蟹型蜘蛛是地球上最大的节肢动物,它们的腿被认为能够长到12英尺长。 yeeyan

The optimum sampling unit, sampling method and sampling number of arthropod diversity in leafy vegetable field were also determined.
据此,确立了菜心田节肢动物类群多样性的最佳抽样单位、抽样方式和抽样量。 cnki

The result showed that the amount and structure of the arthropod had a considerable difference between organic farming area, pure fertilizer area and normal farming area.
结果表明,有机耕作区、纯化肥区、常规耕作区各种节肢动物所占比例差异较大。 cnki

The arthropod through the contact, instead spits with the excrement discharges ways and so on pathogen.
节肢动物通过接触、反吐和粪便排出病原体等方式。 guahaozhan

Using arthropod as bio- indicator to assess the success of ecological restoration is a focus of present research in restoring ecology.
节肢动物作为生物指示物对生态恢复进行评价是当前恢复生态学研究热点之一。 cnki

“ Charlotte’s Web.” The story of the spider who saves her friend, the pig, is the kindest representation of an arthropod in literary history.
《夏洛特的网》讲述了一只蜘蛛拯救她的猪朋友的故事,蜘蛛夏洛特成为文学史上最善良的节肢动物的代表。 yeeyan

A distinct section of an arthropod, consisting of two or more adjoining segments, such as the cephalothorax of a spider.
一种节肢动物的一节,包含两个或更多相连的环节,比如一只蜘蛛的头胸部。 odict.net

According to the4-inch- wide arthropod, the entire planet— once nothing more than a large, tedious mass of molten rock—has really taken shape recently.
据这只4英寸长的节肢动物说,整个星球-除了大量的熔岩外一无所有-真的是最近才形成的。 yeeyan

He could have made the scorpion an arthropod version of the girl, but such an act would have been beneath his standards.
他本来可以把女孩画成蝎子,但是这种把戏不是范老师的作为。 yeeyan

Increased long- distance air travel facilitates the movement of infected persons and exotic arthropod vectors around the world.
距离延长的空中旅行对于感染者与外来的节肢动物媒介在全世界的移动创造有利条件。 chinafanyi.com

Population movements and the intrusion of humans and domestic animals into arthropod habitats have resulted in emergent disease episodes, some of which are the stuff of fiction.
人口迁移与人、畜闯入节肢动物栖息地的情况,过去已经引起人畜共患病的浮现,其中有些事例成为写小说的材料。 tdict

Slowly inching his segmented exoskeleton across the sea floor, a local marine arthropod, class Trilobita, reported that Earth's natural evolution was“ progressing quite nicely.”
一只本地海洋节肢生物带着它的节肢外壳慢慢的在海底穿行,标准三叶虫,这说明地球自然演化是“绝妙的进展”。 yeeyan

The above response is different from the typical numerical response, falling into the peculiar type of arthropod and crop species.
上述反应与经典数值反应不同,属于节肢动物与作物种类引起的特殊反应类型。 cnki

The power of Arthropod is not only in its simplicity, but also in the range of different log- types.
Arthropod的强大之处不仅在于其易用性,而且它还可以区分不同的日志类型。 infoq

The arthropod community structure and diversity influenced by the forest type.
林分类型对节肢动物群落结构及多样性的影响。 cnki

To investigate the structure and species composition of urban soil arthropod community is of significance in protecting urban species diversity.
掌握城市土壤节肢动物的群落结构和物种组成对保护城市物种多样性具有重要意义。 cnki

We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.
我们本以为这是一个小小的垃圾桶,但是不,这是只椰子蟹,该物种是陆地上最大的节肢动物。 yeeyan

When using Arthropod, you can see the error right away.
如果使用 Arthropod就可以立刻看到错误消息。 infoq

Arthropod is a debugger tool for Flash or AIR application development.
Arthropod是个针对 Flash和 AIR应用开发的调试工具。 infoq




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